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北京门头沟多处路段山体塌方 灵山景区再次封闭--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

较大的落石只能先破碎后再清理。本报记者胡雪柏摄 Larger rockfalls can only be broken to clean up after。Our correspondent HuXueBai perturbation
  受7·21特大暴雨以及连日来的阴雨影响,昨天门头沟区多处山体出现塌方事故,导致多个路段断路,灵山景区暂时封闭。事故幸未造成人员伤亡。事后,北京道路养护集团前往现场抢修。 By 7 · 21 severe storms and days of wet effect,Yesterday in appear as mentougou district landslides,Lead to multiple sections open circuit,Lingshan scenic area temporarily closed。Luckily accident caused no casualties。After the event,Beijing road maintenance group to the site repair。


>>南雁路 >>The south wild goose road


山体崩塌阻断交通 Landslides blocking traffic


8 o 'clock yesterday morning,The south wild goose and subsequent landslides happened defence village section,The road to the south will all jam。At about eleven yesterday morning,The south wild goose is still on the way of a warning signs。Beijing road maintenance group 6 a construction truck and more than 10 workers are still in the cleaning up the road from the rock。


According to understand,Landslides is about 200 cubic meters。Around ten o 'clock yesterday morning,The scene to clear out the traffic lanes。Maintenance of group staff introduced,They received a notice of the subsequent landslides after getting to repair,Use cannon hammer will rocks after smashed)。“We use trucks carried around 30 trip to basic clean,Most of the time the congestion around 20 car,Basically drift trucks,And a car 929 feeder bus。”


Workers are also introduced,Because rainy days,Subsequent landslides risks remain,The mountain are considering the nets for protection。


>>灵山 >>lingshan


景区再次暂时关闭 Scenic spot temporarily closed again


The night before last men-tou vallely lingshan resort mountain in the same happened subsequent landslides,More than 1000 cubic meters of rocks will road congestion。When the incident and no tourists in the original,Subsequent landslides caused no injuries。


1 PM yesterday afternoon,Lingshan road to placing the warning signs,Road maintenance group staff is still in the open circuit to clear。A road maintenance group of anonymity, officials say,Road traffic is expected today,Subsequent landslides happened sections of loose rock,Can't into steel nails installation defend the net,“The specific measures to deal with the field exploration over again to discuss”。


In the entrance of the lingshan resort,Few of the scenic spot workers are in a vehicle traffic to dissuade into stalkers。According to understand,7 · 21 severe storms after natural disasters,Men-tou vallely tourism administration asked 25 to 29 temporarily closed scenic spot。Lingshan resort introduced the ticket office,29 open scenic spot in the future,At 8 yesterday morning again receive the notice closed scenic spot,“Scenic spot management office shut requirements,Discouraged tourists don't into,Since the 21 after heavy rain on basic no tourists,Before the weekend to have thousands of,Today the two dial in total tourists,Less than 10 people,All advised back。”


>>百花山 >>The baihua


一天内三处路段塌方 A day in three sections on landslides


Around 3 PM yesterday,+ 100 K12 mountain mentougou district flowers sections on subsequent landslides happened,Lead to two-way lanes closed nearly 3 hours。Large rocks and vegetation fall off,Highway up the pile is about 700 cubic meters or so。According to Beijing road maintenance group on site working staff is introduced,Is expected to last night around 6 road can rob expert。Workers are also introduced,8 o 'clock yesterday morning,+ 400 K14 mountain flowers and K15 + 400 sections appear the same mountain landslides,But no casualties,And yesterday in about 1 p.m. in good repair,Solve traffic problems。


The police said,Receipt of the notice,Almost every collapsed where roads are send two officers,Prevent vehicles regardless of danger to pass。


Mentougou district tourism bureau staff reminded,By 7 · 21 heavy rains and the rainy influence,The mountain rocks appear loose,Prone to subsequent landslides。“In the interests of safety,Hope completely after it,The passengers to visit again mountain area。”


Meet when landslides,To the perpendicular to the direction of the Rolling Stones run,Avoid by all means does not in fleeing toward landslide direction to run;Never will avoid the choice for landslide disaster in the ascent or downhill;Can't continue to flee,Should embrace the trees around quickly fixed objects, etc,Can avoid in under the firm barriers,Or squat in camp to、To ditch, etc;Aid is being landslide buried when the things and people,Supposed to margin of open water after the landslide,From the side of the landslide began digging,To save,JiuWu after。
