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  从陆家嘴开车3小时到迪士尼看表演,从南锣鼓巷开车2个多小时到云顶度假……几年前,对于国内游客而言这些都还是遥不可及的梦想。随着国际著名度假品牌对国内市场的开拓,这样的梦想已渐成现实,国内游客足不出境,便能享受到世界级的度假体验。今天,马来西亚卓越集团正式宣布,全球知名的休闲度假品牌 - 云顶将首次在中国大陆落户,其国际度假业态项目 - 崇礼密苑云顶乐园将于今冬正式对外开放。密苑云顶乐园的落户是即香港迪士尼之后又一国际著名度假品牌选择中国内地作为旅游度假项目开发的目的地。同时,也是云顶品牌在国内的首次亮相。

Lujiazui drive from 3 hours to Disney see the show,From nanluoguxiang drive more than two hours to genting resort……A few years ago,For the domestic tourists all these or unreachable dream.Along with the international famous brand on holiday to the domestic market development,This dream has already gradually into reality,Domestic tourists never exit,Can enjoy world-class holiday experience.today,Malaysia excellence group formally announced,The world famous leisure brand - cloud top will for the first time in China in the mainland,Its international holiday format project - the worship ceremony tight YuanYun top park will be officially opened in winter.Close YuanYun top park is located in the Hong Kong Disney then an international famous brand choice on holiday in mainland China as a tourist destination, the project development.At the same time,Is cloud top brand in domestic appeared for the first time.

  提到“云顶”二字,去过东南亚的游客并不陌生,云顶是久负盛名的度假体验地和不夜城。“来过云顶的人都会被这里的气氛所感染,她就像和你交心的朋友,随时随刻用欢声笑语陪伴着你”这是云顶的创始人林梧桐先生的三子林致华对云顶的概括。云顶的DNA里汇集着休闲、愉悦、温情及阖家欢乐等众多元素。在马来西亚云顶除了博彩业外,更像是一个为游客打造娱乐休闲港,除了庞大的酒店,还有花园游乐场、室内体育馆及高尔夫球场等众多娱乐项目。“在这里24小时都没有倦意,哪怕睡1分钟都会让人觉得可惜,生怕错过人生的精彩一刻。”一位去过云顶游客描述用这样的语句描述其对云顶的感受。云顶品牌已被越来越多的中国游客所熟悉,这加快了云顶进入中国的步伐。随着崇礼密苑云顶乐园滑雪场在2012 年1月的试营业,密苑云顶乐园已经第一次与游客接触,她是北京周边第一个国际级滑雪度假项目。对于国内游客,特别是北京及华北地区的游客而言,云顶的休闲生活方式已经悄然来到他们身边。

mentioned"Cloud top"Two words,Have been to southeast Asia of tourists is not new,Cloud top is a long holiday experience and great white way."Been to cloud top people will be here by the atmosphere of infection,She is like the heart and your friends,At any time with carved with laughter with you"This is the cloud top founder Lin Mr Ng LinZhiHua jahaziel to cloud top generalizations.Cloud top DNA collection with leisure/cheerful/Warmth and a happy family, and many other elements.In Malaysia cloud top in addition to the gaming industry,More like a for tourists make entertainment leisure port,In addition to the huge hotel,And garden playground/Indoor stadium and golf course, and many other entertainment projects."Here 24 hours are not tiredness,Even if sleep one minute can let a person feel pity,Afraid to miss the life wonderful moment."A been to cloud top visitors describe in this statement describing the cloud top feelings.Cloud top brand has been more and more Chinese tourists are familiar with,This speeds up the cloud top their pace into China.With the worship ceremony YuanYun top secret paradise ski resort in January 2012 the soft opening,Close YuanYun top park has spoken for the first time and tourists contact,She is Beijing surrounding the first international ski resort project.For the domestic tourists,Especially in Beijing and north China area for visitors,Cloud top leisure lifestyle has quietly came to their side.


Close YuanYun top park is Malaysia excellence group will authentic cloud top international holiday experience into mainland China first project,At present in our country is in north China the latest design concept/The most widely planning area/Investment scale biggest/Operation and service the most human tourism resort projects.Such as Malaysia cloud top location in quiet valley,Close YuanYun top park location in zhangjiakou in hebei province chung li county three DaoGou valley,Beautiful natural environment,All items in accordance with the topography and built the formats.The project is apart from the Beijing 248 kilometers,Convenient transportation,2.5 hours can arrived in scenic area.The project total investment more than 15 billion yuan,Scope of development of about 100 square kilometers.A period covers an area of 30 square kilometers,Points 5 years construction,The development of the four seasons travel form formats,Including winter ski resort/Chun xia autumn golf and outdoor sports and the four seasons all appropriate Chinese medicine rehabilitation health/High-tech planting and brewing, and many other projects,Supporting the construction of the five-star standard hotel and rural hotel club and other service facilities.Relying on the superior mountain area/woodland/Snow and climate resources,Use of both capital city is located in the northwest of geographical convenience,The whole project is completed,Will be set ice and snow on holiday/Summer summer/Leisure health/Ecological tourism be in harmony is an organic whole and complete function of the ecological tourism leisure resort,Years can receive more than 1.8 million tourists.


Close YuanYun top paradise in the development is introduced at the beginning of the international team included building,Project planning/Ski resort design and each season tourism leisure project by Canada respectively ECOSIGN mountain resort planning design company/The United States GOLFPLAN stadium design company/HWI architectural design company/The United States IMG company and Beijing tsinghua university city planning and design institute of collaboration,And choose international professional team is responsible for operation and market development.As a secret YuanYun top paradise supporting project,Coming in 2012 winter blockbuster launched genting,By the American Los Angeles, California well-known company for design,And invited from dubai six star hotel Mr Graham as general manager,Lead the team to conduct a comprehensive operation and management."From the project when it was conceived,Will cloud top international design standards and project business philosophy all transplanted into here is all the developer's original intention,Our team are from all over the world chosen industry elite also includes cloud top group internal senior personage,They are pledged to cloud top DNA implanted YuanYun top secret key factor of paradise."Close YuanYun top park President concurrently chief executive officer Mr. YeXiang said.


In January 2012 after the soft opening within two months,Close YuanYun top ski resort paradise with its international hardware facilities, as well as professional and personal services to attract a lot of visitors.YeXiang said:"New snow season,In order to let visitors to play more fun,Close YuanYun top ski resort will initial/in/Senior trail by last year's article 11 increased to article 30,Ski area of 80 more than square meters,Article 2 and configuration four high-speed cable car/1 the box chair mixed high-speed cable car and three primary magic carpet.At the same time,Ski resorts is equipped with many sets of Italian days made ice snow machine and Italy porro noth pressure sleigh,Perfect snowmaking system,Safeguarded the ski resort's operating environment.Ski resorts also is equipped with the snow veneer entertainment and children ski school districts,In order to meet the different levels of ski amateur personalized demand."

  即将于今年12月1日配合密苑云顶乐园同时开业的云顶酒店,更有理由值得期待。该酒店遵循自然与现代相结合的设计理念,为宾客提供超凡脱俗、放松身心的度假体验。建成后的酒店居住区近400个房间,建筑面积12万平方米,不仅有各种豪华贵宾套房, 还有中餐 、西餐、 自助餐、 活力酒吧、西饼屋等餐饮设施, 配合精心挑选的各国美食美酒供游客挑选;商务会议、休闲娱乐、时尚健身、购物等多项服务设施也将同时对团体和个人开放。为带动高端商务消费,打造更加完善的公共服务区域,酒店还将联合国际国内一线品牌开辟三层商铺招租主题店区域。同时,云顶酒店具备滑雪大厅的功能,距离已经开放的30条雪道近在咫尺,真正实现了Ski In & Ski Out的国际流行风尚。“我们希望每个入住的客人都能在酒店中享受到度假的乐趣和贴心的服务,如果您从雪场滑倒酒店大堂小憩,服务生会微笑的询问您是否要喝一杯;无论是午餐还是晚餐各种风格和情调的餐厅将令您在享受美食的同时体会到人生的美好;各种聚会的表演更领您目不暇接。”密苑云顶酒店的总经理Graham先生生动地描述了酒店开业后的景象。据悉,建成后的酒店将以欧洲度假风格为主,她将成为云顶品牌在国内运营的第一家五星级酒店。

This year will be on December 1, with dense YuanYun top park opened at the same time the genting,More reasons to expect.The hotel follow nature and the combination of modern design concept,For guests to provide free from vulgarity/Loosen body and mind holiday experience.After completion of the hotel residential area nearly 400 room,A building area of 120000 square meters,Not only have various luxury VIP suite, And Chinese food /Western food/ buffet/ Energy bar/Cake house catering facilities, Fit of well-chosen delicacies with a wine for the tourists choose;Business meeting/entertainment/Fashion fitness/Shopping and so on many service facilities will also to organizations and individuals open.To drive the high-end business consumption,Build a more perfect public service area,The hotel also will jointly open up international and domestic brand of a gleam of three layer shops to let theme shop area.At the same time,Genting have the function of the ski hall,Distance has open article 30 trail near at hand,To achieve a truly Ski In & Ski Out international popular fashion."We hope that each of the guests can enjoy in the hotel to the holiday fun and caring services,If you ski resorts slip from a hotel lobby,The waiter will smile and ask whether you want to drink a cup of;Whether for lunch or dinner all kinds of style and emotional appeal restaurant you will enjoy food at the same time to experience life happy;Various party performance more show you too many things to see."Close YuanYun top hotel general manager Mr Graham a vivid description of the hotel after the opening scene.It is reported,After completion of the hotel will be European vacation style is given priority to,She will become cloud top brand in the domestic operation of the first five-star hotel.

  “密苑云顶乐园除了项目的规划和设计外,更重要的是为游客营造一种度假气氛,让在这里度假的游客从内心深处感受到愉悦和温情”叶翔说,“密苑云顶乐园作为云顶这个国际知名度假品牌在中国的延伸,我们希望为游客打造全新度假理念和生活方式,从而真正意义地让国内的游客体会到云顶的DNA元素。” 据叶翔透露,密苑云顶乐园已根据游客的不同需求专门订制了多样化的度假套餐,详细计划将在今年10月份正式对外发布。不用很久游客们就将首次体验云顶特色度假。对于北京的游客来讲,这个冬季不用再被长途飞行和旅途劳累所烦扰,2个半小时的车程就能到达“云顶”,与家人一起在这艘停泊在山间的豪华“游轮”中尽享戏雪之乐。

"Close YuanYun top park besides the project planning and design outside,More important is for tourists to build a kind of holiday atmosphere,Let here on holiday tourists from heart feel joy and warmth"YeXiangShui,"Close YuanYun top paradise as cloud top the international well-known holiday brand in extension of China,We hope for a visitor to create new holiday idea and way of life,Thus the real meaning to let domestic tourists realize cloud top DNA elements." According to YeXiang revealed,Close YuanYun top park according to the different needs of tourists has special ordered a diversified holiday packages,Detailed plan will be officially released in October.Not for a long time the tourists will first experience cloud top characteristics on holiday.For Beijing for tourists,This winter need not be long flight and unfazed by the journey,2 and a half hour drive to"Cloud top",Together with family in this ship berthing in the mountains of luxury"Cruise ship"Enjoy the joy of snow in play.
