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In October of,Mid-Autumn festival/National Day holiday,It is autumn outing citizens out of touring/Leisure vacation good time,After the rain the huairou,Lush trees,Water enough,The rich in the lake water,The valley in the fields of the autumn harvest scene,Show a picture for tourists rural autumn scenery.Each of our ZhenXiang/Folk village and tourist scenic spot also launched a season 22 to swim QiuShan/Play circles/Reward autumn flower/Tasting delicious food for content rich tourist routes,For visitors to in during the National Day travel choice,To celebrate the National Day.

  活动一:怀柔区圣泉山第五届中秋文化节暨国庆庆典活动 Activities a:Holy spring mountain huairou area of the fifth Mid-Autumn festival and National Day celebrations


time:September 30, -- on October 7


site:Holy spring mountain tourist scenic spot


1/Held the opening ceremony


content:The opening ceremony held,There is a fashion dance/Song and dance drama/The clown humor and theatrical performances;Host folk object exhibition/Intangible cultural heritage exhibition, etc,A New Year pictures/paper-cut/Shadow and rich and colorful exhibits,A non-material cultural heritage heritage site show,Can see"Old Beijing"Personally production of handicrafts, etc.Introduced the family folk experience activities:Family activities making moon cakes,Family force dribble game,Family gypsum graffiti and fun game.Invitations you with his family to feel live in harmony of a better life.


2/Launch favourable activity

  内容:景区推出“健康休闲 幸福任我游”的优惠活动:9月29日当天,6周岁—18周岁、教师、老干部、现役军人、下岗职工、特困户、特困学生、国庆节结婚的夫妻的凭有效证件,享受13元/人半价优惠(不含餐);9月30日当天,景区推出父母双方持身份证、户口本带孩子(15周岁以下)同游,孩子免门票的亲子游优惠;9月30日—10月7日,凡在当天8点—9点购买景区全价票的前50名游客,即可获得面值2元的即开型体育彩票一张,即开即得,让游客体验着小奖不断的乐趣横生和超级大奖的惊喜连连。

content:Scenic spot out of"Health leisure happiness for me to swim"The favourable activity:On September 29,,6 years old - 18 one full year of life/The teacher/Veteran cadre/active/Laid-off workers/TeKunHu/Destitute students/The National Day married couples to operate with valid documents,Enjoy 13 yuan/person half price discount(Excluding food);On September 30,,Scenic spot out of both parents hold id/Registered permanent residence this getting the children(Under the age of 15)Truck with,The children free tickets to the parent-child swimming preferential;September 30, -- on October 7,And in the day 8 point - 9 point to buy the full fare of the top 50 visitors,, you can get a par value of $2 a JiKaiXing sports lottery,Namely open vested,Let visitors experience the small prize continuously fun with humour and super awards of surprises.


Contact phone number:60637012


 活动二:怀柔区星美今晟影视城首届“星美小镇旅游节” Activities two:Huairou area star beauty today sheng the studio"Star beauty town tourism festival"


time:September 30, on October 7


site:YangSong ZhenXing beauty today sheng studio


content:During two,In the film and television festival held the opening ceremony of the north square performance,A theme DengMeiHui and star beauty town south garden performance of folk customs;In the film and television north factory theme garden party,Children's carnival held,Launch food court and star beauty by DE products,Organization interest competition and games.


Contact phone number:61679666

  活动三:怀柔区宝山镇第二届垂钓比赛 Activity three:Huairou area baoshan town the second fishing game


time:On September 21,


site:Baoshan town cow circle village oxbow lake


content:Baoshan town is located in huairou area ShenShanOu north,Mountains and rivers beautiful,Scenery and pleasant,Is rich in water resources.The town key make leisureliness landscape scenic spot,Strengthen environmental regulation construction,completed"South day each of the""BeiWan huan creek"Landscape nodes in August.At present,Baoshan has become a tourist leisure vacation,Enjoy rural scenery,The perfect place to relax."2012 baoshan second fishing game"Activities will be pleasant activities atmosphere,And baoshan unique history and culture/Tourism culture/Urban and rural scenery with complete,Make a Beijing exclusive leisure fishing base.When game 1 day,Game scale about 400 people,To object for social professional fishing enthusiast/The administrative organ fishing enthusiast and 25 companies fishing enthusiast.


Consultation telephone:60625815


 活动四:怀柔区怀北镇第五届红梨采摘节 Activity four:Huairou area BeiZhen with the fifth red pear picking


time:In the middle of September to the middle of 10


site:BeiZhen with HeFang mouth village old tree in the ditch


content:Can pick walnut/Red XiaoLi/Sugar pear/apple/Snow pear/pears/Late peach.Visitors can also in the valley village taste authentic tunnel/City famous hometown of intestinal;HeFang mouth village PengDaJie NongGuYuan taste fresh fragrance beautiful PengDaJie braise in soy sauce meat;In our home taste secret system characteristics to bake complete sheep and wild reservoir fish.


Contact phone number:69666651

  活动五:怀柔区慕田峪长城金秋游园会 Activity five:Huairou area mutian valley Great Wall autumn garden party


time:Mid-Autumn festival/The National Day


site:The mutian valley Great Wall


content:The mutian valley Great Wall open section length of 3000 meters,Around 8 square kilometers area vegetation coverage rate is as high as 98%,The autumn season,Scenic area 20 more than strains of the maple/BanLiShu/Pear and formed the mutian valley Great Wall scenic spot colorful beauty.


Contact phone number:61626022


 活动六:怀柔区红螺寺金秋游园文化大集 Activity six:Huairou area red screw temple autumn in the garden culture rally


time:Mid-Autumn festival/The National Day


site:Red screw temple scenic area


content:Altar in course/Blessing of baoding/Bump traditional auspicious clock blessing activities;Watch the cangzhou acrobatic troupe bring turn flower dish/Qiao "diabolo/Burrow ring/jujitsu/DengJi, brilliant acrobatics show,This year the new face again/Folk dance/Modern dance, brilliant cultural programs;in"Snack street"Taste enema/KaoGongShu/Sugar fry chestnut/The characteristic such as tea snacks.


Contact phone number:60681175


 活动七:怀柔区雁栖湖金秋游园会 Activity seven:Huairou area YanQiHu autumn garden party


time:Mid-Autumn festival/The National Day


site:YanQiHu scenic spot


content:Tabled castle peak clear water/Swim YanQiHu beauty/Play entertainment project/Special local product.In return for the majority of Internet users to a friend to the support and the deep affection,Launched special"autumn"Preferential month activity,All the fresh/High examinee the admission ticket can enjoy free into the garden,Purchase 98 yuan/78 yuan coupon can enjoy preferential 10 yuan.


Contact phone number:69661696


活动八:怀柔区青龙峡第十届金秋游园会 Activities eight:The black dragon canyon huairou area of the 10th autumn garden party


time:Mid-Autumn festival/The National Day


site:The black dragon canyon scenic spot


content:In QiuShan held reward/Play circles/Pick the autumn fruit as the theme of the autumn garden party,During the garden party,Scenic area and the local fruit grower together with cooperation"Autumn picking in the garden"activities,Have an apple/Ya pear/Red XiaoLi, etc. Various kinds of fruit,For visitors to pick.Tourists can take a boat tour beautiful LongXia lake,Take the cable car view and admire the ancient Great Wall's charm,Row bamboo raft experience"jiangnan"Amorous feelings,Eat wild reservoir fish/Product with,Picking fruit experience the joy of harvest


Contact phone number:89696781

  活动九:怀柔区幽谷神潭风景区金秋游园会 Activities nine:Huairou area glen god deep pool scenic spot autumn garden party


time:Mid-Autumn festival/The National Day


site:Glen god deep pool scenic spot


content:In the wild kiwifruit/pecan/All kinds of mushroom will gradually mature,Tourists can enjoy"Free pick"fun;The diffuse mountain colorful leaf expect visitors a year to watch;Scenic area of stone carving art"Mice wedding""WuNiu fortune""Dragon born nine children"And twelve Chinese zodiac lifelike,Attract tourists watch;Secret system roast leg of lamb is is the specialty of the restaurant.


Contact phone number:61622358


 活动十:怀柔区响水湖“第十四届绿色果品采摘节” Activities ten:Huairou xiangshui lake area"The 14th green fruit picking"


time:September to October,


site:Xiangshui lake


content:One thousand mu of fruit wood,Thousands of kilograms of ShanGuo will usher in the eight square tourists came to pick up.During picking,Tourists can by 52 yuan a pass into the scenic spot,Still can get tickets by picking bag to the designated GuoYuanOu free pick fruit in season,Picking varieties are:apple/crabapple/dates/And pear/Persimmon, etc.Visitors can also to have the verve of autumn xiangshui lake the Great Wall,visit"Valley of preserve one's health"More than 20 a pool of km waterscape waterfall,In FangGuShi siheyun,Eat real farm characteristic health food.


Contact phone number:89602185

  活动十一:怀柔区黄花城水长城“乐游水长城”活动 Activities.:Huairou area chrysanthemum city great water wall"Music swim the Great Wall"activities


time:September to October,


site:Yellow flower city great water wall scenic spot


content:Tourists can boat cruise Hao siminghu,View wild mandarin duck paddle waves;Taste one hundred primary Chinese chestnut,Scenic area in the Ming dynasty garden in chestnut chestnut a complicated affair,shapes,Form a rare landscape;Experience amphibious car,Like a car with amphibious car open seat system,Allows visitors to experience the water traffic of another amorous feelings;Hand light the bonfire,With green/Clear water/The ancient Great Wall,Festively singing and dancing,Or draw near water and sit,Talk about friendship.


Contact phone number:61651111


活动十二:怀柔区云梦仙境景区“登高赏秋节” Activities twelve:Huairou area cloud dream fairyland scenic spot"Uphill reward autumn day"


time:Mid-Autumn festival/During the National Day


site:Cloud dream fairyland scenic spot


content:The special launched six autumn ornamental play line for the tourists choose to experience,Visitors can view and admire the river canyon,All can enjoy mountain red,Can visit the Taoism culture.


Contact phone number:61618140


 活动十三:怀柔区红螺慧缘谷红叶文化节 Activities.:Huairou area red screw hui edge valley red culture festival


time:September to October,


site:Red screw hui edge valley scenic spot


content:Hui edge GuJiShan silk tabled,Product authentic huairou chestnut;Hui edge valley climbing swim,Fitness place to raise;Hui edge valley self-service barbecue,Experience folk culture;Experience leisure fishing,Watch wild duck paddle.


Contact phone number:89601286


 活动十四:怀柔区喇叭沟门夏凉宫原始林赏叶节 Activities.:Huairou area LaPaGouMen summer cool palace virgin forest reward leaf festival


time:Late September and early October


site:LaPaGouMen summer cool palace virgin forest recreation area


content:LaPaGouMen virgin forest scenic birch distribution at an altitude of 1000-1600 m between Yin slopes,Beijing is the biggest one of white birch forest.During the National Day is the best time to appreciate the leaves,The original forest lands of large area of white birch forest/Rubber forest/bush/Larch and mountain Yang ling and so on the many kinds of mixed leaved forest has form the colorful/Colorful three-dimensional painting,Admire the leaf area of more than 6000 hectares,Is the general public and tourists National Day holiday resort enjoy a good place for leaf.


Contact phone number:60627640

  活动十五:怀柔区宝山镇推出“国庆民俗乐” Activities 15:Huairou area baoshan town launch"National Day folk music"


1/Super taste more village"Rabbit feast"


time:Mid-Autumn festival/During National Day two


site:Baoshan town super more village


content:Baoshan town is located in the north of the super more folk village 4 km,Refurbished buildings with the village,Emerald green hills,Green water around,Village beautiful environment,Local custom simple.Super more main folk village"Rabbit feast",here"Rabbit feast"Is after the villagers dozens of times cooking hash,Launch of the color/sweet/To taste the food.More super rabbit feast all adopt the huayu black rabbit is machined and become,Although the hand from the farm,But can product to the flavor of chef.Throughout the day the river torrent of life from the village before flowing,Based on water flow of nutrients,In two the river natural breeding a variety of fish,This is fishing enthusiast paradise.October autumn of more super folk village,Welcome visitors leisure,holiday,fishing,play,Experience folk.


Consultation telephone:60625815


2/Next fang village taste"Baihe fish feast"


time:Mid-Autumn festival/During National Day two


site:Baoshan town village next lane


content:"Baihe fish feast where to find,Baoshan village in",this"village"Is next fang village.The village is located in the northwest town of baoshan lane,All the year round torrent of life in the tianhe village before flowing,The whole village was the lush mountains surrounded,Rich in natural resources for the next lane village folk tourism provides a unique condition.


"Baihe fish feast"The materials is baihe fish,For water quality clear,The fish meat is,Through special to xing technology,With fresh/tender/sweet/salty/Spicy taste, etc,Especially the application of peasant ChaiGuo production,Taste more fragrant,The nutrition is also very rich.With the rise of the suburb of folk tourism,There are more and more visitors to the next lane village,View mountain view,Product fish feast.The villagers here simple/enthusiasm/hospitality,Service first-class quality,Plus the village beautiful environment/Delicious fish feast,The folk village lane for visitors to full of praise/linger.


Contact phone number:60625815

  活动十六:怀柔区杨宋镇“影视体验 生态之旅”活动 Activities 16:Huairou area YangSongZhen"Film and television experience ecological tour"activities

  1、杨宋镇“影视体验 生态之旅”

1/YangSongZhen"Film and television experience ecological tour"


time:Mid-Autumn festival/During National Day two


site:YangSong town


content:"Shadow YangSong"In film and television cultural experience as the core,To ecological leisure for support,Folk cultural tourism for supporting,Mainly includes the huairou area YangSong inside zhongying travelocity/Star beauty today sheng studio/Gran torino museum/Flower world/Deer the five big tourist attractions.Into YangSong,You can tabled shadow world,Reward GuJing/Yi play feeling,Quest the story behind the film and television;You can view the world car,Product red flag/Sigh JinLei,Close appreciate classical famous at home and abroad;You can enjoy flower world,Look at the ocean/Pick fruit and vegetable,A profusion of the four seasons rural;You can taste qualities of moon cakes and motion picture hotel, elegant fragrant pavilion features of reservoir big fish head;You can swim deer world,Exploratory singular treasure/Product delicious,Honour enjoy the blessing of the god of longevity!This is enough to make you forget time and space town,This is not far away from the city from the natural very near the town.We have prepared food beauty,Welcome your arrival.


Contact phone number:61679488


2/Deer world theme park taste"Full deer feast"


time:Mid-Autumn festival/During National Day two


site:YangSongZhen domain


content:Main dishes have"Khan deer row",By selection of more than 20 natural perfume secret system and become;"In ten thousand, evergreen",The bare and making way;"Venison cloud swallow",Choose good venison and natural perfume harmonic and become;"Bao sauce chop deer face",Select high-quality deer mixed private seasoning made from natural spices;"Cumin venison string",Choose high quality fresh meat and salt/cumin/chillies;"Hot pot rinse deer antler",Selecting high quality fresh sika deer antler section and become.These dishes fragrance thick strands,Taste unique,Also has good robust action.


Contact phone number:61675598

  活动十七:怀柔区雁栖镇“国庆逛绿沟、佳节品虹鳟”主题游 Activities 17:Huairou area YanQi town"National Day around the green channel/Season product rainbow trout"Theme travel


time:Mid-Autumn festival/During National Day two


site:YanQi town domain



  长元渔场:位于雁栖镇长元村。主推菜品:软炸山栗蘑、小白菜炖土豆条。新鲜采摘下来的栗树蘑,经过热油一炸,金灿灿的,非常诱人。自产小白菜和土豆,经过简单的烹煮,浓浓的菜香,让人喜不胜收。咨询电话: 61627120

Long yuan fisheries:Located in the YanQi mayor yuan village.Main dishes:Soft Fried mountain chestnut mushroom/Chinese cabbage stewed chips.Fresh picked down chestnut mushroom,After hot oil a Fried,golden,Very attractive.Produced Chinese cabbage and potatoes,After simple cooking,Thick vegetables joss-stick,Let a person hei numerous close.Consultation telephone: 61627120


Labor model villa:Located in the YanQi town lotus pond village.Main dishes:Cushaw stew taro/A bumper grain harvest meat balls.Cushaw plus fresh taro,Color gratifying,Sweet taste;A bumper grain harvest meat balls,All kinds of vegetables wrapped in thin batter,After oil a Fried,Outside the coke tender,Crisp delicious.Consultation telephone:61629376


Folk households 00001, ChanShuZhi folk households:Is located in the town of YanQi GuanDe village.Main dishes:Golden peasant pot,Peasant You surface snap/One article Ge corn flour.Other delectable a whole pot of great delicacy,The golden cushaw remind the person's appetite;All kinds of fresh wild vegetables/Air basks in good article gourd,Carefully seasoning,Handmade into aroma is threatening the stuffing dumpling;Peasant You surface snap/One article Ge corn flour,Let visitors not only eat healthy,Also can eat a characteristic food.Consultation telephone:89617591


Contact phone number:61642051

  活动十八:怀柔区夜渤海餐饮走廊“国庆盛宴” Activities 18:Huairou area night bohai sea food corridor"National Day feast"


time:Mid-Autumn festival/During National Day two


site:Bohai sea town domain



  鱼师傅垂钓园:位于渤海镇苇店村。主推菜品:阿拉伯烤鱼、爆炒小柴鸡 。优惠活动:中秋节和国庆期间凡是来店吃饭的客人每桌免费赠送干果一份(板栗等)。联系电话:61621024

Fish ChuiDiaoYuan master:Is located in the bohai sea town reed shop village.Main dishes:Arab grilled fish/Sauteed small ChaiJi .Favourable activity:The Mid-Autumn festival HeGuoQing period to shop who eat each table guest free gift of dried fruit a(Chinese chestnut etc).Contact phone number:61621024


Red chestnut food co., LTD:Is located in the bohai sea town reed shop village.Main dishes:Full of/JinBi brilliant.Favourable activity:The Mid-Autumn festival HeGuoQing period to shop who eat guest everyone free gift of a piece of moon cakes.Contact phone number:61626558


Crown dragon mountain villa:Is located in the bohai sea town reed shop village.Main dishes:Roast rainbow trout.Favourable activity:The Mid-Autumn festival HeGuoQing period to shop who eat guest each table minimum consumption to 80 yuan(Not fish)Each table free gift of a rainbow trout and each two bottles of beer,Accommodation discount.Contact phone number:61621120

  三亩园烧烤城:位于渤海镇三渡河村。主推菜品:炭火烤鸡及自家菜园的各种绿色有机蔬菜 。优惠活动:中秋节和国庆期间凡是通过网站来店吃饭、住宿的客人打8.5折,并且每桌免费赠送特色菜一道。联系电话:60637129

Three acres of garden barbecue city:Is located in the bohai sea town three crossing the river village.Main dishes:Roast chicken with coals and their various kinds of garden green organic vegetables .Favourable activity:The Mid-Autumn festival HeGuoQing period all through the web site to shop to eat/Hotel guests play 8.5 fold,And each table free gift of a specialty.Contact phone number:60637129


HuaKun barbecue city:Is located in the bohai sea town three crossing the river village.Main dishes:Roast rainbow trout.Favourable activity:The Mid-Autumn festival HeGuoQing period to shop who eat guests enjoy discount.Contact phone number:61621082


Ancient shut restaurant:Is located in the bohai sea town the gravelled valley village.Main dishes:Fry chestnut mushroom/Stew meat.Favourable activity:The Mid-Autumn festival HeGuoQing period to shop who eat guests enjoy a 9.5 discount,At the same time in this store, how much to eat how much credit to send,Integral can be in a net to buy things.Contact phone number:13601170585

  河沿儿山庄: 位于渤海镇六渡河村。主推菜品:推出以当地产板栗为特色的“板栗宴”,有山药栗子羹、金瓜板栗红烧肉、板栗烧河鸭、双花栗子鸡丁、板栗土豆炖排骨、板栗烧凤爪、板栗顿柴鸡、板栗烧冬菇、清炒板栗时蔬等。联系电话:61649589

River curb villa: Is located in the bohai sea town six crossing the river village.Main dishes:Introduction to the local production to the characteristics of Chinese chestnut"Chestnut feast",Have Chinese yam chestnut soup/Yellow melon chestnut braise in soy sauce meat/Chestnut burn river duck/Double flowers chestnut chicken/Chinese chestnut potato stewed pork ribs/Chestnut burn chicken feet/Chestnut ChaiJi meal/Chestnut burn black mushroom/Stir-fried chestnut when height, etc.Contact phone number:61649589


taoyuan:Is located in the bohai sea town hole station village.Main dishes:Roast rainbow trout.Favourable activity:The Mid-Autumn festival HeGuoQing period to shop who eat guests can enjoy their spring of a rainbow trout special price 18 yuan,Golden trout special 20 yuan,And accommodation play 7 fold.Contact phone number:13716052931


This column the source:The town is located in the bohai sea sand valley village.Main dishes:Pumpkin steamed spareribs/Three minutes fast steamed rainbow trout/Professional oven to bake complete sheep/Lamb chops/Leg of lamb and favourable activity:For team guest prepared team meal 8 heat and cool,Are the local specialties.All the team during the festival enjoy preferential activities,During the festival the reservation is a chance to win catering more than 500 yuan cash immediately lose 50 yuan feedback.Contact phone number:61631319


Dual-source exchange hotel:Is located in the bohai sea town village of bohai sea.Main dishes:Kua stew rainbow trout.Favourable activity:During the Mid-Autumn festival in our visitors each presented a piece of moon cakes.Contact phone number:60631995


Static month ChuiDiaoYuan mountain:Is located in the bohai sea town the gravelled valley village.Main dishes:Roast rainbow trout.Favourable activity:The Mid-Autumn festival HeGuoQing guest during each table free gift of marinated tofu a.Contact phone number:61621817


Sleeping Buddha mountain villa:Is located in the bohai sea town TianXian valley village.Main dishes:Brine unpacking bean curd/Garlic burn sturgeon/Very fish head.Favourable activity:The Mid-Autumn festival HeGuoQing to shop during dinner guests enjoy discount.Contact phone number:61626090


Contact phone number:61632764


 活动十九:怀柔区桥梓镇“金秋美食季” Activities 19:Huairou area bridge catalpa town"Autumn food season"




site:Bridge catalpa town domain




Old A club:Located in the bridge catalpa town front axle catalpa village west,Main dishes:Iron pan braised goose/Sweet Fried bamboo insect/Fried locust/Pollution-free vegetable dishes.Consultation telephone:13910529907


Nine Xi manor:Located in the bridge catalpa town xing bridge street west,Main dishes:Characteristic deer meat feast.Consultation telephone:15710095375


LongYi porch:Located in the bridge catalpa town oral village north,Main dishes:Collapse stew rainbow trout/sturgeon,Peasant food.Consultation telephone:13716107490


Sweet element garden:In the bridge catalpa town oral village north,Out food:By chestnut mushroom,ChaiJi stew/Roast rainbow trout/Bake complete sheep.Consultation telephone:13716597076


Leisureliness in:Located in the bridge catalpa town oral village south,Out food:"Fried prickly ash bud/Roast rainbow trout/Spareribs string beans examination paper.Consultation telephone:13691513291


Warmth NongGuYuan:Located in the bridge catalpa town north home village,Main dishes:ChaiGuo fish/Braise in soy sauce meat.Consultation telephone:13716112107


Contact phone number:69678936

  活动二十:怀柔区汤河口镇推出“秋游天河川” Activities twenty:Huairou area soup HeKouZhen launch"Autumn day rivers"


1/Soup HeKouZhen launched"Autumn day rivers"




site:Soup HeKouZhen domain


content:Beijing groove domain economic investment promotion meeting/China's automobile tension championships held the opening ceremony of the activities of the huairou station,Make soup HeKouZhen"Day rivers"This XinJingDian just built a little famous,Green river,Beautiful environment,Lining have to"Day rivers"Like a ribbon general,Lie in the soup HeKouZhen domain west side,Along the overall length of 5 km,cruise/Deck chair/JingTing/corridor/Tall trees/Beautiful intercepting dam,For tourists autumn provides plenty of entertainment recreation facilities,Provides the closest natural high quality sites.Here rurality is a special skill,Sat by the river fishing,Admire natural pastoral scenery,River cross-strait mountainous terrain,To get rid of the city,Own a piece of quiet"City residents"for,"Day rivers"Is absolutely the right choice.


Contact phone number:89671328/89671433


2/Soup HeKouZhen von home courtyard(Double source poly resort)Product manchu food


content:Von home courtyard showed authentic manchu characteristics,Here is a natural"peasant"And real"noble"The perfect combination of,Realize the resort and the perfect combination of peasant characteristics.courtyard,eggplant/pepper/radish/potatoes/plum/Apple and so on various season vegetables and fruit fresh crisp be about to drip;The yard set up two big ChaiGuo,Paste stew fish/Farmhouse small stew,Ingredients fresh,Taste attractive,What would you like to have the direct can choose.Small courtyard offers visitors a perfect food vacation trip.


Contact phone number:13910995059


3/After HeKouZhen soup AnLing village peasant food products


content:After AnLing village close to"White river bend",In baihe coast,Yanshan arms of,Serene &elegant,Abundant natural resources,Wetland landscape outstanding characteristics,After the new rural community planning,72 a independent xiaolou make it become a unique charm mountain village.Village baihe clear before,Group of duck paddle,Village honest people.Now the village folk receive the whole development of tourism industry,to"original"As a sign,Small fish alive and kicking/Yellow orange orange duck's egg/Head full of goose egg/All kinds of miscellaneous grains food,Plus wild fishing, and other entertainment facilities,To you fully display the mountain village unique field breath.After the passion AnLing village villagers had well"Stick autumn fat"Peasant food,Visitors look forward to hearing the autumn scenery/Product folk.


Contact phone number:13910076540


 活动二十一:怀柔区喇叭沟门满族乡“满乡金秋游” Activities the 21st:Huairou area LaPaGouMen manchu townships"Full township autumn swim"




site:LaPaGouMen manchu townships

  内容:以“赏白桦红叶 品农家美食”为主题推出两节活动,在喇叭沟门满族乡体验汽车拉力赛线路,免费参观满族民俗博物馆;在中榆树店村、下河北村、孙栅子村住民俗院,品特色满族菜肴;在白桦林景区赏白桦林金秋红叶。

content:to"Admire the white birch maple leaves peasant food products"As the theme launched two activities,In LaPaGouMen manchu nationality township experience rally line,Free visit manchu nationality folk custom museum;In the elm shop village/Hebei village under/Sun ShanZi village live folk court,Product characteristics manchu dishes;White birch forest scenic spot in reward birchwoods autumn red.


Contact phone number:60623435


活动二十二:怀柔区秋季采摘 Activities 22:Huairou area autumn picking


1/"Night the bohai sea"Green corridor autumn picking


time:Mid-Autumn festival/During National Day two


site:Bohai sea town domain



  正来采摘园采摘:苹果、桃、枣 咨询电话:13716752618

Is to pick the pick:apple/peach/Jujube consultation telephone:13716752618

  富贵采摘园采摘:梨、苹果 咨询电话:13241676882

Riches and honour picking garden picking:pear/Apple consultation telephone:13241676882

  希福采摘园采摘:桃、枣、苹果 咨询电话:13716706155

XiFu picking garden picking:peach/jujube/Apple consultation telephone:13716706155

  明凤采摘园采摘:李、梨、苹果 咨询电话:13520076129

MingFeng picking garden picking:li/pear/Apple consultation telephone:13520076129

  双福采摘园采摘:苹果、桃、梨 咨询电话:13717811576

Double blessing picking garden picking:apple/peach/Pear consultation telephone:13717811576

  丰盛采摘园采摘:苹果、梨 咨询电话:13717658162

Abundant picking garden picking:apple/Pear consultation telephone:13717658162

  渔缘采摘园采摘:桃 咨询电话:13501135211

Fishing edge picking garden picking:Peach consultation telephone:13501135211

  长田采摘园采摘:苹果、桃、李 咨询电话:13681103799

Long field picking garden picking:apple/peach/Lee consultation telephone:13681103799

  仙果采摘园采摘:桃、枣 咨询电话:13693310301

Fairy fruit picking garden picking:peach/Jujube consultation telephone:13693310301

  开心采摘园采摘:红果、梨、枣、桃 咨询电话:13716391102

Happy picking garden picking:crabapple/pear/jujube/Peach consultation telephone:13716391102


Contact phone number:61632764


2/Bridge catalpa town phoenix mountain the orchard autumn picking




site:Bridge catalpa town domain




Chicken meet dates picking garden:Is located in the east FengShanCun east bridge catalpa town,Can pick GaGa date/walnut/chestnut/apple/crabapple.Consultation telephone:13716312112


Amaranthus picking garden:Located in the bridge catalpa town rear axle catalpa village,Can pick GaGa date/Winter jujubes.Consultation telephone:




Peaceful winter jujubes garden:Located in the bridge catalpa town west tea dock village north,Picking winter jujubes,Consultation telephone:13683578952


Lung interpretation of porch:Located in the bridge catalpa town oral village north,Can pick date.Consultation telephone:13716107490


Peaceful company"The order of the phoenix a number"Winter jujubes picking garden:Located in the bridge catalpa town west tea dock village,Can pick date.Consultation telephone:69678816.


Lavender farm:Is located in the town of catalpa bridge before XinZhuangCun south,Can pick date/grapes/plum.Consultation telephone:60673064


Flat righteousness points persimmon picking garden:Located in the bridge catalpa ascending righteousness points village,October be picked persimmon,Consultation telephone:60633749


Red berries garden:Located in the bridge catalpa town east tea dock village north,Can pick strawberry/vegetables.Consultation telephone:13801020400


Contact phone number:69678936


3/BeiFang town city agriculture park SAN bamboo plantation can pick pitaya.Consultation telephone:13611060981


4/YangSongZhen four seasons flower industrial park can buy potted flower.Consultation telephone:61678164


5/BeiZhen with old tree groove can pick apples/Winter pear.Consultation telephone:69666651


