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武汉两女孩魂断上海滩 各方均称没责任--亲稳网络舆情监测室


On September 21st night at about 6,The bund Chen yi square nearby sightseeing platform,The two girls were a man armed with a knife attack,One of those people died on the spot,Another person 11 of the knife,For rescue invalid death in the morning.


The two girls are killed from wuhan,Body of 11 knife girl ice ice(alias)This year 19 years old,For wuhan professional technology institute hotel management professional sophomore,On July 1 this year to Shanghai everbright international hotel practice.Those killed on the spot named lulu(alias),23 years old,Jianghan university graduates,The day before the,To Shanghai tourism,And the ice ice is a senior high school classmate.From Shanghai huangpu district police sources said,The loose man has been the police captured,Suspect WanMou family members and assess jiangxi police reflect,WanMou there's a history of insanity.At present,The case is further investigation.


Worry about the old man can't stand news hit"We also dare not tell her grandma"


According to the ice ice in the wuhan professional technology institute tourism and aviation services, dean of the college of GuoSha is introduced,The night when xu 11 30 points,He received a telephone call from a Shanghai hotel party,And will inform the ice ice families.

  学校送去5000元抚恤金 The school sent to 5000 yuan pension


The next day,The school organizes 4 a teacher to Shanghai,For ice ice families sent to 5000 yuan pension.


Yesterday afternoon,Reporter a few times to ice ice uncle call Mr. Li,Finally got another murdered girl lulu relatives contact information.The girl uncle introduced,Lulu in 20 5 p.m. arrive in Shanghai,21 more than 5 p.m. is had an accident.phone,He did not want to be more than to reporters revealed that the child's condition,"Her grandmother is still ignorant of it,Afraid of her can not accept,We also dare not tell her old man's house."


Lulu's other a relatives said,"His family are all very sad heart,Don't want to talk about."He said,Is yet to local government contact.Last night,Mr. Li said by telephone,Ice ice and lulu are wuhan people,Two people is a senior high school classmate,Later became good friends.


20,Lulu to Shanghai tourism,Looking for a hotel in Shanghai internship ice ice and play with her.The day,Two people go to the bund to play,Didn't expect that kill encounter.


女孩家属索赔70万 The girl claims 700000 families


22,Mr Li and ice ice father arrived at the Shanghai etc.Yesterday afternoon,Mr. Li, etc as representative and the Shanghai huangpu district civil affairs departments to meet.Mr. Lee and others propose more than 70 ten thousand yuan of solatium compensation,"We are according to the Shanghai local traffic accident compensation standard to carry,Count down to less than 800000 yuan."


 学校、酒店等均称没责任 The school/Hotel all says no responsibility


Mr. Li said,After two girl was killed,The school/Practice of the bund hotel even management departments said they didn't responsibility.The police preliminary understanding results show that the murderer is a psycho,So far,Also did not see the murderer family."Didn't responsibility,The child so cause dead?"Mr. Li said,If it has not department to assume responsibility,so,There will be similar events.


Mr. Li said,Yesterday afternoon and civil affairs departments concerned personnel after meet,Didn't reach an agreement intention,Huangpu district civil affairs departments adhere to only pay the appropriate spirit solatium comfort families,For Mr. Li and so on more than 70 ten thousand yuan of claims,Reply not.


"The bund is famous all over the world attractions,Anything happened here is a great event.Two girls in the bund killed,The bund management department must cause enough attention."Mr. Li said,He hopes of the matter,On the bund no similar safety hidden trouble.


It is understood,Yesterday afternoon,Lulu family representative and huangpu district civil affairs departments to meet,And puts forward the request for compensation.


At present,Rehabilitation work is still in the consultation processing.


Lawyers said


 学生实习时出意外酒店和学校也应承担部分责任 Students practice accident hotel and schools shall bear part of the responsibility


Hubei today law firm name Yang yong lawyer thought,For the main compensation should be made by the murderer bear,If the legal procedure determine its is indeed a psychopath,Can the manslayer property bear,The shortage by its guardian shall bear the liability for compensation.At the same time,Because the dead is the school organization to hotel practice,If the school/Hotel management personnel in practice there are missing,The hotel and the school will take part of responsibility.


Relatives of the ice ice eyes


 她孝顺懂事上大学就没要过零用钱 She filial piety sensible college didn't want a pocket money


Out of a week in advance,Ice ice uncle LiChaoYang(alias)Just heel on the Internet video chat a niece,In the video the ice ice or old appearance,Long hair neat bang,Open a pair of big eyes,smile.


"She and I said in the hotel practice very smoothly,The body also is quite good,And his colleagues get along very well."LiChaoYang metasomatism niece out to pay more attention to the body/Pay attention to safety,Night not to the middle of nowhere to go,And hurried down the line.Meet again,Niece is lying on the funeral home inside.


In the uncle's impression,Niece, cheerful and lively,pretty,To parents very filial piety."Every holiday,She saved money with his parents to buy something."Ice ice parents are wuhan auto fastener factory worker,Very early laid off,Mother in a supermarket do promotions specialist,Monthly salary less than one thousand yuan,The father in a foreign capital enterprise do Turner,Each month can earn 3000 yuan.


A family of three still living in the old factory dormitory,The child understand parents is not easy,A holiday is to store do promotions specialist to earn pocket money."Went to college,She didn't ask their parents to want a pocket money."A year ago,She also himself saved enough money to buy a slab of apple computer.Ice ice is still very like photography,With a camera as around.


Every few days,Ice ice will to call home,The prior two days,She is still in and parents' video chat in,Act in pettish to them,To remind them that they should pay more attention to the body.

  打她电话无人接  当时就感觉出事了 Hit her phone no one took  Then feel had an accident


In Shanghai everbright international hotel,Ice ice are arranged in the food and beverage department information desk,Work more relaxed but very miscellaneous,The main work is to open the door,Guide direction,To the conference hall flowers, etc.


Wang jie and ice ice with food and beverage department,Two people or roommate.She said,Ice ice introverted,Love go out after work,Is to stay in the dorm watching TV.sometimes,A few people to be able to eat outside the hotel hunan museum,"Ice ice like to eat spicy,Shanghai food partial to sweet,Very rare she eats."


The day,The ice ice is an early,Around 3 PM went down to the class.Wang jie is the evening shift on,2 PM to food and beverage department,When ice ice in parts warehouse to open the door,The two men also chatted two sentences."She said a classmate to Shanghai,Afternoon ready to go out for a while."


That night,Ice ice didn't come back,The competent to dormitory q chummery roommate"Ice ice in Shanghai have any relatives",They call ice ice telephone,Has no one to answer."When feeling she may be an accident."Wang jie said,The next morning,Colleagues told her,Ice ice died.


"She is very like this job."WangJieChang heard students complain in the hotel practice very hard/Not accustomed to,But ice ice every time to go to work,Mood are good,The competent like her, too.

  冰冰性格内向  不爱参加集体活动 Ice ice introverted  Does not love to participate in collective activity


That after the ice ice,Her counselor teachers Stephen, tears came out.From last year on September 1, to July 1,,Stephen as ice ice class instructors and the teacher in charge.


Stephen to ice ice impression special deep,"Just saw her,Her bang has completely shielded his eyes."Stephen, trying to persuade ice ice the hair bundle up,But ice ice didn't listen to the teacher's advised.


Home from school for two Station Road,The freshman,Ice ice parents took her to the sign up,She demanded that day.In order to exercise the ability of daughter living alone,Parents hope she ZhuDou,"Remember her parents also advised her"1200 yuan accommodation don't save"."Said Stephen,Ice ice or listened to parents' words,Live in the school dormitory building west 3 building.


"Her character is very introverted,The whole class and individual,In addition to the dormitory with classmates,She and the other students almost don't talk."RenChaoCeng 3 times encourage ice ice to attend the class cadre campaign,Join community,But she once also haven't been to.
