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伦敦中国消费团 抓住奢侈品最后的平价--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网8月9日电 2012年的英国奥运会并没有像2008年中国奥运会那样,对于经济给予强大的提振。虽然英国采取了多项措施提振经济,希望通过奥运热潮带动英国经济的好转,但英国人丝毫不买账。不过中国人不管走到哪里都是非常够义气的,中国购物团将消费之火一路烧到欧洲,平均每笔200英镑的消费,势要抓住欧洲奢侈品最后的尾巴。 Beijing August 9 (Reuters) 2012 years of British Olympic Games and not like 2008 China's Olympic Games like that,For the economy to give strong to boost。Although Britain adopted various measures to boost the economy,Hope the Olympics driven boom of Britain's economy better,But the British an unappreciative nothing。But the Chinese no matter go to where is very enough of the fellowship,China shopping group will be the fire burning all the way to the consumer to Europe,On average every sum of 200 pounds in consumption,ShiYao catch European luxury finally tail。


奥运遭本土居民冷落中国消费者救驾奥运经济 The local residents left out by Chinese consumers JiuJia Olympic economy


Chinese consumer spending power to no matter which country are very“recognition”。Along with the British Olympic tourist boom,China shopping group and shopping heat burn all the way to the UK,And those who think“The Olympic Games has nothing to do with me”British BenTuRen compared,Chinese consumers shot beyond it“awesome”。


Local time on August 2,The British government announced the first week of tourism revenue,Global tourists in London costs 445 million pounds。One Chinese tourists shot high average every pen most consumer as high as 203.04 pounds(Around 2030 yuan),Than in the next the united Arab emirates 10% higher。The streets of London everywhere“We duty-free”Chinese words such as,The London open all their arms,Chinese tourists to the purse puffed out very enthusiastic。


British tourism administration in charge of China policy LiuHuiXin is quoted in the media said,Chinese tourists to the luxury goods“Crazy love”Let the British shock。“Last Christmas season of the discount,The purchasing power of the Chinese people to Britain-and were left feeling useless,The British media even created a process called"Beijing pounds",Also is the Chinese took pounds。”

  据John Lewis一位发言人称,中国游客在其旗舰店的消费额比去年同期上涨了28%。有些品牌甚至专门雇佣普通话售货员,以满足奥运期间中国游客的需要。

John Lewis, according to a spokesman,Chinese tourists in its flagship store's consumption rising 28% more than the same period last year。Some brands and even special hiring mandarin salesman,In order to meet the needs of Chinese tourists during the Olympics。


Compared with,The BBC's sampling survey,More than 59% of British people think“The Olympic Games has nothing to do with me”。Even 4 million britons are selection in during the Olympic Games to travel abroad,The London area only the number to nearly 800000。And British prime minister Cameron said earlier“The London 2012 Olympic Games will be in the next four years to bring 13 billion pounds of the British economy income。”I'm afraid need more which completed。


疯狂欧洲消费抓住奢侈品低价最后的尾巴 Crazy European luxury consumption catch low last tail


Said to Chinese consumers of the European hot consumption,Have to mention Chinese consumers for European luxury list。And consumers to Europe to buy luxury goods,Because of the existence of long-term often because tariffs,The same paragraph in overseas prices luxury in mainland China in general to cheap price by 40%。

  中国内地的奢侈品与海外地区存在巨大价差由来已久,这使很多中国人选择在海外购买奢侈品。贝恩咨询调查显示,中国消费者的奢侈品消费中,约六成为境外(包括港澳)消费。据境外旅游购物服务公司环球蓝联(Global Blue)统计,中国人每到欧洲、新加坡这样的地方进行一次出境购物游,都要花掉差不多1.1万欧元。

The Chinese mainland and overseas areas of luxury goods there is a huge price has a long history,This makes many Chinese selection in overseas buy luxury goods。Bernd consulting survey,Chinese consumers in the luxury consumption,About six become overseas(Including Hong Kong and Macao)consumption。According to foreign tourism shopping service company universal blue league(Global Blue)statistics,Chinese each to Europe、Singapore such a place on a exit shopping Tours,All will cost almost 11000 euros。


And according to《The Wall Street journal》report,The international famous brand prada spokesman said,“If the euro remains weak,So in order to reduce the price with China,We may consider will products in the price of Europe by up to 10%,Of course, we could not increase the price in mainland China。”The move for the luxury fans have to be a precarious news,Cast in the price of the goods as far as possible before ascension and became the European trip the necessary of world war I。


A fresh from the return of the British tourists to Beijing financial channel about the shopping experience in Britain said,In large shopping mall there will be waiting at the door of the consumers in China to his fellow men“borrow”passport:Because the international luxury to buy the restrictions on the quantity,So we need to“borrow”With the number of others to buy luxury products,And the difference for less than the price paid to each other as a reward,The move enough to show that China consumer for luxury brand high degree。


Such as prada speech's message,Excessive price mechanism is also follow the jewelry market mechanism,progressive。Europe have risen by 10% and jewelry,Fair to profitable。A: Mr. Lin said international to buy on sb,At present Chinese and European luxury goods generally about 40% in the price,So will try to choose in Europe to buy,In the context of the European economic stimulus,In the foreign buying more advantage。But with the foreign luxury prices,The price will be compressed,It is only when the spreads narrowed down to around 10%,Also is just can make up the cost of purchasing,More people will choose to be purchased in domestic market。


人民币贬值预期渐浓国外购买感觉资产“没缩水” The depreciation of RMB expected gradually thick feel assets purchase abroad“Didn't shrink”


Days of yuan depreciation and depreciation expected has become the consumers are willing to go abroad is one of the reasons for shopping。With the recent months weaker economic situation,Foreign direct investment in China continue to fall,RMB continues to suffer from depreciation pressure。


Along with the bank interest rates cut and financial market continuously recession,Part of the consumer said,Rather than allowing assets shrink,As buy some not easy depreciation of the things,And foreign travel and shopping became relatively good choice。International purchasing Mr Lin also to Beijing financial channel said,The value of the yuan is expected to consumers also have certain stimulation,After all the foreign shopping basic credit card to pay for it,Don't feel too bad assets shrink。


In addition to buy luxury goods outside,Part of substantial business has also earned more in the part of the renminbi assets into dollar assets,Because our country economy at present was compared to feel more uncertainty,The depreciation of RMB is expected to heat up,Hold dollar assets and to be part of the new configuration of assets。


“The past habits of RMB steady appreciation or small consolidation investment philosophy may need to be fixed。”Singapore overseas Chinese bank economists XieDongMing to the trend of the RMB exchange rate so analysis。He thinks,“overall,The last time the weak yuan may be more than ever,Over the last few months is not normal trend may also gradually become the norm of the second half。”
