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    AoSuoKa®New sherry®3 m high warm velvet cotton dust coat,According to the outdoor environment for electrostatic in physical environment and electronic equipment inconvenience caused,Choose new sherry®AS type heat preservation material.The material antistatic ability outstanding,Widely used in aerospace/Precision electronic and other areas of professional level antistatic materials,It inherits the 3 m warm velvet fine heat preservation effect.Clo value of 4.70,Thermal effect is far beyond the ordinary fibre.New sherry®Efficient warm velvet warmth retention property,Is common heat preservation material 2 times,Is 1.5 times of down jacket,Is known as the world's best tropical heat preservation material.

  静电,属于一种自然现象,在现实生活中随处可见。我们甚至已经习惯与它“朝夕相处”。特别是在气候干燥的秋冬季,你会发现你也成了带电之人,你会向与你握手的人或接近你的与大地相连的一切金属 物放出电火花,再想想脱下外套时的噼啪声…不要以为静电只是让你难受一下,又或是脱下衣服时头发竖立起来的小尴尬…

electrostatic,Belong to a natural phenomenon,In real life can be seen everywhere.We even have habits and it"together".Especially in the climate dry qiu dong season,You will find that you have become the people live,You will to shake hands with you or close to you and to the earth all the metal objects release spark,Think again took off his coat when the crack…Don't think that electrostatic just upset you once,Or take off clothes hair stand up little awkward…

  当你看到手指接触物体时发出的“哒”的一声并伴着光亮。这就是静电释放过程,简称ESD(Electro-Static discharge)。

When you see a finger contact objects"The dalai"A sound and with light.This is the electrostatic release process,ESD(Electro - Static discharge).


Electrostatic in the human body accumulation,Can cause brain cell membrane current conduction anomaly,Affect the central nervous,Leading to blood ph value and the body oxygen characteristics of the change,Affect the body's physiological balance,Make the person appear giddy/headache/fidgety/insomnia/Loss of appetite/The symptom such as spirit of trance.


Electrostatic interference can also change the human body surface normal potential difference,Influence myocardial normal electrical physiological process,At the same time also will interfere with the body's blood circulation/The immune system and nervous system,Influence each viscera(Particularly the heart)The normal work of the,Likely to cause the heart rate abnormal and heart premature beat.In winter,About one-third of cardiovascular disease and electrostatic relevant.

  奥索卡®新雪丽®高效暖绒棉风衣,外层为防风防水的压胶风衣,内里是新雪丽®高效暖绒棉服,AS型保温材料有效防止静电产生。可以根据不同的天气和环境自由搭配,Zip-In 的设计使拆卸过程简单方便,更轻薄的材质也更利于收纳携带。在气候多变的户外旅途,无须更多准备,你就可以让温暖舒适一路随行。

AoSuoKa®New sherry®Efficient warm velvet cotton dust coat,Outer for wind waterproof taped dust coat,Inside is a new sherry®Efficient warm velvet cotton-padded jacket,AS type heat preservation material effectively prevent electrostatic generation.May act according to the different weather and environment free collocation,Zip - In the design of disassembly process is simple and convenient,More frivolous material also more conducive to receive carry.In the climate changeful outdoor journey,Without more ready to,You can let warm and comfortable with all the way.

  + 一款多用途专业压胶衣,采用高防风防水透气面料,满足极限环境下的各种探险和登山活动需要。

+ one multi-purpose professional pressure gel coat,Using high wind waterproof breathable fabrics,Satisfy the limit environment of various exploration and mountaineering activities need.

  + 可拆保暖棉内里,使用者能在多变的户外环境中享受自然

+ detachable warm cotton linings,Users can in changeful outdoor environment to enjoy the nature

  + 袖肘立体裁剪,增强活动舒适度

+ sleeve cubits stereo cutting,Enhance activity comfort

  + 拿破仑式胸袋设计,为使用者提到简洁有效的储物空间

+ napoleon type breast pocket design,For users to concise effective store object space

  + 袖口带Velcro®魔术帖,可调节松紧

+ cuff with Velcro®Magic for,Adjustable elastic
