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  近日,有关国庆期间首批 80个景点即将降价迎客的消息甫经披露,便引来众多关注。自“假日经济”的理念在上世纪被提出以来,我国的旅游市场进入了一个空前繁荣的发展阶段,但与此同时,不少民众指责旅游景区门票价格偏高;相应的,旅游资源的贵族化倾向却一直在蔓延,高企的价格甚或成为排他性的“尊享服务”的尺度。此番“降价”,公众对于这一事关切身消费权益的议题的参与热情可见一斑。作为这样一项惠及民生的政策出台,怎么样摆脱简单的“象征意义”,而将带给老百姓的实惠落到实处,这才是公众关注的焦点所在。 recently,During the National Day the first batch of 80 sites will depreciate welcome news just the disclosure,He draws many attention.since"Holiday economy"The idea of the last century since the proposed,China's tourism market has entered a unprecedented prosperity stage of development,But at the same time,Many people blame tour scenic spot ticket price is on the high side;corresponding,The tourism resources of the aristocratic tendency has been spread in,High price or even be exclusive"Honour enjoy service"scale.This""reduction",The public is the vital interests of consumer issues, participation enthusiasm is obvious.As such a benefit the people's livelihood policies,How to get rid of the simple"symbolism",And will bring people's benefits into effect,This is where the focus of public concern.


On the one hand,Public policy is the vitality of execution,The current departments have issued tourist attractions reduction measures has been unbalanced distribution,Not only has a significant regional difference(Such as guangdong/Yunnan provinces favorable to a larger extent,Other provinces action is smaller),And there are also differences between individual and hierarchy("Five A"Level scenic spot price concessions can not launch,While the other relative unpopular scenic spot price is open today),Even in some scenic spots inside,The main gate of the scenic area reduction/Feature attractions wicket rise in price trend has also have looked up.this,Policy implement difficult,People difficult to really benefit,In the scenic spot itself credit and the overall development of the tourism market are harmful without the.


On the other hand,The object of public policy is concerned,Since tourism resources has its publicity side,Then the interested party is not as manager of the government departments,It is also used as a tourist resources developer and operator's tourism enterprise/As a tourist resources consumer the general public,And the tourism resources of the original inhabitants live the benefit share weal and woe.In this sense,The tourist market price regulation and control measures of the policy process should have the full system audience considerations,Regional differences of give attention to two or morethings/Consumption level difference/Tourism individual traveler and the group guest differences and local residents and tourists difference and so on;Both fully respect the tourist market free development of the scale,And to ensure that the tourism resources as quasi-public products are reasonable HuiYi enjoy,so,To ensure that price concessions to the possibility of cash.

  总之,任何一项公共政策应容纳各利益相关方合理的诉求表达并促成其实现。公共精神的塑造也不是一句“口惠”的空话,而需要惠益合理均享的“实至”作为注脚。喻锋 (作者是华南理工大学公共管理学院讲师)

In a word,Any a public policy should accommodate each stakeholder reasonable appeals to express and its implementation.The public spirit is not a shape"Lip service"Empty talk,And HuiYi reasonable need all the rest"Real to"As a footnote.YuFeng (The writer is the south China university of technology with the public administrative college lecturer)
