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30城市6月房价创2010年以来新高 东部地区率先反弹--亲稳网络舆情监测室


(source:Shanghai enjoysmart real estate research institute)


July 27, Shanghai enjoysmart real estate research institute emerged on the new report《July typical urban real estate market clinch a deal structure research report》,The report points out that,In the first half of 2012,Overall, the volume of commodity residential house on the upward trend wave upon wave,The rush back in April after high for two y/y rise,Markets rose further obvious trend。Although the central control action since July frequently,The state council also sent the eight DuZhaZu,Strengthen control effect,Markets may therefore has cooled,But the third quarter to clinch a deal will still not light off-season,Clinch a deal will continue for active situation,The second half of may, the volume of more than the first half of the year。

  一、 30个典型城市总体情况

a、 30 typical cities general condition

  (一) 商品住宅成交量:创近17个月新高

(a) Commodity residential house in volume:And almost 17 months high


June,30 typical cities clinch a deal the commodity residential house area of 20.01 million sq. Meters,And almost 17 months of high,Annulus comparing growth of 13.3%,Year-on-year growth of 47.9%。In the first half of 2012,Overall, the volume of commodity residential house on the upward trend wave upon wave,The rush back in April after high for two y/y rise,Markets rose further obvious trend。June volume up,It is illustrated that the market popularity continues to heat up,A lot of the person that buy a house is expected to turn to the good,Even in part“Th CD”stimulating,Individual places the panic。Investigate its reason,One is the backlog of pent-up demand continues to release,Together with room enterprises promotion price cut,The effective stimulation the rigid demand;On the other hand because many policy fine-tuning,As well as the central monetary policy adjustments,For homeowners also ease the must purchase of the pressure,Strengthen the confidence of the market。Shanghai real estate research institute WuXiaoJun enjoysmart researchers think,Although the central control action since July frequently,The state council also sent the eight DuZhaZu,Strengthen control effect,Markets may therefore has cooled,But the third quarter to clinch a deal will still not light off-season,Clinch a deal will continue for active situation,The second half of may, the volume of more than the first half of the year。

  图1 30个典型城市商品住宅成交量走势

Figure 1 30 typical cities commodity residential volume trends

数据来源:CRIC数据来源:CRIC Data sources:CRIC

  (二) 商品住宅成交均价:再创去年以来新高

(two) The price for the commodity residential house:Create a record high since last year


June,30 typical cities commodity residential house the price for 9663 yuan/square metre,Set a record high since 2010,Annulus comparing growth of 3.5%,Year-on-year growth of 0.9%。In the first half of 2012 the price in basic platform arrangement stage,5、Rising in June。Along with the volume continue to rise,House prices rebound in the first hint of reason is normal,This and the national bureau of statistics just released in 70 major city residential sales price changes also more consistent。In this case,The recently has been the launch of a new round of regulation,For example the state council on 16 provinces and cities in the implementation of the real estate regulation policy measures to launch special supervision, etc,But given the growth of economic stability stressful,This time shoulds not be too down the real estate market。Under the house might appear in the third quarter is expected to consolidation,Fast is the fourth quarter,Slow is the first half of next year,Still will enter the oscillation of a modest increase in the channel。

  图2 30个典型城市商品住宅成交均价走势

Figure 2 30 typical cities commodity residential house the price movements

   数据来源:CRIC数据来源:CRIC Data sources:CRIC

  二、 东、中、西部比较

two、 east、in、West is


(a)General comparison:June rebound strength in western cities far east、Central city


June,east、in、The western city residential area of annulus comparing growth clinch a deal are 10.5%、13.4% and 18.0%,Respectively year-on-year rate of increase of 35.5%、29.0% and 103.2%。As below,east、in、The western typical cities volume change direction basic synchronization,3 January 2012 in a typical cities in the volume of sales and set 2009 years record lows,And at the same time in February began to appear the bounce of the trend,April rushed back high after two consecutive months to bounce back。June in the western region of the most aggressive rebound,Volume set almost 17 months high,Annulus comparing year-on-year rate of increase are the most obvious,One reason is the western region, the volume of the same period last year in historical low,Poor market performance,Over the same period, the east、Is stronger than the west central。

  图3 东、中、西部典型城市商品住宅成交量走势

Figure 3 east、in、The western typical cities commodity residential volume trends

数据来源:CRIC数据来源:CRIC Data sources:CRIC


(two)The eastern city of:Clinch a deal valence a record


June,The eastern typical cities commodity residential area increased by 10.5% month-on-month clinch a deal,Year-on-year growth of 35.5%,More may rise sharply again,Set in 17 months high。Nearly two months in the volume of sales have full beyond for 10 years and 11 years of the average monthly level,In fact at present the market can say has been close to this 限购 policies to the level before。


The price of,Annulus comparing growth of 6.6%,Year-on-year growth of 7.3%,Since 2011 the eastern region typical cities for the first time the price of more than 13000 yuan/square metre,Hit a record high。The price rise steadily trend is obvious,The whole,In the first half of this year market buoyancy,Market is active degree was significantly better than last year。

  图4 东部典型城市商品住宅成交走势

Figure 4 typical eastern city clinch a deal the commodity residential house movements

数据来源:CRIC数据来源:CRIC Data sources:CRIC


(two)Central city:In the past 18 months high

  6月份,中部典型城市商品住宅成交面积环比增长13.4% ,同比增长29.0%,创下近18个月新高。与东部城市相似,近两月的成交量也已经全面超越了10年和11年的月均水平,已经回归到本轮限购政策出台前的水平。

June,Typical commodity residential house in central city area increased by 13.4% month-on-month clinch a deal ,Year-on-year growth of 29.0%,In the past 18 months high。And the eastern city of similar,Nearly two months in the volume of sales have also full beyond for 10 years and 11 years of the average monthly level,Have to return to this 限购 policies to the level before。


The price of,Annulus comparing growth of 0.3%,4.6% year-on-year drop。The central typical cities the price in September 2011 after reached record high,Began to slow down,Still in the decline of channels,In the first half of 2012 small fluctuations,5、June is flat。

  图5 中部典型城市商品住宅成交走势

Figure 5 typical commodity residential house in central city clinch a deal the trend

数据来源:CRIC(三) 西部城市:成交量创下近17个月新高 (three) Western city:Volume set almost 17 months high


June,The western typical cities commodity residential area increased by 18.0% month-on-month clinch a deal,Year-on-year growth of 103.2%,In the past 18 months high。And east、Central city similar,Nearly two months in the volume of sales have also full beyond for 10 years and 11 years of the average monthly level,Close to this 限购 policies to the level before。


The price of,In June the price dropped by 0.04% month-on-month,1.8% year-on-year drop。From February 2011 began,The price rises began to appear the downside,2012 years after the February,Significant rebound,5、In June, the price is more than the 2011 average。

  图6 西部典型城市商品住宅成交走势

Figure 6 western typical cities clinch a deal the commodity residential house movements

数据来源:CRIC三、 一、二、三线城市比较 three、 a、two、Three city comparison


(a)General comparison:5、June a line rebound strength greater than 2 line city、Three city

  6月份,一、二、三线城市商品住宅成交量环比增幅分别为15%、12.9%与12.7%,同比增幅分别为42.6%、47.8%与53.9%。三种类型城市成交走势基本同步,均在2012年2月份开始进入上行通道,至今仍处于上行通道之中, 其中一线城市的环比连续2个月领先于二、三线城市,回暖趋势更加显著。

June,a、two、Three city commodity residential house were 15% month-on-month growth volume、12.9% and 12.7%,Respectively year-on-year rate of increase of 42.6%、47.8% and 53.9%。Three types of city movements basic synchronization clinch a deal,All in February 2012 began to enter into the uplink channel,Still in the uplink channel in, One line of city annulus comparing two consecutive lead at 2、Three city,Thaw trend even more significant。

  图7 一、二、三线城市商品住宅成交量走势

Figure 7 a、two、Three city commodity residential volume trends

数据来源:CRIC(二) 一线城市:成交均价明显上扬 (two) A city:The price rise significantly


June,A city, the volume of commodity residential house month-on-month growth of 15.0%,Year-on-year growth of 42.6%,In the past 18 months of high。Due to a city market demand last year by the serious backlog,So this year in the policy environment gradually relaxed,The market to take the lead in thaw。


The price of,Annulus comparing growth of 8.4%,Year-on-year growth of 6.9%,A record of 2012。In June, the price is may rise significantly,Mainly because the market has improved after the trend,June is the strength of the developers offered discounts on May wane,The early part of the project HuiZhang house prices dropped the potential to spread,With the expected future market still“Low clinchs a deal”primarily,But the price cut will gradually decrease efforts。

  图8 一线城市商品住宅成交走势

Figure 8 a line city clinch a deal the commodity residential house movements

数据来源:CRIC(三) 二线城市:成交量创下近17个月新高 (three) Second city:Volume set almost 17 months high


June,Second line typical cities, the volume of commodity residential house annulus comparing growth of 12.9%,Year-on-year growth of 47.8%,Set in 17 months high。With the 2012 in the second quarter of the policy gradually slowing,Second city was in May this year the backlog requirements since continues to release,The second half of the market is expected to have large will still up potential。

  成交均价方面,环比增长0.9%,同比下降1.9%,与5月基本持平。事实上, 2011年4月份开始,成交均价处于波浪式上行的阶段,2012年上半年整体处于平台整理阶段。预计7-8月份的波动幅度也不会太大,延续震荡整理的趋势。

The price of,Annulus comparing growth of 0.9%,1.9% year-on-year drop,And may flat。In fact, Beginning in April 2011,The price rises up in the stage,In the first half of 2012 the overall in the platform arrangement stage。7-August is expected to range also too won't big,Continue the trend of concussion arrangement。

  图9 二线城市商品住宅成交走势

Figure 9 second city commodity residential clinch a deal the trend

数据来源:CRIC(四) 三线城市:量升价跌 (four) Three city:Amount up price falls


June,Three line typical cities commodity residential volume growth of 12.7% in the annulus,Year-on-year growth of 53.9%,,Set in 17 months high。The whole,In the first half of 2012,Three line city better than in clinch a deal the same period in 2011,The reason is the city three line,Especially the 2010 market development too fast,Demand by excessive consumption,So in 2011 the overall situation is poorer。


Three city June the price dropped by 2.2% month-on-month,Year-on-year growth of 1.8%。relatively,Three line by regulation of the property market city little influence,The price for a long time in the situation better progressly。June is average may easing,But still high,Visible, three lines of sex of city property market fall is stronger,In the severe market environment,Still keep the uplink channel in。

  图10 三线城市商品住宅成交走势

Figure 10 three line city clinch a deal the commodity residential house movements

数据来源:CRIC表1 今年1-6月成交结构数据 Table 1 the first 6 months of this year to clinch a deal data structure数据来源:CRIC


note:This paper mainly using China's real estate information group data analysis。According to the sample availability,Select the 30 typical cities study samples,Respectively for:Beijing、Shanghai、shenzhen、guangzhou、tianjin、dalian、nanjing、Qingdao、shenyang、The dongguan、foshan、quanzhou、nanchang、changsha、taiyuan、wuhan、zhengzhou、hefei、changchun、wuhu、luoyang、yueyang、chengdu、xian、nanning、lanzhou、mianyang、baotou、guiyang、kunming。Among them,According to the regional division,The eastern city of 12,The central city 10,Eight western city;According to the development level division,A city four,Second city 16,Three line 10 cities。
