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背景: background:陕西华阴市公安局宣布“华山游客被伤一案成功告破”,称两名嫌疑人均是当地农民,两人与董立文夫妇发生争吵后持刀伤人。该结果遭董立文质疑。另有目击者表示,当时十几个人包围董立文,冲过来便打。当地警方回应称两名嫌疑人是直接捅伤董立文的人,其余嫌疑人正在调查中,两名嫌疑人没来得及经董立文辨认。

Shaanxi HuaYin the municipal public security bureau announced"Huashan tourists have been hurt a successful case crack",Said the two suspected per capita is the local farmers,Two people and DongLiWen couples quarrel happened after the stabbing.The result was DongLiWen questioned.Another witness says,At that time a dozen men DongLiWen surrounded,Blunt come over and play.Local police said the two suspects response is directly tong DongLiWen hurt people,The rest of the suspect is under investigation,Two suspects had time to identify the DongLiWen.


新京报发表毛立新的文章: The Beijing news published MaoLi new articles:董立文夫妇仅仅是要求退掉未消费过的摆渡车车票,竟被一群人殴打捅伤,实在是无辜得很。在数万人云集的华山景区,发生这样的惨剧,着实让人对景区的社会治安和旅游环境担忧。所幸,案件算是及时得到侦破,给人以少许安慰。但蹊跷的是,被害人对当地警方的侦破结论并不认可,甚至怀疑两嫌疑人是“顶包”的“替死鬼”。华阴警方公布的案情,确与被害人陈述多有不合:嫌疑人称先与被害人发生争吵、厮打,然后才刀捅,被害人却称他们并未与人争吵即遭群殴并挨刀捅,但警方此前公布的却只有嫌疑人一方说法;警方认定嫌疑人身份是周边农民,系倒票的“黄牛党”,而被害人却称“人群中有五六个穿保安服装和戴有保安帽子的人看着他”。上述疑点未澄清,当地警方就宣布“成功告破”,难免会让人心生疑惑:景区会不会为了自身名誉,与当地警方一起隐瞒真相,找“替死鬼”承担责任?现在警方已经回应,说其他嫌疑人正在调查中,但这样的信息此前并未透露。警方不应垄断和封闭对案件事实的认定过程,至少应保障被害人的参与权和知情权,以令人信服的方式作出结论。此案发生在光天化日之下,目击证人众多,且华山景区早就宣布安装有大量360度旋转的摄像头,监控可以做到一览无余,因此,查明案件事实真相并不困难。

DongLiWen couple is only request return not consumption of car ferry tickets,He was a group of people beating tong injury,It is innocent very.In the tens of thousands of people gathered huashan scenic spot,Tragedy happen,Really made of the social security and tourism environmental concerns.fortunately,The case is get the timely detection,Give a person with a little comfort.But a catch in it is,The victim to local police forensic conclusion is not recognized,Or even suspect that two suspects is"Top package"of"scapegoat".HuaYin police released case,In accordance with the victim statement is not much:The suspect says with the victim first quarrels/joust,And then knife tong,The victim but said they did not argue with others is often ou and get knife tong,But the police previously published only suspect that a party;The police suspect that identity is surrounding farmers,System of speculative reselling of tickets"HuangNiuDang",And the victim has said"The people, there are five or six wear security clothing and wear security hat man looked at him".The above points is not clear,Local police announced"Successful crack",Hard to avoid can let people born doubt:Scenic spot will not to your reputation,With the local police to hide the truth,find"scapegoat"responsibility?Now the police have response,Said other suspect is under investigation,But such information previously did not give.The police should not monopoly and closed to the facts of the case that process,At least should protect the victim's right to know and participate,In a convincing way make the conclusion.The case occurred in broad daylight,Witnesses numerous,And huashan scenic spot would have announced the installation have a large number of 360 degrees of rotation of the camera,Monitoring can do it take in everything in a glance,therefore,Find the truth of the case the truth is not difficult.


短评: paragraph:保障游客安全,既是旅游景点的责任,又是关乎景点声誉的命根儿。如果“五六个穿保安服的人”不但没有保护游客,反而在刀捅游客案中等闲视之乃至助纣为虐,必将严重损害华山景区的声誉,华山之险峻难保不会异变为凶险。如果只是为了尽快平息事态,倘若真的存在嫌疑人“顶包”,绝不是在帮华山,而是在害华山。对公众来说,管理者的公信力是建立在坦诚可信、决不姑息、有错改之、无错加勉的基础之上。因此,管理者做出的任何结论必须禁得住当事人与公众的考量。目前的调查结果既得不到受害人的认可,也不符合目击者的证词,难以服众。希望华山方面与当地警方“深入调查”,给出令人信服的结论,并且严惩真凶,以实际行动挽回声誉。

Security tourist safety,Is not only the responsibility of the tourist attractions,Is the reputation of the MingGenEr about scenic spots.if"Five or six wear security clothing"Not only did not protect tourists,But in the knife prod visitors take for granted the case and even help a tyrant to do evil,Will seriously damage the reputation of huashan scenic spot,The awe of huashan mountain no vision will not become dangerous.If only in order to calm things down as soon as possible,If there really is suspect"Top package",By no means help huashan,But in huashan harm.For to the public,Managers of credibility is based on honest credible/Never palliative/Have the wrong change/No wrong on the basis of committed.therefore,Managers make any conclusion must withstand the parties and the public concerns.The present investigation result not only can not get the victim's approval,It also doesn't conform to the witness's testimony,Difficult to suit the.Huashan hope with the local police"Further investigation",Given convincing conclusion,And punish those responsible,Take practical action to restore reputation.
