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  10月14日,莫言的出生地高密市大栏乡平安庄。得知莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖后,村委会在村里挂起了30个灯笼。新京报记者 陈杰 摄 On October 14,,Mo yan is demonstrated the birthplace of big bar township peace village.After that, mo yan won the Nobel Prize for literature,The village committee in the village put up 30 lantern.The Beijing news reporter ChenJie perturbation

14日,莫言老家平安庄挂起祝贺获奖的条幅。 新京报记者 陈杰摄 14,Mo yan home peace chong suspend congratulations on winning banners. The Beijing news reporter ChenJieShe   14日,莫言90岁的父亲管贻范在接受记者采访,由于听力不好,记者凑到老人的耳边说话。新京报记者 陈杰 摄 14,Mo yan 90 - year - old father, GuanYiFan when accepting a reporter to interview,Because the hearing is bad,Reporters gather together to the old man's ear to speak.The Beijing news reporter ChenJie perturbation

14日,平安庄。诺奖公布后,莫言旧居前竖起了说明牌。新京报记者陈杰 摄 14,Peace chong.After the publication of the Nobel,Mo yan lives up before the instruction plate.The Beijing news reporter ChenJie perturbation


当地计划投资6.7亿元,弘扬红高粱文化,包括莫言旧居周围的莫言文化体验区 The local plans to invest 670 million yuan,Carry forward the red sorghum culture,Including mo yan around the former residence mo yan cultural experience area 


On October 16,,FanHui want to good how to persuade mo yan's father agreed to repair old home mo yan.


"Son has not your son,The house is not your house".


Mo yan became public resources,"Don't you agree not necessarily work".


Mo yan is as hometown of the jurisdiction of the ac,FanHui to persuade mo yan family is very confident.


FanHui worry is how to produce a ten thousand mu red sorghum.In mo yan hometown,Because of too little income,High-density local farmers has not kind of red sorghum.As blood general rapid flow of red sorghum has long been the scene of memories.


"I guess a year in ten million",Mo yan is home jurisdiction gaomi city glue river dredging port logistics park of the ac FanHui said,"Where the money came from?"


but,He said he doesn't hesitate,"Sustain losses in business also want to kind of".


This a series of ideas,And just received the Nobel Prize for literature about the mo yan.


 高密的"腰杆" density"tall"


高密诗人李丹平说,高密再也不是以前的高密了,"它是中国的文学高地,国家的圣地" High-density poet LiDanPing said,Density is no longer the former density,"It is China's literature heights,National shrine"


Density on the wine table had a new rules.


Mo yan museum curator MaoWeiJie said,Recent densified people together party.The first cup of wine,Must be"The teacher first for mo yan a toast".


These days,In his view,Morning densified people walking in the street,Spirits are not the same,"vigorous".


High-density taxi driver,Also like and reporters about mo yan.A taxi driver quickly back out MoYanGu a few door number,Satisfiedly say"He and my classmate's wife is a village".The taxi station from time to time people asking how mo yan former residence go.


The xinhua bookstore,Mo yan's novel counters is empty.Small bookstore posted a reservation mo yan books brand.A have never heard of the magazine,Because the last page have pictures of mo yan is placed on the bookshelf significant position.


High-density street hanged many congratulations on mo yan the winning banner,in"Mo yan fan"ZhangShouYun seems,This is far from enough,"Should from Qingdao airport hung over all the way".


Cultural centre of a banner is quite meaningful,"Mo yan won great prizes,China is happy".


In high-density,"China"and"The world"These two days are constantly being mentioned.Mo yan in the cultural forum,It is proposed,To ignore weifang density,Say more"China's densified".


Before the province embarrassed say density,"Later consumedly square square of,Standing tall,I'm density".


The general manager of the high-density a travel agency YangLianCai said,After describing the geographical location of high-density when,Never say close to Qingdao,Is the back garden of Qingdao.


He poked fun,Maybe later Qingdao publicity language will become,"Close to the Nobel literature prize winner's hometown".


Density changed.


High-density poet LiDanPing said,Density is no longer the former density,"It is China's literature heights,National shrine".


莫言家的萝卜 MoYanGu turnip

  一游客从地里挖出一根萝卜,塞在衣服里。出了门,向村民展示,"莫言家的萝卜,莫言家的萝卜啊" A tourist from the earth dug a root radish,Plug in clothing.Out of the door,Show to the villagers,"MoYanGu turnip,MoYanGu turnip ah"


"Holy land"The center is the MoYanGu clearing.


The peace hang up more than 30 red lanterns,Her few remaining bridge brush the paint twice,The words on the bridge trace become gold.


Mo yan awards that night,The ac leadership want to clear street,The way to the village of corn to clear out all the sun.Mo yan's SEC. Bro GuanMoXin stopped.


On October 14,,Mo yan's former residence museum set up an introduction of mo yan big exhibition board,The next day he pulled out."Sign a few wrong character".Surrounding new species of cypress and apricot tree.The tree paint a new white paint.


This is an ordinary peasant yard.Soil embryo house,Five rooms,narrow,cramped,Full of dust and debris.


Is the house has a radio,Mo yan is bought when they get married.This is the house the most valuable electrical appliances,"The second is the worth a flashlight".


YiBoBo come in,Turn not to open, the tacit understanding to queue photographic.Don't know people greet each other,"Hurriedly look,After going to accept the money".


Mo yan yard is a row of carrot,Be on seven down eight slanting.Someone in the wall found Chinese yam bean.Two or three people ran over to pick up.


Mother and daughter said,The Chinese yam bean cooked to eat,Next year I also get the Nobel Prize.Mo yan's SEC. Bro GuanMoXin stood on the other side,Face can not see expression.


The wall of the corner.Someone took out the camera photo,"This is the history".


, etc GuanMoXin leave,A tourist from the earth dug a root radish,Plug in clothing.Out of the door,With a radish show to the villagers,"MoYanGu turnip,MoYanGu turnip ah".


The yard in 2010 was the ac into the restoration plan.FanHui drawing drawings,Find good cement,Mo yan's father GuanYiFan worry disturb villagers,And don't like make public,To mo yan dozen telephone.This matter aside this.


Until now,Everything seems to be inevitable.


The ac shall submit the investment of five hundred thousand yuan RMB to former residence for renovation planning.Shandong travel bureau sent experts to study tourism line.


Gaomi city tourism bureau WangJianZhi said,"All this is not mo yan a person's things".


GuanMoXin to repair things don't want to comment,This few days he always appears very tired,"Listen to government,".


分一杯羹 Points a cup of soup

  高密最大一家农家乐老板将农家乐改名为"红高粱庄园",包间名称改为与莫言小说有关,比如"红高粱"等 Density maximum an organic farm boss will be renamed"Red sorghum manor",Private room name changed to mo yan and the novel,For example"Red sorghum", etc


Compared with radish,A lot of people in the Nobel effect want more.


Mo yan held a news conference before,Conference hotel is to think,When in the venue layout,Behind the mo yan hotel mark to put low as far as possible,Want to let TV media in an interview broadcast mo yan,Can show hotel mark.


"Mo yan fan"ZhangShouYun collected more than one hundred sets of mo yan different versions of the book.Next to the person envy him,"You can calculate earned".ZhangShouYun Yang head a,"I'm ready for the 5000 sets!"He began to prepare from last year,Counting the mo yan the prize shall also have the two years.He was depressed,"Prepare or too little".


Mo yan that day the,He rushed up to three signature."Dare not want again to the,Almost went".


Curator MaoWeiJie phone this several days was almost blow.Constantly people asking:"Can you put me as director of institute of mo yan?"


after,Mo yan seminar for 35 director.MaoWeiJie appear very embarrassed."Threshold must improve".


Mo yan is for the museum,From the former"As shy as daphne"To today's"Walk tall".Once spread to move out of the news of the reconstruction,MaoWeiJie later in the face of reporters have to has emphasized many times that,Just in the existing basis expansion.


On October 15,,Dongying a university college of liberal arts dean came to mo yan museum,Request to build a practice base,Students can come to help.He asked the company with gestures,"Brand to hang in there,quickly,Otherwise will hang it down".He also stressed the sentence,"Navajos also is not afraid of,Brand will follow".


High-density local some culture people worried about outsiders stampede mo yan resources.


Cultural LiZhangGe people see JiaoZhou television emphasize mo yan is drink glue grew up the river,By glue river cultural influence.Some of his worry,"JiaoZhou is able to mo yan to pull them there",High-density more not fall behind.


Director of the China merchants WangShuZhong meeting will be held on October 15, study how to make mo yan promote the attract/bid for/invite investments.He has repeatedly stressed the use of mo yan to raise awareness/reputation,But also said,"Haven't think good specific how to do".


How to play this card, mo yan?He looked at reporters,You give an idea?


Businessmen in this respect can always bringing.


Density maximum a farm boss FengTao decided to farm will be renamed"Red sorghum manor".The hotel offers a name and mo yan are novel relevant,For example"Red sorghum"/"White cotton", etc.


October 13,FengTao invited a Qingdao agricultural university professor,Guidance on how to plant sorghum.He is ready to next spring, and the surrounding people to share cooperation,Of the 200 acres of elbow sorghum.


"There are stories of the sorghum ground",He will put the red sorghum movie scene moved in sorghum ground.


In high-density,"I was the only here can see plenty of sorghum".


"万亩红高粱"计划 "Ten thousand mu red sorghum"plan

  要种一万亩的红高粱,只能每亩地补贴一千块钱,"把本先给农民","这一千万先要扔出去" To kind of ten thousand acres of red sorghum,Only RMB $one thousand dollars to subsidies,"Put the first to farmers","The ten million first have to throw out"


FengTao wrong.


Glue river dredging port logistics zone has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.


Their blueprint appear much surging forward with great momentum.


On October 15,,The ac took out to carry forward red sorghum culture,Make peninsula feature tourism zone of the plan.


This is a need to invest 670 million yuan project.Including mo yan around the former residence mo yan cultural experience area,Red sorghum cultural recreation area,Red sorghum film and television works exhibit,Glue river landscape zone,And the village resort and patriotism education base.


He described the after completion,Amphibious alternate,Red sorghum and clear water view of the hand each other.


In the red sorghum cultural recreation area,Will be planting ten thousand mu red sorghum.A few days ago,They put is only 2000 mu.


On this project FanHui quite confident."Mo yan borrowed the east wind".Although rubber river over this one,He thinks that will have to spend nearly two hundred million yuan.


He wanted to become a government project,Plus the investment of social capital,"Three years can built".


FanHui also worry that the income,Especially the ten thousand mu red sorghum.


In high-density,Farmers don't want to kind of red sorghum.The ac once in order to encourage farmers to kind of red sorghum,A dollar per catty sorghum subsidies.


The second year,Even if the subsidies,Also does not have the race.


Now to kind of ten thousand acres of red sorghum,Can only take RMB $one thousand dollars to subsidy way,"Put the first to farmers".A one thousand acres,Ten thousand mu is ten million."The ten million first have to throw out".


At present,Sorghum is hard to the development of industry,If travel can't make enough to get back.FanHui also clearly said,"For a while it is difficult to earn half back".but,He is looking forward to the government agreed to this project.


As mo yan hometown,He wants to,"To invest big/Great investment, promote large adjustment/Big development".


He thinks that mo yan hometown will become the epitome of rural China,China's foreign image window.In the construction of positioning and should be higher than density,"Not bad for China's image".


"文化搭台,经济唱戏" "Culture DaTai,Economic act in an opera"

  高密市旅游局局长说,整个山东的旅游口号也可以改一下,"一山一水一圣人"改成"一山一水一圣人一文豪" Gaomi city tourism bureau said,The whole shandong tourism slogan can also change,"Every hill and a saint"into"Every hill and a saint a literary giant"


On October 11,,By the street YangLianCai fireworks sound woke up with a start.


Know mo yan got after the Nobel Prize for literature,Business travel agency he was so excited that he can't sleep.


Density is not a tourist resources are rich place.No landscape,flat.And the surrounding counties compared the tourism,No prominent characteristics.Featured folk custom Tours,It is difficult to attract a large number of tourists.


YangLianCai said,Usually do travel together chat,Often want to,High-density when it's time to drop down a scenic spot?


Opportunity to the.


Mo yan won a Nobel Prize,Like the pie fall from the sky."Big good".


YangLianCai travel agent used to single leg walk,The high-density tourists to send all over the country,Foreign tourists to density less than 5%.


YangLianCai this several days thinking is,How to research line,For foreign tourists,How to excavate extension mo yan scenic spots.


He said,Now densified travel agencies in the itch to try,Just don't know how to participate."As soon as the government's news".


On October 15,,Gaomi city tourism bureau WangJianZhi busy preparing for a micro bo activities.


Activity is let netizen recommend favorite mo yan novels in literature geography scene.He was terrified to see the number of click too much,Network paralysis,Driving application capacity greater network.


WangJianZhi rather self-congratulation,In his view,Other departments are still stay in want to stage,Only tourism administration took out the specific scheme.


These selected scene will become tourism resources attract/bid for/invite investments.He hope to have entrepreneurs investment,If we can built studio is the best results.


If you want to shoot the film mo yan,Sure going to high-density framing.and,"Mo yan is still in creation peak",WangJianZhi think film company focus on mo yan,Also is the good investors.


To the tourism line,He said,Experts have been investigated.Gaomi city tourism bureau according to the former residence and mo yan in the design of self-help and rural leisure line.


He wants to good for high-density tourism new slogan,"Three Yin materials,Mo yan home".He said,The whole shandong tourism slogan can also change,"Every hill and a saint"into"Every hill and a saint a literary giant".


He pondered a few minutes,His nodded his head,"I feel so change not too".


In high-density has held two red sorghum culture festival added tourism two words.In the planning meeting,Weifang is put forward a leadership,The culture is static,Added tourism,Let a person flow up,Just can have economic benefits.


Culture DaTai,Economic act in an opera.


Gaomi city culture radio and television news ChuBanJu's chief ShaoChunSheng think,From now on cultural tourism festival will become densified cultural brand.


He came to the conclusion that the"Red sorghum spirit",Was also he called"Mo yan spirit":"Bear hardships and stand hard work,His straight-arrow manner,humility."


ShaoChunSheng tell mo yan,This time momentum bigger.To make celebration,Want to have mo yan's works discussion.


Mo yan is the,ShaoChunSheng said,The festival at or above the county level far beyond its own meaning.He hope to have investors can come construction mo yan cultural industry.In high-density,Before this want to build the ten planning.This is the earliest high-density celebrity.


ShaoChunSheng said,Mo yan after won a Nobel Prize,Group will have a part is mo yan's group.


"Through the warm strength,Draw world-class other cultural investment,Breakthrough hundreds of millions of."Cultural conference,A man said,Hand in the air effectively draw a line.


Mo yan said,Hope that don't make public,"Make big let somebody else's jokes".


喧嚣下的平静 Under the peace

  莫言曾说,自己只有站在高密的土地上,创作才有感觉。他喜欢高密的平静 MoYanCeng said,She was standing in density on the land,Creation to have feelings.He likes densified peace


Relative to the excitement of the government,In mo yan and the peace of the zhuang villagers to much more calm.


The villagers GuoYuanLi is mo yan childhood friends,He leaned against the wall,With reporters talked about and mo yan chess of the past.


He said mo yan smart,Can back[Compendium of materia medica].


Few people read the book mo yan.They only know mo yan wrote his own village.


Mo yan in the red sorghum once wrote WangWenYi villagers,Writing his timid,The ear is the stray bullet rub,But he himself exclaims head didn't.


The villagers said,That is true.WangWenYi had died.The villagers at the mention of he will think of this period of the past.


WangWenYi daughter-in-law said,Mo yan prize,They also follow happy.WangWenYi had time to write so he's a bit of a mind.Mo yan to buy him a bottle of wine,He said only comfort with his name.


He will no longer be not happy.


[frog]The hero of the prototype is GuanYiLan mo yan's aunt.She also just quietly sitting at home.She said,Mo yan writing her part is really,Part is fiction.Writer is not easy to,Her story is bone,Mo yan write meat,Fiction is unavoidable.


Her nephew happy,But I do not want to disturb him,A telephone also didn't play."Their family members don't give yourself the family trouble".


Person in the village all know,Mo yan of the prize is the biggest prize,"No more than the big prizes".


Mo yan's uncle tube a son that causeth xi said,The butler in guangxu period, once a TanHua,Mo yan than the champions will badly.


then,They went on with my life.


Mo yan easy-going,One even said,"He works".what,Only request to his,He very difficult to refuse.


Mo yan's family is also so.


Mo yan's father is 90 years old,Ears back a bit,Don't understand other people's problems,In total panic with some ashamed.


They receive a group of a group of reporters,Try our best to answer every question.As long as the reporters to leave,They will be sent to the door.If the drive,Send out people will stand there,Kept beckoning,Until the car.




Mo yan from 50 years later,Back to the densified time more and more long.


Back to high-density,Mo yan like to carry a hand driven rally.Stroll market see food must touch two.


After got the Nobel,He said he under a lot of pressure,Anxiety of.


He hope that everything can calm as soon as possible,As soon as possible into the state of creation.


Mo yan have to ShaoChunSheng said,She was standing in density on the land,Creation to have feelings.


He likes densified peace.

  □新京报首席记者 张寒 山东高密报道

Beijing - the new chief reporter zhang cold Shandong densified reported
