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  Kipling于近日宣布与比利时法兰德斯旅游局携手,共同发起“全城发现乐想女”活动,打造比利时乐想之旅。“玩趣”、“灵巧”、“想象力”、“亲和力”与“乐观积极”,不仅仅是 Kipling 所定义的“乐想女”的特质,更是比利时这个国家的特质。Kipling 相信有着乐想特质的女生才最闪耀动人:她爱时尚爱打扮,但不会照搬时尚杂志;她留恋小物件,因为上面满载了她的回忆;她经常停下脚步,放慢时间,静心思考,关注自己的内心。

Kipling in recently announced and Belgium Flanders tourism administration work hand in hand,Jointly sponsored“The city found that music want to female”activities,Make Belgium music want to tour。“Play fun”、“dexterity”、“imagination”、“affinity”and“positive”,Kipling is not only defined“Joy want to female”characteristics,Belgium is the country's trait。Kipling believe have joy want to trait of girl is the most moving shine:She loves fashion coxcombry,But not copy fashion magazines;She want to stay small objects,Because above full of her memory;She often stopped,Slow time,Meditation thinking,Pay attention to your own heart。

  Kipling 诞生于比利时安特卫普,让人们摆脱了传统手袋。Kipling承载着这一伟大品牌创始人环游世界的灵感,开启了包袋世界不同的一面。Kipling 一直致力于突破,尝试着各种撞色与混搭的设计。某些无意中的小插曲,也成就 Kipling 独具一格的设计! 就像 Kipling 标志性尼龙面料的诞生,便是源于一次由于染料过热而使传统尼龙变皱的美丽意外…更多幸福的意外以及在面对惊喜时始终保持微笑的精神,成就了今日全球女性喜爱的 Kipling。时尚设计中心安特卫普,蓝精灵的故乡布鲁塞尔,以手工业著名的水城布鲁日,透露出年轻活力的根特,活跃着年轻大学生们的鲁汶,比利时的每座城市也都充满了“乐想”的基因。

Kipling was born in Antwerp,Let people get rid of the traditional handbag。Kipling carrying this great brand founder of inspiration to travel around the world,Open the bag bag of different side of the world。Kipling has been committed to breakthrough,Try various contrast color and mix design。Some unintentionally vignettes,Achievement is also Kipling unique design! Like the birth of Kipling landmark nylon fabric,Is the result of a due to dye overheating and the traditional nylon ruck beautiful accident…More happy accident and in the face of surprise when always keep smile spirit,Achievement today's global women's favorite Kipling。Fashion design center Antwerp,Smurfs hometown Brussels,To handicraft industry famous city of bruges,Show young dynamic gand,Active young college students of louvain,Belgian every city also is full of“Joy want to”genes。

  想要体验比利时及Kipling所共有的 “乐想” 特质吗?赶快参与到活动中来! 即日起至9月底,只要登陆Kipling 中文官方网站 www.kipling.cn,或比利时法兰德斯旅游局官方微博,就有机会前往 Kipling 的故乡——比利时,与众多乐想女们共同体验一次乐想之旅。Kipling 乐想女们将带上满载安特卫普“乐想”元素的欢呼系列抽绳包,及一直陪伴乐想女们的好朋友——Kipling小猴子一同启程, 感受不同城市的特殊魅力!

Want to experience the Belgian and Kipling have in common “Joy want to” traits?Get involved in the activity! From now until the end of September,As long as the landing Kipling Chinese official website www.kipling.cn,Or the Belgian Flanders tourism administration official micro bo,Will have the opportunity to Kipling's hometown -- -- Belgium,With numerous music want to female are common experience a joy want to tour。Kipling joy want to women will take full load Antwerp“Joy want to”Element cheer series draw string bag,And always accompany music want to female the good friends - Kipling little monkey set off together, Feel different urban charm!


Dote on you,Enjoy fun Belgium!
