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双节迎返程高峰 今明两天可能比长假首日还要堵--亲稳网络舆情监测室

长假接近尾声,南京火车站开始出现大量返程客流。见习记者 马晶晶 摄 Long vacation near the end,Nanjing railway station began to appear a lot of passenger travel.Trainee reporter MaJingJing perturbation
  原标题:今明两天,可能比长假首日还要堵 Original title:In the next two days,Long is likely to be worse than the first and plugging


Today will have long holiday travel peak,More centralized traffic.Jiangsu provincial public security is expected,6 and 7,In jiangsu province highway traffic import and export daily will be more than 3 million vehicle-timeses.Jim hall, a person in charge remind in jiangsu province,Everybody out the door to pay more attention to the weather forecast,Once the highway to appear on the heavy fog,Must play due to profile lamp and the fog lamp,Reduction driving,Conditional to high speed as soon as possible.


5 days long,Highway 12.33 million vehicle-timeses flow


At nine o 'clock yesterday morning,Jiangsu provincial public security held a TV conference call,The deployment of return traffic security work.JiaoXunJing corps in jiangsu province ZongDuiChang LiWenWu is introduced,From September 30 0 to 10 April (24 when,Jiangsu province highway traffic flow of import and export amounted to 12.33 million vehicle-timeses,Compared with the same period last year rose 51.33%.


"Especially on September 30, long vacation first day,The import and export of highway traffic flow of 3.22 million vehicle-timeses,Create the highway in jiangsu province since the highest in history."LiWenWu said,The flow is 1.5 times of high vacation last year,Is the highway traffic daily import and export 2.1 times.And then days,Highway traffic daily was close to 3 million vehicle-timeses.


September 30, to October 4,,In jiangsu province highway there were 2464 cases of all kinds of traffic accident,Most of them are slight touch wipe accident.Jiangsu provincial public security deputy director ChenYi suggest,In the freeway mild touch wipe accident,Man was not hurt in/The car can go situation,Out of court soon after leaving the spot,Not long time interference passage.


In the next two days,Perhaps more than September 30 more plugging


Long vacation first,Part of the high speed vehicle queue for hundreds of kilometers.Return situation and how?The relevant person in charge of jiangsu province participated analysis,From October 6 start,It will usher in a travel peak.Travel peak are there one day in advance,Because many people want to cast in 7 before 24 points to go home,To enjoy toll free policy,This will cause some people to return in advance.

  6日、7日这两天,车流量可能会超过9月30日的车流量。“9月30日,以探亲车流为主。”据分析,而从10月1日开始,出游高峰开始出现,并一直在持续。到了6日和7日两天,无论是探亲车流,还是出游车流,都会集中返回,两波车流相叠加,高速可能会更堵。通讯员 苏交轩

6/7 this two days,Cars may be more than September 30 traffic."On September 30th,To visit traffic flow is given priority to."According to the analysis,And from October 1st,Travel peak began to appear,And has continued.The 6th and 7th two days,Whether visiting traffic flow,Travel or traffic,Will focus to return to,Two wave traffic flow phase superposition,High speed may be more plugging.Correspondent Sue into the porch

  现代快报记者 朱俊俊

Modern express ZhuJunJun reporters


Safety remind the pride of the morning multiple,Please pay attention to safety


Morning time,Freeway mist,These are increased return safe hidden trouble.


Jim hall, a person in charge of jiangsu province Suggestions,Before going out, we should pay attention to the good weather forecast,Once on the highway appear heavy fog,Must play due to profile lamp and the fog lamp,Reduction driving,Conditional to high speed as soon as possible,Or the vehicle stops in the service area,After rising visibility and leave again.

  票情 京沪高铁一票难求 机票头等舱被抢光

Ticket feeling the beijing-shanghai high iron one ticket is hard to find the first class ticket was gone


In the next two days,Nanjing to Beijing the ticket drought


Golden week into the second,Many people started return.But let a person unexpectedly is,In the next two days nanjing to Beijing but packed a ticket drought beijing-shanghai high iron one ticket is hard to find,Ticket full price also less than a book,The first class is gone.


Reporters from railway customer service center inquires to understand,Yesterday from the nanjing south railway station to Beijing south station ticket already all sold out,Including 1405 yuan business seat ticket.Hu a lady from tianjin to nanjing to tourism,Before you start not bought return ticket,"5, 7, all tickets sold out,We can only try and choose 8 ticket,But also order not to."Nanjing south railway station staff introduced,5 ~ 8 afternoon,Nanjing to Beijing/Places such as tianjin tickets have already been sold out,To jinan have a small business base/First seat.At present,Nanjing starting ticket is abundant only nanjing jiangsu province to the direction/Xuzhou direction/Hefei direction and shanghai-nanjing hangzhou area.

  机票方面,南京到北京,今明两天连头等舱都卖完了。不过,10月8日南京到北京机票就不紧张了,各趟航班都有票,票价在6~7折左右。现代快报记者 毛丽萍 (来源:现代快报)

Ticket aspects,Nanjing to Beijing,In the next two days even first class are sold out.but,October 8 nanjing to Beijing ticket will not nervous,The flight has tickets,Fare in 6 ~ 7 fold the left and right sides.Modern express MaoLiPing reporters (source:Modern express)
