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被拆得面目全非的开元 Be open to the ruined, fujiang
未拆前的开元寺 Is not opened, fujiang before
   绍兴市区的千年古寺开元寺的大殿,如今只剩下一个骨架,孤零零地站着,它的周围是一片废墟。这里,即将崛起一个崭新的商业城。 Shaoxing city one thousand ancient temples, fujiang hall,Now only a skeleton,Standing alone,It is surrounded by ruins。here,The rise of a new city。


A few days ago,Hall has just been removed have net friend get photos to the Internet。Between a,An open house from a piece of regret sound。


Although hall burned several times,Cultural relics not,But this a historical building has been left a lot of shaoxing people's collective memory。Business development at the same time,How to deal with cultural sites?The fate of the hall what course to follow?This is public doubts。

  大殿被拆得只剩下框架 Hall to be taken only framework


, fujiang had is a MingSi,Nearly one thousand years of history,Incense exuberant。“Equivalent to《Water margin》In the DaXiangGuo temple。”A local history experts introduced this。


but,The ancient star-crossed lovers。Nearly one thousand years,Burned several ancient,To during the period of the republic of,Has ruined。Since 1974,, fujiang change to the hospital,Hall has become infusion hall。Here the garden,Scenery and pleasant,Many shaoxing people remember。


Until 2007,Hospital move to new,The land to the high price 900 million yuan auction used for business development。


then,Hospital buildings are being torn down,Only to save the hall。Until a few days ago,People have found,Hall also began in the open。


Reporters on the scene saw,The walls of the hall has been removed,Only a framework,Standing alone,Look very desolate。

  “不是文物但有必要保存” “Cultural relics not but it is necessary to save”


House dismantling the news of,Soon spread on the Internet。The local famous calligrapher ShenDingAn heard it first feeling is shocked and regret。The 80 - year - old man said,, fujiang, which was very large,The existing hall after many maintenance,But the basic retained the original face。“Shaoxing has a lot of historical sites into the memories in the photo,Economic development is not to the historic sites"leave"For the price??”Shaoxing county history association, chairman FuZhenZhao is so said。


History experts QiuShiXiong also deeply regret,He said he and many city residents as,The most is not willing to see, fujiang destroyed by our generation,And I hope developers think for future generations。


In shaoxing E net、Shaoxing and more than local on BBS,Internet users are also made“Keep hall”appeal。


The local WenBao department who refused to give his name personage introduction,This hall though not units of cultural relics protection,But for a 2500 - year - old culture of the ancient city of shaoxing speaking,It is necessary to protect, fujiang。“Cultural heritage protection is not only WenBao protection of cultural relics,More is to protect some through the tangible building or intangible cultural style,Put it organically link,A city of the historical and cultural memory。In this sense,Memory is the deep rich,City culture accumulation and the more profound。Shaoxing is such a historical and cultural city。”The people said。

  规划局:按规划不能拆 Planning bureau:According to plan can't split open a


In the face of the voice of citizens,17,Reporter contacted the shaoxing city planning bureau a person in charge。She says:“According to the plan,The hall is really want to keep,Can't split open a。”


She introduces,The fate of the house,Also please expert argumentation,When opinions not unified,Some said and,Some said leave。“The municipal government also open a council,Went through a very complicated process。”“Exactly how to do,We also have to look at the notice of the municipal government,There is no written opinion。”She told reporters,“But should have a processing results。”


Take the land is shaoxing city trademark buildings and shaoxing JinYu investment co., LTD。Contact reporters to developers。“This is not dismantle,But the hall to refit。”A man surnamed pan people so response,“According to the requirements of the plan,Developers can't dismantle,But to internal hall renovation,Adjustment commercial use,Now just finished the work。”


Single by blindly to restore ancient ways do old,No rich cultural connotation,Even if the investment of one quintillion,Create also can only be fake antiques、False ancient city,Not only represents the history of today,Can't really be back to your dreams。

  新华社就多地再造古城事件刊发时评 The xinhua news agency is more ancient city of the event review published


复古是科学决策还是盲目冲动? Restore ancient ways is the scientific decision or blind impulse?

  河南开封 “千亿元重建汴梁古都”风波未平,山西大同又传来投资百亿元用五年再造大同古城的消息。同时,多地重修古城墙、明清一条街的举动接连不断……人们发现,“复古归旧梦”仿佛突然成了营造城市兴盛的灵丹妙药,引来争相仿效。但是,如此大手笔复古再造,往往既经不起科学的考量,更引起社会公众越来越深的担忧。

Henan kaifeng “One hundred billion yuan reconstruction BianLiang ancient capital”Storm open,Shanxi datong again came the investment of ten billion yuan RMB with five years of reconstruction of the ancient city of news。At the same time,Many ancient city wall repaired、Ming and qing street move continuously……People found,“Dreams to restore ancient ways”As if suddenly became to build urban prosperity panacea,Imitated from。but,So big the restoring ancient ways,Often both can't afford to scientific consideration,More cause social the public more and more deep concerns。


Architecture and prosperous,Never flesh,Is not simple brick structure。Whether onetime capital BianLiang or ancient city of datong,In the cultural history and the posterity mind possession status,Because they are in the special historical period presents the prosperity and peace,Thus represent a period of history。The easy time shift,Single by blindly to restore ancient ways do old,No rich cultural connotation,Even if the investment of one quintillion,Create also can only be fake antiques、False ancient city,Not only represents the history of today,Can't really be back to your dreams。


“Rome wasn't built in a day”。The development of the city change has its inherent law,And with the development of The Times and social progress constantly inject new connotation。Era background、The humanistic spirit and other internal characteristics decided to a city's character and blood,Architectural style and the style of the character of the city but is exposed。For antique and big and modern architecture,To restore ancient ways and check out of urban residents,Change the citizens existing normal life,This approach,There is bound to be at the shadow and lose the substance too。


It is important to note that,Efferent reengineering city、The ancient grand plan,Many are undeveloped areas。In solving the livelihood of the people problem、Improve the level of public service aspect,Local finance is not well,If in this antique restore ancient ways motion input on the heroism,Such sharp contrast how can make people's satisfaction?


Is scientific decision,Or blind impulse?Really make people worry about is many big restore ancient ways reengineering behind the decision-making process problems。The root of the urban construction is to benefit the masses。The city of huge investment often need to place on debt,Once beyond the range up to bear the consequences。Countless facts show that again and again,Decision impulse、The effects of hasty argument often is difficult to make up a long time。


Beautiful dreams and brilliant history be worth the aftertaste,But we should not blindly indulge in“Refreshment of ancient capital”。And more shall uphold the humanistic idea,Practical ability and,The urban development and the people's living needs of the reality as a primary focus,Steadily improved people's quality of life,The modern city built in the future picture scroll bright one page。
