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  近来,由于日本政府一意孤行地推进所谓将钓鱼岛“国有化”的措施,中日两国关系跌入冰点。在日本福冈,一些右翼势力趁机制造事端,向领事馆投掷发烟筒、用石块袭击中餐馆和企业、纵火袭击中文学校。这令我们不由得对在日华人华侨的安全有所担心。那么,如今,在日华人生活、学习、工作的实际情况到底怎样?本网连线环球资讯驻日本记者王洋,介绍一些旅日留学生和华人华商的近况。 recently,Because of the Japanese government go one's own way to promote the so-called will diaoyu islands"nationalization"measures,Relations between the two countries fell into freezing point.In fukuoka, Japan,Some right-wing forces seized the chance to let sleeping dogs lie,To the consulate throwing hair pipe/With rocks attack Chinese restaurant and enterprise/Arson attacks on Chinese school.This makes we couldn't help in Chinese and overseas Chinese, the security is worried about.so,now,In the day of Chinese life/learning/Work in the actual situation what?This attachment global information in Japan WangYang reporters,Introduce some LvRi students Chinese merchants and recent situation.


In view of the recent sino-japanese relations about the situation,China's embassy to Japan in order to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens in Japan by way of a public announcement,To live in the temporary or in day Chinese citizens living pay attention to personal safety.Notice also released in Japan consulate and emergency contact,And remind the Chinese citizens, once a person suffers infestation or property invasion,Should be timely to Japanese police,At the same time to the nearest Chinese embassy in embassies or consulates, report status,Obtain consular assistance.


In order to understand Chinese, the specific life,Reporters in recent days in Tokyo interviewed several in the day of working or learning of Chinese,They generally say,In the life could not be changed a lot.Is currently studying in Japan waseda university the university Chinese students 魏喆 feel,His own life and past still than normal.魏喆 said,"Life is not the same concrete should have no.Because the Japanese people as usual,May for international aspects of the political strife less concern.But because the media still have this kind of concentrated reports,So may usually if will often see TV or newspaper double words,Still there will be a little tense situation.


魏喆 a classmate ZouXin, said,Recently the periphery environment of some changes,Or let her have some worry.ZouXin said,"Especially in recent,Family members or friends will send QQ said"Side how?"/"Pay attention to safety"what.At first I don't care about,He said nothing important matter.But yesterday,In the acerbity valley there,The right wing of the Japan make some speech,I had a feeling,Relationship still pretty nervous,A little afraid.Recently it is should pay attention to,Is outside try not to loudly say Chinese."


MaXiuLan is pool bag a Chinese restaurant boss,At ordinary times came to her to the store mostly Japanese guests.She says,From her contact with some of the guests come to see,Everyone's relations not so great change,A lot of frequent visitor will also concerns her feelings deliberately avoiding sensitive topic.but,She said,"But some more close with with me/Comparative talky people can speak(Diaoyu islands problem),They will be more positive to these problems,No anger.Some people would say,They Japanese right-wing molecular now make of these things,They also feel a shame,Also pretty want to tell the Chinese communication,At ordinary times for our impression are quite good."


MaXiuLan said,She is your restaurant business from 19 began to feel some change,This may with Japanese media on the previous repeatedly broadcast on the Chinese anti-japanese demonstrations about."Today is idle,Because they Japan yesterday began to large area to play back day parade(picture),They began to see this morning.so,Tonight we are idle,May be(because)They just saw."


WangWeiMin in Japan is running a special reception to day Chinese tourists travel agent,A few days ago he brought from China tourists travel to Osaka,Meet of the Japanese people are very friendly.WangWeiMin said,"I took tourists to Osaka city,Where to go for dinner/shopping.Many Japanese people ask whether Chinese,(we)A say,(they)Is very enthusiastic.No one said"You roll back"so,Are very welcome(we),said"Better sino-japanese relations"."


But WangWeiMin said,Because of some Chinese tour group cancelled to Japan travel plans,His company's management at present are still a lot of influence."Influence is very big.now(China)Basically do not have the group,Our travel agency when can begin to have group still don't know.The original,11 National Day period(scheduled)Is full,Now suddenly all cancelled.Many Chinese tour guide are back,Here, no work.About what time to start having work also don't know,Some people say that for three months,Some people said to half an year probably it."


In the interview,Some day in Chinese also said,They worry that,Sino-japanese relations of stalemate situation is likely to continue for some time,But they also can through own rational patriotic way,To the surrounding Japan show a good image of the Chinese people,And the prospect of the development of china-japan relations have expectation and confidence.
