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十一旅游消费市场持续走高 提振经济增长信心--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  据经济之声《天下财经》报道,十一黄金周期间国内旅游消费市场保持了强劲的增长,根据最新的数据显示黄金周前四天到访景点的旅客人次达到1820万,同比增长23.4%,消费额达到9.57亿元人民币,同比增长24.8%,增幅远超过2010年与2011年的同期水平,应该如何看待这些数据?黄金周旅游消费市场爆发性增长的原因是什么?中国国际经济交流中心专家张永军作出分析。 According to the sound of economic[The world financial]reports,During National Day golden week domestic tourism and consumer market maintained a strong growth,According to the latest data show the first four day golden week passenger visit scenic spots according to 18.2 million,Year-on-year growth of 23.4%,Expenditure amounted to 957 million yuan RMB,Year-on-year growth of 24.8%,Growth far more than 2010 years and 2011 years of the level of the same period,How to treat these data?Golden week travel consumption market explosive growth of what be the reason?China international economic exchange center experts ZhangYongJun make analysis.




During 11 have such a large-scale residents go out to travel,Retail sales of social consumer goods scale also reached nearly 1 billion yuan,These show that the Chinese residents' consumption is a lot of potential.At present China's residents consumption in the entire GDP expenditure approach in three,The proportion of and other countries more than are obviously on the low side,The future of China's economy and a strong potential for growth.


Eleven golden week this time the number of residents traveling on explosive growth,Retail sales of consumer goods also appears fast growth,Very important reason is that the government abolished the highway charges,Such a simple measures for the residents travel, and other aspects of consumer potential will stimulate out.If in the future the government can take more measures to stimulate consumer spending,For China's consumer keep faster growth,Able to create more powerful conditions.


Because of the economic growth is slowing,Market are worried about the,The future trend of China's economic growth,With the coming of the fourth quarter,China's economy can be ground bottom rebound,More became the focus of attention,Have analyzed that,Golden week travel and strong growth in the consumer market,Means that the future would not bring the Chinese economy to a hard landing,On this view how see?



  去年以来,随着中国经济增速的放缓,关于中国经济硬着陆的说法明显的增多。今年以来因为经济下行的压力进一步增大,对于中国经济硬着陆的担心进一步增强了。在这种情况下,我觉得十一黄金周近期给出的这些数据,对于增强中国经济未来增长的信心是有益的。我们看到的数据因为是一个非常短期的数据分析,我觉得当前的任务,可能更多的是如何把长假期间所激发出来的居民消费的潜力在一个更长的时间段内释放出来,不是说只是通过一个假期,而是在全年什么时间居民都有出行旅游的条件,也有比较好的购物环境等等,这样可能对于激发居民的消费能够发挥更好的作用。 (来源:中国广播网) (来源:网络编辑:谢永利)

Since last year,With China's economic slowdown in growth,About Chinese to a hard landing of the economy that increased obviously.Since this year because the economy downward pressure increase further,For China, causing a hard economic landing worry about further enhanced.In this case,I think 11 golden week recently given these data,To enhance China's economic future growth of confidence is beneficial.We see the data because it is a very short-term data analysis,I think the current task,May be more is how to during the long holiday stimulate the consumption of the residents out of the potential in a longer period release out,Not to say that just by a holiday,But in what time the residents have travel tourism conditions,Also have good shopping environment and so on,This may to inspire residents' consumption can play a better role. (source:China network) (source:The network editor: XieYongLi)
