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莫言高密旧居成热门景点 院中萝卜被游客拔光--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  [提要]:在高密平安庄的旧居最近很火。自从莫言获诺奖后,这座闲置20余年的老宅俨然成为了热门景点,院中萝卜地里的萝卜已经被来访者拔去不少。山东省旅游局的调研组也来到这里考察旧居开发成旅游线路的可行性…[我来说两句] [abstract]:The former residence in high-density peace zhuang recently very fire.Since the mo yan's prize,The idle more than 20 years old curtilage peremptory became a hot spots,The courts of the radish radish has been drawn to a lot of visitors.The research group of shandong tourism administration also came here,Investigation will former residence development into the feasibility of tourist routes…[me two other]  莫言旧居的新命运 Mo yan former residence new destiny


On October 15th noon,The shandong province gaomi city big bar township peace village,More than 30 traveled from dongying city/dalian,And South Korea visitors,Through the open iron gate,Came to mo yan SEC. Bro GuanMoXin home is full of golden corn on the cob in the yard."We are to see mo yan of former residence."Voice to the house on the kang GuanMoXin ears,He skillfully her side edge from the drawer took the key,Pull open the door,Be full of callosity out of hand,Cheerfully to meet everyone,then,Led the guys to about 500 meters and mo yan former residence.The same gesture,Since the mo yan's prize,GuanMoXin don't know how much time,Including repeated accept dozens of Chinese and foreign media reporter's interview.The research group of shandong tourism administration also came here,Investigation will former residence development into the feasibility of tourist routes,And puts forward repair former residence.The villagers said,after,MoYanCeng repeatedly excuse oneself from local government repair request,But of their own money,In the village to repair the road.


The 62 - year - old GuanMoXin mo yan is the SEC. Bro,Now retired at home,He is also learning at home,And mo yan childhood grow deep memory,So in the mo yan's prize,Became family"News spokesman".GuanMoXin said,Everyone is so concerned about the mo yan,We can do what they do,It also can give mo yan share some pressure.


百岁老宅闲置20余年 - year - old curtilage idle more than 20 years


Mo yan former residence was built up in 1912,1966 renovation once,From 1955 to 1976,Mo yan from birth to leave the army,Life here is about 22 years,Later in the period,panic,Also on and off to live.In 1988,,Mo yan in high-density county(Now the gaomi city)Bought a house,And his wife DuQinLan and only daughter tube smile from the old house emigration.In 1990,,Mo yan parents also from here GuanMoXin moved to the home,This is old curtilage,Since then idle.


Now the JiuZhai is between 5 a total of about 60 square meters wall bungalow,Door faces south,The house is still putting mo yan decades ago used some old thing.East-west more than a metre high wall,The door has a garden,Area about hundred square meters,Kind of the soybean and carrots,Usually by mo yan 90 - year - old father GuanYiFan cuisine.GuanMoXin said,Before the old house and two wing between,Later, as he and mo yan's eldest brother,And sister's move out,Not like the tear things wing is knocked down,Make to do the vegetable garden.


On October 15,,Gaomi city propaganda department staff with the provincial tourism bureau of the research group of old home to mo yan,Peer jinan jiahua CITS staff said,As a world famous Nobel literature prize winner,Mo yan's former residence shall be protected,They the purpose of the trip is the old home on mo yan open for the feasibility of tourist routes,Into the line is about 10 kilometers from the former residence of,The village of zhang jia mouth a ancient stone bridge,Here is the mo yan novels[Red sorghum]Stated in the guerrilla attack the Japanese seat,Is film[Red sorghum]One of the filming site.Staff said,This is just the investigation stage,How to develop,Accept no charge,Still need to evaluate,details,Finally also listen to the opinions of the personal and family mo yan.


 莫言曾屡次拒绝修缮旧宅 MoYanCeng repeatedly refused to repair JiuZhai


Provincial tourism bureau investigation personnel said,Due to the old houses,Long not inhabited,With more and more people visit,The necessary repair and reinforcement is to continue to open the premise.


"Four or five years ago,Peace to zhuang mo yan former residence of land ownership registration,Because building old,When property rights regardless of the JiuZhai is conveniently transfer to the eldest brother,But we all know that the heart,The house counterpoising truly is the eldest brother,The actual also has a part of the mo yan."Speak up old home ownership of mo yan,Mo yan GuanMoXin two elder brothers said.


"Last year,The government has offered to repair old home,Mo yan is not willing to."GuanMoXin said,Mo yan think it waste man power and money,He more than once called the local relevant leaders,Don't agree to repair.


GuanMoXin said,If the development of tourism,Public welfare should be put first,He and his family are all in favor of free and open.

  对于莫言旧居的旅游开发问题,几位村民也说,应该免费参观,这是村里的光荣。莫言舍得掏钱给村里修路,却舍不得花钱修旧居,他平时就是这样低调。记者 陈杰 摄影报道

Mo yan of former residence for tourism development problems,Several villagers also said,Should be free to visit,This is the glory of the village.Mo yan are willing to pay to the village road,But reluctant to spend money in repairing old home,He usually is such a low profile.Reporter ChenJie photojournalism

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