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  这两天,想出国旅游的市民岳小姐查遍众多旅行社之后发现,今年的出境旅游线路价格比去年又涨了不少。岳小姐不禁疑惑,为什么人民币越来越值钱,出境旅游的价格却不但没有下降,反而还在一路飙升呢?业内人士表示,全世界普遍存在的通货膨胀、原材料价格不断上涨等导致出境游价格上涨The two days,Want to travel abroad to ms yue people looked through many travel agencies later found,This year's outbound tourism circuit prices higher than last year has gone up a lot。Ms yue can not but doubt,Why the yuan more and more worth,Outbound travel prices are not only not dropped,But also in the soaring?People in the industry say,The world widespread inflation、Rising prices of raw materials such as lead to outbound prices。


人民币升值速度不及通胀率 The appreciation of the renminbi speed than inflation


Reporters from many travel agencies that inquires,This year the price of a summer stay line nearly twenty percent rise。Long term outbound tourist line up 1000 general price to 2000 yuan,“Rick DE 8 means of late 10, tour”Compared with the off-season prices 2000 yuan,Highest annual。Short line outbound tourist,Hong Kong and Macao、South Korea、Southeast Asia offer the direction of the line at ordinary times up 300 compared to 500 yuan。It is,Outbound prices is not just a summer special cases,But to become a normal different degree increase each year,Only in summer、Golden week of the season or more obvious and just。


The two years,RMB appreciation is the world recognized constantly a situation。As the yuan more and more valuable,Why didn't have people overseas tour prices imagination of price cut?Huayuan CITS Andrew cheng travel nets marketing chief, SunLiChan said,This and the world, the prevalence of inflation has the very big relations。Since the United States since the subprime crisis,The world economy are still in a weak state,Inflation in the countries are very common,Although the yuan appreciation is always in the state,But the pace is no can“Run win”The inflation rate。


原材料价格致成本提高 The increased cost of raw material prices


At the same time,Raw material prices lead to costs continue to improve。Outbound tourist's two main cost is the big ticket and hotel accommodation,Crude oil prices rising led directly to the ticket prices high,Consumables and human costs,And lead to the hotel and travel agents artificial cost price increases,These factors caused tour prices remain forever in the state of the rising。In addition,Tourism quality continuously improve also led to the rise in prices,The 1990 s just open time overseas tour,Samsung the following standard of overseas travel everywhere,And now,four、5 star has become a common standard。


but,In the background of the ascendant,There are some lines up prices are in decline。New matei tourism as an example,Nearly five years,The 1990 s,The three to four-star standard new matei attachment to swim,The price is in ten thousand yuan of above,And now the whole four to five star standard new matei attachment to swim,And as long as more than five thousand offer。


人民币升值让出境游更便利 The appreciation of the renminbi let outbound more convenient


The shenzhou CITS marketing chief GuoLingMei said,The appreciation of the renminbi to clean the price though not cause too big effect,But for outbound facilitation role is formidable。Skim inflation factor at home and abroad,Now people to Europe、The United States and other developed countries tourism,The number of card directly brush union pay more and more,This is mainly because the yuan rise continuously,The position in international settlement is getting higher and higher,Make people don't have to not use dollars to settle accounts,Cause unnecessary exchange rate wreck a。In addition,Due to the increase of the purchasing power,Every year during the season of Chinese tourists on sale“Shopping group”Has become a scenery of the countries,China's golden week is become the world tourism common golden week。
