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  本报讯(记者陆季惠)昨天,记者从苏州市中级人民法院了解到,全市法院近三年来共审结旅游消费纠纷20余起,其中由于旅游途中发生意外伤害而引发的纠纷占比达到七成以上。国庆长假即将来临,市民们长假外出旅游,该注意些什么?倘若旅途中发生意外伤害,该如何维权?苏州法院近期审理的几个旅游官司,或许能带给大家一些启示。 Report from our correspondent(Reporter LiuJiHui)yesterday,Reporters from suzhou city intermediate people's court to know,The court nearly three years of a total of more than 20 up tourism consumption disputes,Among them because of the way travel accident harm caused disputes reached seventy percent above.National Day long vacation is coming,The citizens traveling vacation,This note some what?If the journey from accidental injury,How to rights?Suzhou court trial in recent several travel case,Perhaps can bring you some enlightenment.


Case a:


Visitors ride in the shopkeeper motorboat be hit injured


Visitors to ZhaoMou couple lake tourist resort,And to zhang business hotel dining farm.CanBi,The shopkeeper zhang mou to driving motor yacht send ZhaoMou couple back to shore,On the way and farmers huang driving the boat a collision,The ZhaoMou couple was seriously injured,The ZhaoMou wife huang heavy injury,Constitute phenomenal disability.


After the accident,Suzhou fishing port supervision department to make farmers huang negative accident of the main responsibility/Zhang mou negative accident secondary liability accident responsibility identification.Two wrecker in advances 50000 yuan after medical expenses,Then pass the buck to each other,No longer pay ZhaoMou couples the rest of the medical expenses.


Helpless under,ZhaoMou couples to catering service contract zhang to the court.In the court coordination,The plaintiff and the defendant zhang ZhaoMou couples/huang(additional)Reach a mediation agreement,The two installment payment the plaintiff properly 190000 yuan.


Case two:Travel agency"resell"After customers in a car accident


Mr. Sun and miss wang ready to guilin honeymoon,So find suzhou a travel agency,And to the travel agency one-time pay full membership fee and other related expenses,Travel agencies to two people also issue the receipt.Then the travel agencies found that the near future to accommodate application CanTuan less visitors,Form a the number is not enough,Will these visitors"Sold to"The Shanghai a travel agency.Followed by guilin tour schedule/Notice the late and tourism,Is by the Shanghai travel service organization.unfortunately,In the traveling process,Tourism DaBaChe accident,The Mr. Sun right calf tibial fracture,Facial trauma,A cost to medical treatment cost nearly five thousand yuan.


Back to suzhou after,Mr. Sun many times seek to suzhou a travel agency claim compensation,But were refused,Travel agency reply said,Mr. Sun shall go to Shanghai travel agency claims.Later, Mr. Sun Sue to the court,Many times by the court mediation,Travel will medical treatment cost compensation gave Mr. Sun.


Case three:Join the optional project accident


LiuMou zhangjiagang is a business owner,Arrangements for free customers a valley(Born in 1938)And so on six customer to Indonesia's Bali island tourism.In the travel agency sent no qualification of the WangMou led,Valley a and so on six visitor at the Bali three late five-day tour.Tourism trip at one's own expenses including project"Diurnal love boat"project,Can undertake snorkeling and other activities.A valley in at one's own expenses"Diurnal love boat"Activities when diving,Drowned unfortunately.


Due to the compensation issues not consult properly,Valley some relatives will LiuMou and travel to the court,Claim compensation fees 380000 yuan.The court trial think,At one's own expense project belongs to the travel arrangement of stroke,Responsible for the travel agency is still the security obligations,Accompanied by other people do not have the qualifications,Difficult to complete remind/Warned the obligation such as,So travel agency to injury consequence shall bear the main responsibility for compensation;LiuMou not tourism contract party,Shall assume no responsibility or liability for,According to judgment travel agency compensation valley a relative loss 200000 yuan.


Case four:Signed format terms drift injury


All three of XuMou in suzhou a travel agency organization lushan mountain tour activities.In the play the lushan mountain lushan drift project,Drift rafts by high to plunge down,In one place rapids due to large gap,Rafts suffers the serious impact,Cause XuMou and children hit together,The child's safety helmet XuMou impact of the mouth,Cause XuMou right front teeth off and swelling lips.later,XuMou requirements for medical travel agency for compensation,But was refused to each other.Travel agency think,In XuMou and a travel agency[Tourism contract]in,Definite agreement may endanger tourist person/Property safety matters prior to the tourists to make real description/remind/Clear warning,And adopt preventative measures against such occurrence.


See case no,The travel agency XuMou Sue to the court.The court mediation,The judge to the contract"Format terms"The agreement to carry on the law and cohabitancy,Travel agency finally pay the medical bills.


The judge:


Traveling need to pay attention to personal property safety


Suzhou then people a court associate chief judges of WangZhiQun said,Due to the tourism service market not standard/The journey of the risk of uncertainty and tourists rights consciousness weak relative factors,Lead to tourism consumption disputes happen from time to tome,And a rising trend.WangZhiQun Suggestions,Tourists in the trip before to collect information,Try to choose good operating performance/Honest and trustworthy/Service standards of travel agencies;Visitors to do more homework,Can not blindly rely on the arrangement of the travel agency.


Sign the contract in tourism,To read the terms of the contract,To set out on a journey/Return time/Traffic tools/Hotel accommodation rating arrangements were to know fairly well,Easy to cause the dispute of the item to want to make it clear in the contract agreed.The travel agent liability exemption on unilateral"Format terms""Fighter contract",Field requirement shall explain travel agency,For obvious not reasonable terms,Tourists shall have the right to refuse to.Visitors to travel in time for the endorsement[schedule]/[The group instruction]And related invoice,Once a dispute,To properly preserve evidences.In the traveling process happened personal or property damage,Tourists can travel first and communication;If communication without,Can timely to tourism management department/Disappear assist complaints such as,Or ask the public security organ report a case to the security authorities,May also directly to the court.


WangZhiQun remind,Holiday ChuHangRen more crowded,Long distance travel easily makes people tired,Relax vigilance,Tourists travel advice in particular attention to the personal and property safety,Best buy for himself and his family corresponding insurance.


The author:LiuJiHui
