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   和谐旅游 Harmonious tourism能不能“法治”? can"The rule of law"?


正在审议的《旅游法(草案)》肩负治理“强迫购物”、“投诉无门”等顽疾的使命 Is deliberative[supply(draft)]Shoulder management"Forced shopping"/"TouSuWuMen"The mission of the position, etc


The annual Mid-Autumn festival and National Day to the next month,And a tourist season is coming.At present,[supply(draft)]Is also the National People's Congress in the process of deliberation.


Article 98 a total of 10 draft chapter,For people care about forced shopping/Scenic spots fares/Rights difficult/Tourism safety problem have been described in this specification.The yangcheng evening news reporter has visited the personage inside the tourism industry and to participate in the new draft of experts,Attempts to industry present situation and draft regulation in tourist market found in various fields solutions.


旅游购物 Tourism shopping


Travel agency/Reception team tourism shall not designate any shopping place,May not compel or in a disguised manner compel shopping,Must not arrange any form of further pay tourism projects.


现实: reality:游客出发前都知道要购物 Tourists set off before they know to shopping


WangChong in anhui province is a famous scenic spot from nearly 10 years of tour guide.In the face of everyone to guide forced shopping/Sordid condemn,WangChong think visitors have a responsibility:"Now tourism market too hard to do.Tourists out tourism,The same journey,Which group with cheap who walk."Along with the travel agency of the low price between the increasingly fierce competition,From shopping for subsidies became the first choice of travel agency."Actually before in group,Tourists have ZuTuanShe and sign the contract,stroke(Including into several shopping store)/Accommodation standards/Meal times/traffic/Insurance and have tips in the above listed clearly.They find their own cheap group,Also understand without the shopping."WangChong think visitors to forced shopping basic embrace to default/Obedient attitude,In the face of the question against rarely.


For the draft is on the fire,WangChong think even laws,Road shopping practice there will still be:"What is forced?Is the guest does not agree to and take very means.Now tour guests are willing to,Before you start all know to shopping,Excuse me, this is called forced?And travel agency also will make adjustments to adapt to."He told reporters,The chains of the tourism industry is the source of tourists to product selection.Travel agency is according to the tourists to make request service standards,Guide just generation with tourists travel agency said the executor of the agreement.All services are go according to the agreement,Also is in accordance with the idea of tourists go.


In fact,Like consumption and shopping tourists also not a few,"The year before last CanTuan to Moscow,Though the journey and didn't arrange watching theater,But fellow member whim,Active request see the show,Guide and help us adjusted the stroke.Although the forehead foreign money,But it's worth it."Loves traveling close miss think traveling is impulse,"Last year 11 European tour,Originally only arranged to go to a monopoly discount shopping center of the product,The results are most people think there didn't buy,Guide to we added a.Don't CanTuan after tourism cannot at the same time the shopping?"


专家: experts:“强迫购物”难界定难取证 "Forced shopping"Difficult to define difficult to obtain evidence

  对于草案规定旅行社组织、接待团队旅游不得指定购物场所,不得强迫或者变相强迫购物等,参与旅游法起草的北京第二外国语学院副教授王天星认为,这项规定是为了防止旅行社和商家捆绑在一块欺诈消费者。但这里面存在一个“强迫”和“推荐”的区别,如果是旅游者主动要求导游和旅行社推荐购物,并不违反这一条款。王天星直言,“不得强迫或者变相强迫购物”这一条款在实际中很难施行,“强迫购物”难以界定,调查取证难度大。这一条款更大程度上是为了表明国家对强制购物的一种态度。至于“不得安排任何形式的另行付费旅游项目”, 实际操作中,如果旅游者与旅行社达成口头协议,主动要求增加旅游项目,并不违背条款。

The draft regulations for travel service organization/Reception team tourism shall not designate any shopping place,May not compel or in a disguised manner compel shopping, etc,Participate in the drafting of supply Beijing second foreign language institute associate professor WangTianXing think,This rule is to prevent travel agency and businessmen are bound in a fraud consumers.But there exists a"forced"and"recommend"difference,If it is tourists active request tour guide and travel agency recommended shopping,Does not violate the terms.WangTianXing the truth,"May not compel or in a disguised manner compel shopping"This clause in practice, it is difficult to execute,"Forced shopping"Difficult to define,Investigate and collect evidence is difficult.This clause greater extent in order to show that the state compulsory shopping of an attitude.As for"Must not arrange any form of further pay tourism projects", In practical operation,If tourists travel agency with a verbal agreement,The initiative to ask for an increase in tourism projects,Does not violate terms.


For forced shopping,[supply(draft)]Trying to solve the problem from the source,Provisions shall not travel to attract the price lower than the cost/Organization tourists.But what just calculate"The price lower than the cost",WangTianXing think,In reality it is difficult to make hard and fast rules,Because the cost of each enterprise is different,"The price lower than the cost"Can only carry on the fuzzy processing,Some price such as hotel/traffic/Guide fee easy determination,But there are a lot of price is determination,Can only measure the basic price standard.WangTianXing said,"This rule in the reality work has the difficulty,But it at least show that the country to"Zero negative membership fee"Of an attitude."


景区门票 Scenic spot ticket


The charge for tickets should be approved.Use of public resources to tourists should be carried out of the government pricing or guided by the government,Ticket price should reflect public welfare and gradually breaks.


现实: reality:假期景区门票“涨”声一片 Holiday scenic spot ticket"rise"Sound a piece of


"Jiangshan still infinite,Price have no side have more",This is a lot of scenic spot price sound continuously true portraiture.One to"The May Day"/"eleven"Holidays such as,The major scenic area will rise sound a slice of.This year"The May Day",To tourists leave the impression in addition to rise in price,Or rise in price,The ticket price is also hit a record high,Even a lot of the fare is driven in holiday before coming"Rob a".For holidays scenic spot prices tide,People have already inured to blame.Given the rise in price reason is multifarious also,Such as cost problem/Environmental protection/Number control, and so on,Can weigh carefully will be found,Mostly untenable.


专家: experts:票价调整由地方政府掌控 Fare adjustment by local government control


WangTianXing said,Originally most scenic spot are relying on state-owned tourism resources,Belongs to all the people all,All people are eligible for visiting and sightseeing,But how to enjoy the state-owned resources is a problem.In practice,Because be involved in local interests,Such regulations results can only be most attractions tickets will be charged,"Ticket price should reflect public welfare and gradually breaks"Difficult to realize.And according to the current tax system,Tourism scenic spot ticket belongs to local income,Some local government financial source of income.Ticket price height and its adjustment,The local government has quite a greater voice.In recent years,The vast majority of the national famous tourist scenic spot tickets are on the rise.Although it is after the hearing,But the results are almost every listen to will rise.There are shortcomings,Because the local government source of income in the constant tightening,And expenditure items are increasing.Through the adjustable high ticket prices,Make foreigner money,Not only to increase the income of the government,And won't cause local people's complaints,The local government natural love it.WangTianXing think,Unless reduce local government through the adjustable high ticket to expand the impulse of income,Otherwise it is difficult to fundamentally solve.


游客投诉 Tourists complain


The people's government at or above the county level shall designate or set up a unified tourism complaints an accepting institution,It will have certain mandatory supervision and inspection.


现实: reality:被“坑”游客投诉无门 was"pit"Visitors TouSuWuMen


TouSuWuMen problem is a lot of tourists' experience.Where to go to a statement,Many tourists has always been a big problem,Find media complaints,In the online exposure material become the first choice of some tourists.however,No special responsible for this field of departments strong interference,The rights and interests of the injured finally get maintenance is not much.


专家: experts:应予法律相应执法手段 Law enforcement shall be corresponding means


The draft supply group members/The central university for nationalities law school professor XiongWenZhao said,The past is the ZhiJianSuo such a business unit to accept the complaints,Because the responsibility is not clear,A lot of tourists is not clear about.The promulgation of the supply will promote the normalization of tourist complaint institutions,Tourism law enforcement departments have a very important power is tourism supervision and inspection,And perform some compulsory measures.Such as tourism law enforcement personnel when conducting inspection,Can enter the tourism business premises,Refer to/Copy and supervision and inspection of the content of the contract/bill/Books and other material.In order to stop the illegal act and preserve evidence,Tourism law enforcers to check the unit and property as well as the relevant material take attachment/Arrest compulsory measures, etc.Supply from the provisions of the draft to see,Complaints of tourism law enforcement increased,Let tourists complain door,And a certain compulsory measures to guarantee.XiongWenZhao think,If you don't give law enforcement main body quite status and measures/means,Only the complaint and will not solve the problem.


导游权益 Guide rights


To protect the legitimate rights and tour guide.Guide's personnel and the personnel for travelers to provide service must accept the travel agency assigned,Not to rob the tour guide and leader contracting business.


现实: reality:导服费不够吃一顿饭 Guide service fee is not enough to eat a meal


For today's situation,Ten years ago WangChong is never expected."At that time travel just rise,No shopping store,The guests are high cost.The average person's salary is more than three hundred,The guide showed group two days off subsidies have two hundred pieces!now,Two days of subsidies to one hundred pieces,Did not even!"


Shopping for forced the guild regulations,WangChong both but didn't also way,"ZuTuanShe have profit,"exploitation"After a layer to DeJieShe.DeJieShe basic no profit,Only from the shopping store and reward.Guide just performer,If the guest does not into the store,We signed the reward,Oneself still have to dig down complement to DeJieShe reward."As a local guide can get a little of the commission:"The total tourists levied we have three percent rebate,This commission have to and driver/All accompany and travel agency averages."


WangChong sometimes take pure play group,Travel social increase tour guide service charge.He is an example,If the tour guide to take group not into shopping store one day to be able to get 50 yuan of guide service fee,If take group into shopping store is guide service fee is zero.It makes WangChong in a dilemma:Belt shopping group,The commission to less and less;With pure play group,A day of guide service fee is not enough for a meal,Can only rely on the number of tour take point subsidies.


专家: experts:要保证导游基本收益 To ensure the guide basic income


WangTianXing think,Travel agencies should and employment guide personnel and the personnel to sign labor contract,Pay the remuneration,Lawfully pay social insurance premiums.Shanghai university of finance and economics professor HeJianMin tourism management is considered,Travel agency especially to ensure that the basic interests of the tour guide,Can't again reduce guide fixed salary as a cost saving way out."Guide income should come from various aspects,On the one hand is belt group's basic wage,On the one hand is in the reasonable scope also allows commission commission,But unfavorable put too much income expectations based on uncontrolled shopping commission on commission."
