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逃离大都市 与最美的月光结伴而游(组图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  在平常,旅游一般就是短暂逃离都市,融入大自然之中,如果漫漫长夜只是选择在酒店歇息,不好好欣赏灿烂夜空,着实浪费。而今年的国庆与中秋相连,如果出游线路选择得当,那么在出游的旅途之中,皓月高悬,微风轻拂,美景作伴,夜间赏月当属人生乐事。对月当歌的机会,当然不能错过。本期,为短暂逃离大都市的你,介绍适合长假期间夜间赏月的旅游目的地。 In the ordinary,Tourism it is commonly short escape from city,Blend in nature,If all night long just selection in hotel rest,Don't enjoy brilliant night sky,Really waste.This year's National Day and the Mid-Autumn festival connected,If travel route choice is proper,Then in the journey of travel,Bright moon hanging,The light wind gently brushed,Beauty company,To celebrate the night when the joy of life.Moon when song opportunities,Of course can't miss.this,For short escape from metropolis of you,Introduce suitable for holiday to celebrate the night of the tourist destination.


敦煌:孤寂神秘晓明月 dunhuang:Lonely mysterious XiaoMing month


[Reason to celebrate]:"Enhanced desert solitary smoke straight,River falling yen",Wang wei of this poem describes the distant desert/Desert scene,And the night the moon more lonely/clarification/bright.Bright moon night,In dunhuang this piece of clean the moonlight cast off all other thoughts,Let the body and mind is loosened.

敦煌莫高窟 Dunhuang mogao grottoes

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Mogao grottoes,China's biggest living Buddhism art grottoes,With exquisite frescoes and statue is well known in the world,Known as"Oriental art pearl"said.Experience with Chinese wind after TangYu,Still can give a person to bring strong mindsets.


The singing,The whole mountain yellow sand accumulation and become,Wind up,Desert will be made a loud noise,When the breeze waft,Also like the traditional stringed and woodwind instruments,Hence its name.Under the singing a YueYaQuan,Like a crescent moon,Water quality had,Clear as a mirror.Quicksand and between spring only several dozen meters.But although encounter heavy wind and spring is not covered by quicksand,Is located in the gobi and spring not turbidity don't dry.ShaQuan symbiosis,Spring sand coexistence of the landscape,Is really"The world wonders".月亮 The moon

A broad,Since ancient times for the silk Lucy out of dunhuang,Through the western regions south way necessary levels"One man can hold out against,Ten thousand people don't open"Topography is the,Ancient poem have cloud"West out without a man",A feeling.


Tips:October is the best time in dunhuang,Suggest dunhuang/xinjiang/Lanzhou league swim,Can choose non-stop flight to lanzhou,From lanzhou on the train,About 14 hours can be reached dunhuang,Had better choose the evening train,Arrive early for dunhuang,Get off the sunrise to celebrate,Kill two birds with one stone.


青海湖:月光尽情倾洒惹人念 Qinghai lake:The moonlight to read a shed


[Reason to celebrate]:In the vast qinghai lake is the endless gold YinTan grassland,The pure light of moon shed down,Like can all bundled aquatic plants/shrubs,More people caught,Let the life out of the emotion of thoughts.Perhaps it was the distant great lakes and grassland in the field,The moon went the more appear lonely and cold and cheerless,Let life flow,And grassland on the images of fire,Enthusiasm burst put,Fire and water this incompatible,But in qinghai lake but it shows a big harmony.

青藏高原 Qinghai-tibet plateau

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Qinghai lake,China's largest lagoon,Full-bodiedly lake,The vast grassland is around.The prairie,Golden rape,Windward fragrance;Pastoralists tent,Dotted;Swarms of cattle and sheep,Clouds float.Sunrise and sunset charming scenery,More full of poetic charms,Make people relaxed and happy.In the qinghai lake is not only can watch the plateau pastoral scenery,Still can horse riding a yak,Roaming grassland,Climbing dune,Or to herdsmen home visit,Appreciate the Tibetan herdsmen amorous feelings.青海湖 Qinghai lake

In the Mid-Autumn festival night,And qinghai lake adjacent gold YinTan grassland more let a person feel excited,Because in this piece of grasslands,Ring that first love song grassland[In the distant place].Gold YinTan grassland is divided into gold beach and YinTan,Under the moonlight,Are sparking a charming shine,Close from day,Far away from the crowd.

金银滩 Gold YinTan
  Tips: 9、10月份,已是青海湖旅游的旺季后半程,但依然会看到众多从北方飞来的候鸟。

Tips: 9/In October,Qinghai lake is the second season tourism,But many still see from the north of migratory birds fly.


拉萨:明月照亮心灵家园 Lhasa:The moon light to the soul home


[Reason to celebrate]:In the moonlight upon,Plateau scenery will become a picture with a cold tonal picture scroll,The moon is high and are more like a medal"light",The land by the snow blaze of glittering and translucent get rid of/Clear transparent,Eyes as if was a mirage scene."Sun city"Lhasa is such a mind homeland,In more than 3700 meters above sea level of on,Strong religious atmosphere and a long historical sites let a person too agitated vertigo.


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Lhasa,Tibet's first big city,But please don't take it to be for the city,Here more is the symbol of the Tibetan buddhist spiritual home.In Lhasa,See magnificent potala palace/Believers sanctuary jokhang temple/Around barkhor street/See the drepung debate/Norbulingka experience the Tibetan landscape amorous feelings,Lhasa is like a picture scroll,Mysterious and beautiful.


namucuo,More than two hundred kilometers from Lhasa,Tibet's three big"ShenHu"of.The pilgrims orz/Creeping forward figure,Become a unique landscape.


Tips:To Lhasa can the plane direct;And the roof of the world to take the qinghai-tibet railway train plateau,A fish-eye view of the qinghai-tibet plateau beautiful natural scenery.


峨眉山:月色风华绝代 emeishan:Moonlight southeast


[Reason to celebrate]:The mountain top,Walk a sea of clouds,Bath yuet,Listen to sound meditation he,Admire the moon auspicious,Mood cool and refreshing people must be not willing to miss.Mount emei is always called"The Mid-Autumn festival to celebrate the best land",The Mid-Autumn particularly bright,Buddhist shrine to celebrate has its unique meaning.

峨眉山 emeishan

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Mount emei for Chinese Buddhism is one of the four famous mountains,Forceful beautiful,Meteorological ten thousand,Mountain temple numerous,Met the chink,cloud.Jinding emei mountain high clouds low,Scenery magnificent,Visitors can give the steep rock edge appreciate sunrise/Sea of clouds/Buddha/The holy light four places.Jinding on all around 10, pu like of the world's highest Buddha.Still can enjoy"Cloud and mist on hold".When the cloud and the moon when combined with,The moon is like concealed in the cloud,Like a shy girl,For a while hide into between clouds,For a while and LiaoKai veil,Show jiao rong.


Wash like pool is located in central mount emei,According to legend is samantabhadra bath white elephant place.Here the high mountain air lang,To clear off the most beautiful moonlit scene,"Like pool on the night"As one of the highest ten scene.圆月 moon

Tips:On a plane to chengdu,To transfer tourism car.Chengdu to leshan/Mount emei of highway total length of 169 km,Car need about more than two hours to get.Down the emeishan,Can amusement mountain giant Buddha,Swim the Yangtze river three gorges,Plenty of time in words,Might as well will chengdu and jiuzhaigou scenery flash search.


西江苗寨:原生态苗家中秋 Xijiang miao people:The original ecological merchant Mid-Autumn festival


[Reason to celebrate]:Has been,Xijiang miao village of people live is not outside interference and tranquil life,Keep the real original traditional merchant,In the piece with the mountain and built in the village,A merchant the Mid-Autumn festival,Nature than in urban interesting.

西江苗寨 Xijiang miao people

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West river is China's largest miao miao village,By more than ten according to shan erjian the connected into natural villages,claims"Xijiang da-zhai,Thousands of miao people",Save miao"Original ecological"Cultural complete place,Have profound miao culture.The miao construction/dress/silver/language/diet/Traditional customs not only typical,And keep a good,As if an open-air museum.


Tips:Xijiang miao village distance capital guiyang city about 260 miles (kilometers),Distance of qiandongnan state Carey 35 kilometers,36 kilometers from the city of leishan county.Can take the plane to after the guiyang,Sit bus to Carey or leishan county,Turn again to bus.


庐山:高山湖泊间赏月观日出 lushan:Alpine lakes to celebrate between the sunrise


[Reason to celebrate]:Mountain to celebrate,There will be a narcissistic aesthetic feeling.On the mountain top,Moonlight more cool,Meditate on the past can cause more think this mood.JiXiu the lushan mountain stands on the changjiang,Shore of poyang lake.Mid-Autumn festival night,To celebrate here may be life unforgettable experience,Can net sales beauty mountain lakes.庐山红叶 Lushan red

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Lushan HanPoKou the sunrise is the best scenery,But actually here is also a good place for to celebrate.moon,The moon rose slowly from the lake,Moonlight lit up the surrounding hills,A boundless expanse of blue water,Lights on fishing boats little,The wind the,Moonlight very hot.


"Month as pine forest"Is the young lovers like to place,There is also a good place to celebrate Mid-Autumn festival.A crescent earth road,Both sides pine forest.The moon as a mirror,Moonlight spilled on the ground,The lovers of honey meaning,Along with the moonlight sublimation.Lushan mountain in addition to known as a summer resort,Autumn is a good place for reward red.


Tips:To lushan mountain,The most efficient is the plane,A high performance/price ratio is on the train.Autumn of lushan mountain,Incomparably beautiful,lushan/Ones temple/Like flower diameter/Royal pavilion/Fairy cave,These attractions around the woods all has put on the red autumn outfit,Particularly enchanting.Also can go to look at jiujiang city meanwhile Yang floor and lock jiang floor.


苏州古城:水光月色相映趣 Suzhou's old city:Above the moonlight set each other off interest


[Reason to celebrate]:"The bright moon in the sky,Walking in a light rain gallery/Under the moon and flowers,Put the cup sit back and,Static see month since the water out",This is a lot of people have a dream of of primitive simplicity of autumn festival.Suzhou's old city,And the new city flatly segmentation,In the ancient city of garden,You don't have to worry about"Stony forest"Damage beauty,Just is the best place to enjoy of primitive simplicity on.


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Suzhou's old city to celebrate,The best place is the classical garden,The first WangShiYuan.WangShiYuan of"Month to the wind to pavilion"Relief higher,Three surface ring water,Booth in the center of the hanging a large mirror,Every arrive the bright moon at the beginning,Can see"water/mirror/heaven"Three bright moon,Alone becomes the wonders.


Suzhou river network with,In the ancient city of south of the Yangtze river is the center of the river and the most densely populated region,"East shuicheng"In recent years, vigorously develop water tourism,Might as well buy a ticket at night,Follow the helmsman in red lantern and between ShuiYing shaking.


In addition,To experience suzhou dense and plain,Must go to road pingkiang,Listen to Chinese kunqu opera,Go full suzhou most lasting appeal of the flagging.In the name of jiangnan garden,To humble administrator's garden/The lion forest and suzhou museum ChuanMenZi,Then around seven miles mountain pools taste antique.Swim suzhou garden outside,Can also go to visit gusu city of hanshan temple or jiangnan six big name one of the ancient watery town prefered.

苏州山塘 Suzhou pool

Tips:From guangzhou airport on a plane to Shanghai hongqiao airport,Again in the next move the station transfer to moving car to suzhou.Suzhou scenic spots mostly closed early,Particularly worth a visit of gusu city of hanshan temple,Is 17:And he closed,Holidays are no exception,This if it is self-help will pay special attention to the arrangement of the time.


三亚海棠湾:海上明月照天涯 Sanya haitang bay:The sea the moon shines


[Reason to celebrate]:Hainan sanya haitang bay far away from the city,Most areas have no development,No lights shining and urban pollution,The moon more bright.Whether in the moonlight and frolicking in the waves,Or lying on the soft beach enjoy the moon,Or take the fishermen's boat in the sea to celebrate,Can experience"Sea born bright moon,Were at this time the"Artistic conception.


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Quince bay,Sanya is located in the northeast shore,From sanya city 28 kilometers,Yalong bay and adjacent to the south,Quince bay and yalong bay/The daito bay/Sanya bay/Cliff state bay sanya bay for five name.Due to the far away from the city,Most areas have no development,The coastline scenery,Channel such as network,Oasis QiBu,The luxuriant.Bay have"China the first YiQuan"NaTian hot spring/Iron port/WuZhiZhouDao/Coconut chau island scenery sites etc.


Coconut chau island is located in the southern tip of cany bridge,Not far from the course of the highway,The island of growing tree coconut palm and various fern plants,Blue sky/oasis/Clear water/YinTan constitute islands beautiful picture.


WuZhiZhouDao scenic area due to the remote,Visitors seldom,The beach is the region's most sanya clean a block,Is known as sanya last piece of virgin land,Focus on TengHai fishing village sea before,Quince bay coast.Clear sea water,In surrounding areas is rich in seafood,Submarine coral has more than 260 kinds of.

  Tips:乘飞机到三亚后,度假酒店一般都会提供机场接机服务,可以轻松到达酒店。在三亚住酒店,提前在网上预订较为便宜。海边的五星级酒店最贵,可以选择非国际品牌的酒店,几百元也可以住得很好。 (来源:羊城晚报)

Tips:After fly to sanya,Resort hotel will generally provide the service of airport pick up service,Can easily reach the hotel.In sanya staying in a hotel,Advance in the Internet booking relatively cheap.The most expensive hotel,Can choose the international brand hotel,Hundreds of yuan can also live well. (source:Yang cheng evening news)
