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  9月1日是第30届九华山传统庙会的第一天,记者在九华山风景区看到,街头游人、香客如织,车水马龙,各类印有“庆祝第30届九华山庙会”的彩灯、彩旗、标语、横幅随处可见,给庙会活动烘托出良好的节日氛围。 On September 1st is the 30th jiuhua mountain on the first day of the traditional temple fair,Reporter in the jiuhua mountain scenic area to see,Street visitors/Attraction pilgrims,Heavy traffic,With all kinds of"To celebrate the 30th jiuhua mountain temple fair"Of colorful lanterns/flags/slogan/Banners everywhere,Temple fair activities to foil gives good holiday atmosphere.


According to introducing,Jiu hua temple fair activities since 1983 recovery has been successively held the 30th,This temple fair starts on September 1st to September 30th,For 30 days.

  拥有1000多年历史的“九华山庙会”已被列为国家非物质文化遗产。国家旅游局指定的国内重大旅游节庆线路之一。成为各地游客每年秋季旅游备受广泛关注的焦点之一。九华山庙会,又称 “地藏法会”,公元794年农历七月三十,新罗国(今韩国)高僧金乔觉在九华山圆寂成道,被称为金地藏,此后九华山僧俗两界在每年这一天前后以不同的方式自发举行纪念法会。 1983年起,九华山风景区每年定期举办庙会。热闹非凡的庙会期间,四方信徒、游人、香客云集九华朝山进香、祈福美好愿望,许多山民和手艺者趁此机会互做买卖,民间艺人也趁此献艺,逐步形成了传统的九华山庙会。九华山庙会已成为目前海内外游客不可多得的传统旅游活动之一。

With 1000 years of history"Jiuhua mountain temple fair"Has been listed as national nonmaterial cultural heritage.The national tourism administration designated domestic major tourism festival is one of the line.As visitors around every autumn tourism is one of the focus of attention widely.Jiuhua mountain temple fair,Say again "Hid puja",A.D. 794 lunar July 30,Xinluo countries(This South Korea)Hierarch JinQiao sleep in jiuhua mountain parinirvana into way,Known as gold hid,Since then the border of jiuhua mountain and every year on this day in different ways and held a spontaneous memorial puja. Since 1983,The jiuhua mountain scenic area every year regularly held temple fair.Boisterous during the temple fair,Four square believers/visitors/Pilgrims gathered jiu hua dachaoshan pilgrimages/Blessing good wishes,Many villagers and crafts person take this opportunity to mutual trading,Folk artists also take this one,Gradually formed a traditional jiuhua mountain temple fair.The jiuhua mountain temple fair has become a rare tourists from home and abroad at present traditional one of tourist activities.


At present,The jiuhua mountain scenic area each big tourist attractions festival atmosphere was very strong,The temple fair AD hoc flavor catering and shopping street/Tourism souvenir shopping area began to appear in succession,Celebrate the arrival of the visitors eight party.


By 1, when 17 afternoon,The Chinese and foreign visitors attracted to mountain/Pilgrims breakthrough 10000 person-time,QuanShan scenic spot/Scenic spot traveling in order,Realize the jiuhua mountain temple fair opening economy"Good start".
