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北京今天高速路车流量将达170万辆 或堵至深夜--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  原标题:今天高速路车流量将达170万辆 七大高速路可能拥堵至深夜 Original title:Highway traffic today will amount to 1.7 million vehicles seven big highway may congestion far into the night

  晨报讯(记者 陈琳)昨天,市交通委发布高速出行预报,今天是长假第八天,也是小客车免费通行的最后一天。预计全市高速公路网返京流量将达峰值,京港澳、京开、京藏、京承、京哈、京沪、京津的进京方向交通均将面临较大压力。随着节后民航返京客流的增加,预计机场高速也将面临较大压力。

Morning news(Reporter ChenLin)yesterday,City transport administration commission issued high speed travel forecast,Today is the eighth day holiday,Passenger car is the last day of the toll free.The high speed highway network is expected to return to Beijing flow will reach peak,Beijing Hong Kong and Macao/jingkai/Beijing Tibetan/Beijing bearing/jingha/beijing-shanghai/The performers all the direction traffic will be confronted with pressure.With the civil aviation return after the increase of passenger flow,The airport is expected to high speed will face great pressure.


Is expected to start from this morning,Every high speed will appear continuous congestion or slow phenomenon,And will continue to 20 PM,Considering the car toll free deadline concentrated the influence of traffic demand,More cars slow phenomenon or will continue into the middle of the night.Airport high-speed bidirectional,Especially performers direction traffic pressure will be greater,In the afternoon is expected to peak time will appear the phenomenon of congestion.


According to the statistics,Last October, 7 total traffic volume for 1.203 million cars(The Beijing of 596000 cars,Goes to the capital of 607000 cars).Today is expected to total highway traffic will continue to recent days growing trend,Will than last year the corresponding period grows about 40%,Up to 1.7 million vehicles.Expected the main highway traffic volume, respectively:Beijing Tibetan high speed of 252000 cars,Beijing bearing high speed of 178000 cars,The Hong Kong and Macao high speed of 190000 cars,Beijing open high speed of 170000 cars,The airport high-speed 156000 cars.


According to the city transport administration commission is introduced,Today's main congestion point section will present wide distribution/Long-lasting characteristics,8 all day until late at night time,The main high-speed performers are possible direction of congestion.Key sections are the hidden high-speed north clear way to north beach bridge/Huandao road to the sand/The juyongguan Great Wall to WenNa road/Broad city boundary to yanqing county town,Beijing bearing high speed tugou to hope and bridge,The Hong Kong and Macao high speed west road junction to yue GeZhuang bridge/Sand silted up by the bridge to long symplectic shop,Beijing open high-speed west red gate bridge to XinFaDe bridge/HuangFa bridge to overhead.

  记者体验 Reporter experience

  京港澳高速 1分钟70车“飘过” The Hong Kong and Macao high speed for 1 minute 70 car"across"


Long vacation near the end,Yesterday highway also welcomed travel peak,Reporters from hebei besides experience Beijing Hong Kong and Macao high speed,3 PM from hebei province 50 points on the motorway,At 7 PM to du camp home toll station,More than normal 1 hours' drive.According to the hebei high-speed traffic department statistics,Peak time yesterday afternoon,The Hong Kong and Macao average 1 minute through more than 70 car.

  沿线高速服务区“爆满” High speed along the service area"full"


To guarantee the Hong Kong and Macao high performers unobstructed,From yesterday on,The Hong Kong and Macao high speed hebei section on trucks for shunt.According to the hebei high-speed traffic police corps baoding team zhu state team vice captain WangZhe is introduced,Due to the Hong Kong and Macao high speed hebei section of the road narrow,Two-way only four lanes,While the other performers high speed,Such as the big wide high speed/Beijing high-speed bidirectional Queensland for 6 lane or 8 driveway,Trucks are shunt to big wide and Beijing Queensland high speed and 107 national highway toll on.


Reporters into high speed after,The road rare sight of trucks.Besides vehicles by increasing influence,The station also"measured".From the high speed on besides,Meet first hope all service area at the entrance on the set"Parking space is full"brand.When the car is driven to the baoding,In front of the queue phenomena,The speed quickly dropped to about 20 kilometers,Continue to XuShui service area.The original XuShui service area has been parked the car,A lot of waiting to enter service vehicles queuing up directly affect the main traffic.

  加油站限量供油赶时间 Gas station limited oil in a hurry


According to WangZhe officer is introduced,Besides high speed traffic from October 2, has been in a state of rebound,To 5 days have entered the peak."Zhu state service receives less than 2000 cars daily traffic,From 5 day more than 6000 vehicles each day".Service area will former big truck parking lot car instead of temporary parking lot,And add 20 mobile toilet.


Due to the high speed passenger car in import no longer get,High speed road traffic can only through the artificial statistics,"Every half an hour arrangement police in the number,A statistical 5 minutes,Every minute is more than 70 per car.If you don't shunt trucks,Estimate it could reach 90 cars."WangZhe said,Last year"eleven"The highest mountain in 60 per minute about cars.WangZhe introduced,Is expected today will have return peak,To prevent service vehicle queue influence main,When there is large area while waiting in line,Limited supply for refueling,The car every time add 100 yuan/Cart is 200 yuan,Advance a dozen good invoice;At the same time in crossing strengthen counseling,Emergency service temporarily closed.

  进京车流量远超去年 Traffic performers far above last year


"In addition to the accident outside influence,Overall traffic smoothly."According to the house of du camp director of the toll booth DengWei is introduced,By 7 o 'clock yesterday evening,The Hong Kong and Macao high-speed Beijing segment were 10 accident/Bad car together.


But statistics data show,Last year compared to the traffic"eleven"Peak has changed a lot.Peak traffic from October 5, appear,Besides the vehicle more than 110000 vehicles,Last year more than 70000 cars is the highest mountain performers.Yesterday from zero to 7 PM,Goes to the capital flow has a total of 91000 cars.

  晨报记者 陈琳

Morning paper reporter ChenLin
