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南京21所中学校计划试点iPad书包 暂由公费买单--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  原标题:学校为30名高三学生配“iPad书包” Original title:School for 30 third year students match"IPad bag"

  金陵中学中美班学生告别沉重书包,省下的教材费承担一部分购机开销 Jinling middle school students of class between China and the United States say goodbye to heavy bag,Save the learning materials take part of buying machine costs

  南京计划试点“电子书包”的有21所中小学,先期将在局部推广 Nanjing plan pilot"Electronic schoolbag"Of the 21 middle schools and primary schools,Advance will be in local promotion


A new iPad,The most plus a pen and a book,To bring all of the study.


The beginning of the new term,Nanjing jinling middle school the class of 30 third year students said goodbye to the heavy bag.Class teacher said,Students in the past only one over ten of the books.Modern express the reporter understands,Nanjing 21 primary and middle schools"Electronic schoolbag"Has set up a file in the quietly in advance.

  现代快报记者 黄艳

Modern express HuangYan reporters

  以前背书包 Back schoolbag before




A few the American edition textbooks a pack,At least 10 jins




The school year at least 23000 yuan




1. The teacher lecture notes print well,carry


2. Want to surf the Internet?To find a computer it

  现在用iPad IPad now.




Less than 700 grams




Materials under electronic,Spend less than 200 yuan




1. The teacher lecture notes can also pack


2. In foreign university's official website,Reading English newspapers


所有教材下进iPad All the materials into iPad

  金中中美班,以前用的是美国原版教材,每本都非常厚,有些学生只能学一点撕一点,把学过的撕下来复习, 还有的会忘带书。一学年下来,每个学生的教材费至少两三千元人民币。

Gold in the class,Used is the original edition of teaching materials,Every this are very thick,Some students can learn a little a little tear,Has studied the tear off to review, Others will forget to take the book.Year down,Each student's learning materials at least 23000 yuan RMB.


Now with iPad,Can download the class all the original teaching materials of electronic,A book about $10.Since the new term,The students in the download version on the teaching material,Everyone took only less than 200 yuan RMB.and,The teacher's lecture notes originally is the electronic version,You can put it in the iPad,So don't need to print paper qualitative the notes.


Because do not need to arrange put teaching material place,The classroom space also save,The students in the form of round group meeting,Six people sit a group discussion,The classroom atmosphere more enthusiastic.

  没法上人人聊QQ Can't chat on QQ everyone


Jinling middle school in the class MengQun said,Schools have to iPad process,Set permissions on the Internet,Cannot master cheng yen monitors/QQ chat,But can go abroad many university's official website,We can see English newspaper,Also can download the original English novel and biography."Learning the have,And many recommended websites are easy to better understand the world."


"Begin very worried about the opposition."MengQun said,Didn't expect the students are calm,"With this year learning time is tight relationship."It is understood,This group of students in senior year to complete the SAT(American college entrance examination)And toefl,And applying for overseas universities.And then to fix to 45 American university credit,Once you've completed the,Can take four years of college undergraduate study reduced to 3 years."So we are very busy,In the positive use of school resources."

  据悉,校方已邀请技术专家对老师进行培训,近期学校的测验和课堂互动都想全面借助iPad 。

It is reported,The school has invited technical experts to teacher training,Recent school test and classroom interaction with all want to comprehensive iPad .

  21所试点学校进展如何 The pilot school going


Nanjing HongGuang school is a public junior high school,The school has set up a file in the first grade of a class of five subjects,The iPad into classroom training,Now students are already able to skillfully use.


It is reported,Nanjing have the obligation education stage of public elementary and middle schools,plan"Electronic schoolbag"pilot,There is still no an."Heard that bidding has been completed,May be‘netbook’,Also may be flat computer."Relevant sources,The equipment in place,Nanjing related education department will in the content configuration to follow up support.


after,Liuhe area Kowloon middle school has three class part of the pilot disciplines,Students' netbook supplied by the schools.The function of the Internet is the Internet,The second is for the spot detection,But can you alleviate the burden on comprehensive,Also see the future education departments and teachers original some material quality."So the first part should be from grade class part of part of the subject began,Shoulds not be spread to open completely."

  学生目前无需买单 Students need to pay at present


Jinling middle school said,IPad no extra money for students,The project for the high cost,At the same time, the students would have to pay part of the learning materials are taking part.


HongGuang middle school fees are iPad bear by the school,Also need not pay students.The school is also nanjing propulsion"Electronic schoolbag"One of the pilot schools.


Participate in nanjing"Electronic schoolbag"Pilot school also said,"Electronic schoolbag"Use notebook computer or tablet PC,Should also need not students"pay".

  新闻延伸 News extension


iPad教学有多流行? IPad teaching have much popular?

  50个国家在尝试推广 50 countries trying to promotion


The United States/South Korea/Japan/Malaysia/Singapore/Thailand,At least 50 countries and regions have been or are planning to promote electronic textbooks.


买机器的钱谁来出? Buy machine money who come out?


纽约政府出130万美元 New York government out of $1.3 million


In the past,The investment of multimedia teaching,Is mainly the government's public finance.In order to avoid the child's bandwagon psychological,To reduce the gap between rich and poor children to accept education starting point caused by the unfair,Foreign take more public investment is the way.The New York to pilot iPad teaching,Is the government paid $1.3 million to buy 2000 units iPad.


真能代替传统教学? True can take the place of the traditional teaching?

  国内目前还有点难 Domestic at present, there are also some difficult


The new semester,Shanghai jiading open experiment elementary school for two"Apple class",Students can use iPad class/Answer the questions/Do exercises.but,A lesson with iPad time will control in 20 minutes.The students in the class extracurricular use iPad time not more than an hour.The school also and parents to sign the agreement,Provisions of the students to carry iPad designed to learn to use,Parents may not be school asks to install the software installation outside in,IPad30 minutes per use,The teacher will let the student taking a break for five minutes.


补充阅读: Supplementary reading:

  小学"苹果班"引热议 ipad进课堂合适吗 Elementary school"Apple class"Lead ipad hot debate in the classroom right


For parents worry,Officials revealed,"Apple class"Equipment by own child,"Apple class"And the regular class divide into classes by parents choose independently.and,Through the in advance with parents sign"Use agreement"To regulate the use of computers,Avoid negative impact.if,Computer prohibiting the installation teaching software outside of the software in case the students play the game;In addition to the classroom teaching time external computer is locked in special ark;Provisions students use computers every day the time not more than an hour, etc.[detailed]


北京上海涌现"苹果班" 美国不支持用iPad教学 Beijing and Shanghai emerging"Apple class" The United States does not support the use of iPad teaching


Will iPad and so on the new information tool applied to teaching,Our country is not forthgoer.Including the United States/South Korea/Japan/Malaysia/Singapore/Thailand,,At least 50 countries and regions have been or are planning to promote electronic textbooks.The United States currently does not support the iPad primary school teaching,A pilot project in colleges and universities is more,There are a few middle school.In the pilot at the same time,The United States has been calling for public opinion:The teaching center is always teachers and students,The most effective communication is a teacher and student's human dialogue,Any teaching tool use,Do not allow teachers to hide in the back of the tool,Can't alienation adult and machine dialogue.[detailed]


北京一小学用iPad上品德课 专家称太奢侈 Beijing a small iPad theory on moral experts say too extravagant


Chinese people's university professor of school of journalism KuangWenBo think,IPad is just a tool,Don't have to emphasize its painstakingly"born",The first modern printing also appeared in Germany?.In his view,IPad although in present picture/Video is very strong,But if the student record/Homework is not very convenient,therefore,IPad whether can enter more class,It remains to be the development of technology.[detailed]
