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Beijing's data display,8 seven-day holiday in Beijing 13.12 million overseas visitors,Than last year the corresponding period grows 22.7%;On October 2, only one day,The imperial palace visitors to more than 180000 people,And the Beijing JiaRiBan has announced,The Forbidden City is the best capacity of 50000 visitors a day,The maximum capacity is 60000 people every day.Sichuan jiuzhaigou/Huanglong etc 21 hot scenic spots,Visitors to 2.344 million people,Year-on-year growth of 17.95%.
We must reflect on whether the tourists is not rational,Is not whether we should limit the number of visitors.The two is a difficult thing to do,Especially the rational travel.How do I know how many national and I also want to go to a scenic spot?If I know in advance,Perhaps can adjust the travel route.In fact,You only know hot scenic spots will be a lot of people,But hard to predict more and to what degree,Whether or not I a person or family?Unless don't go to hot scenic spot.This choice is also far from rational,Can only say that is to give up.For most Chinese people to give up the family visit to popular scenic spot,The devil is rational?Can only say that is the bookworm's balderdash.
This year"Golden week"Befriending the scenic spot what is the root cause?I see CaiJiMing is for of the person in charge of the tsinghua university holiday system reform group proposed that put a year 3"Golden week"To two"Golden week"(Referred to as"2"subject)results.
Don't look down on this"2"results.Any time should not look down upon"2"results.Reason is very simple:A road that there are three export,Instead of two export,You say what is it like?Export one more good,Or export less a good,You ask class kindergarten children,Perhaps they can also tell you understand.Professor CAI put forward a"3-1 = 2"scheme,The national development and reform commission accepted this"2"scheme,As a result,The people of the whole country have been"2"the,Also can"2"the.
Some people refused to change now"2"The thinking mode of,They want to take"2"brain/Along the"2"What the direction.yesterday,Shanghai stock certificate report published an article,titled["Golden week"Effect indicated the??????].The author talked about a pile of national popular scenic spot sealed after phenomenon,Arrive at a conclusion:"For nearly 1.4 billion people for China,The concentration of tourism consumption are easy to cause the crowded around,Centralized tourist consumption is not increased the consumption of resident travel unbalanced?so,For a more than 10 years"Golden week"Holiday vacation mode,Really came to this serious review and improvement of the time."The author did not say how to improve,But the intention is obviously simply cancel the eleven"Golden week",from"2"to"1",Even to zero,Even the Spring Festival"Golden week"Also cancelled along with all the.
to"Golden week"Add good,Or subtraction good?I always adhere to the good addition.Recovery may"Golden week",the"2"instead"3",Even can consider to add 3 a"Golden week".A year has six"Golden week"Can can't?A year have 12"Golden week"Can can't?Monthly a"Golden week",Method is the monthly double cease day instead of single Hugh day,Take out four days with a single Hugh day is 5 days,Countries give a day off add up to six days(Clear and bright/Dragon-boat festival/Mid-Autumn festival don't),This monthly can have 6 days to small long vacation.Coupled with six days per month on small long vacation highway free,Can basically meet or solve the national people's growing out of travel demand and the problem of befriending the scenic spots.
There is a joke:Said shandong warlord HanFu fu-chu see students playing basketball,Think everyone is for a ball so desperately is bad,A human hair a ball.My way to a little learning HanFu fu-chu,Multiple several ball.And the CaiJiMing"2"The thinking mode of,But even HanFu fu-chu than ah!
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