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旅游旺季车房紧俏 旅行社大喊“伤不起”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  每年的暑假7、8月份,旅游业界都把它当作是旅游旺季,可眼下承担地接的众多旅行社却在暗自叫苦。每逢旺季,不仅车、房、导游难找,而且各种费用也都会跟着狂涨,今年的涨幅更是超出了许多旅行社的预期。      The summer vacation every year 7、August,The travel industry are as tourism peak season,But for the time being to meet many of the travel agency for but was to complain。Every season,Car not only、room、Guide hard to find,And all sorts of charge extra also will follow,This year's rise is beyond the many travel agencies expected。   价格大涨,不敢接团了 Prices surged to,Can't meet the group    “前段时间接的一个团,很累的行程,可几天下来,旅行社不仅没赚到钱,还亏了一万多。”经营着一家旅行社的刘波告诉记者。   一到旺季,所有费用都在涨,酒店、航空、客运统统都在涨,而旅行社却不敢随便多涨,涨的高了,游客就不报团了。其次,酒店也是问题,酒店在市区中心的价格一般波动不会太大,因为酒店数量多,竞争大,但到了景点周边就不一样了,如在黄山、九寨沟等地,因为酒店房源有限,在旅游旺季,一度高涨达四倍之多,且酒店方作为卖方市场,态度强势,“我们预定房间都一定要先交了钱才算,协议什么的根本不管用。”刘波无奈地表示。     “旺季车费大涨,但不用不行,涨价涨到说出去别人都不信的程度。”重庆中旅的部门经理陈广辉称,“提前报价,对方说还早,等到了用车的时候就开始坐地起价,比如事先说好的是一万块,而旺季来临,出团的时候,旅行车的费用一下子就涨到了1.4-1.5万元,涨幅高达30%-50%,但这样的涨价,是没有相关的部门进行监管的,旅行社更是没有办法。”   “Some time ago to connect of a ball,Tired of the trip,But a few days down,Travel agency not only didn't earn much money,Lost more than ten thousand。”Manages the travel agency the LiuBo told reporters。 A busy season to,All the expenses are up,The hotel、aviation、All in all passenger rise,And travel agency but dare not to rise more,High up the,Visitors will not quote group。second,The hotel is also a problem,The hotel in the city center of the general price fluctuation is not too large,Because the hotel quantity,Competition big,But in the surrounding attractions is not the same,As in huangshan、Jiuzhaigou, etc,Because the hotel suite limited,The tourist season in,Once rising up to four times as many,And the hotel party as a seller's market,Strong attitude,“We reserved a room must pay the money just calculate,Don't care what agreement with。”LiuBo helplessly said。   “Season rose the fare,But don't have no,Prices up to say out the other people all not believe degree。”Chongqing travel department manager ChenGuangHui says,“Offer early,Each other earlier said,In the car to swapping,Such as prior said good is RMB ten thousand,And the season,When a group,The cost of the station wagon was up to 1.4-15000 yuan,Rose as high as 30%-50%,But the price increases,There is no related departments of the regulation,Travel agency is no way。”
车子难找,票务难订 Car difficult to find,Ticketing difficult book    而谈到车票难买,南昌中国国旅的林鑫感慨不已。为了给参团游客购买南昌至北京的卧铺车票,他费尽了周折,最后加价200元/张的手续费才买到。   据了解,林鑫接的这个团有31名北京游客,然而,林鑫提前一周托人到市内多个火车票售票点排队购票,都一无所获。接着他又找到南昌多家旅行社负责人,但对方均答复,南昌到北京属于热门线路,根本没有多余的车票。直到出行前一天,林鑫才在一家旅行社凑齐了票,不过每张车票要加收手续费200元。   据业内人士介绍,暑假出行旺季一般到了8月下旬便逐渐收尾,九月份会进入旅游行业的短暂休整期,但由于今年“十一”假期长达8天,预计又将迎来一股新的旅游热潮。   Asked to buy tickets,Nanchang CITS LinXin regrets the unceasingly。In order to give CanTuan visitors to Beijing to buy nanchang berth ticket,He struggled fairly easily,The last increase 200 yuan/a fee to get。 According to understand,LinXin connect of this group have 31 Beijing tourists,however,LinXin subject to more than a week before the train ticket booth standing in line to buy tickets,garnered。He then find more of nanchang travel agencies,But the other side are reply,Nanchang to Beijing to belong to hot line,No extra tickets。Until the day before travel,LinXinCai in a travel agency raise the ticket,But each ticket will charge $200 fee。 Introduce according to the personage inside course,Summer travel season generally to late August will gradually ending,In September, the tourism industry in the short fallow,But because this year“11”Holiday for eight days,And will have a shares are expected to new tourism boom。
