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女孩穿越新藏线时去世 驴友千里接力护送遗体--亲稳网络舆情监控室

女孩穿越新藏线时去世 驴友千里接力护送遗体 金玲的微博照片 Jin ling micro bo photos 女孩穿越新藏线时去世 驴友千里接力护送遗体 金玲此行的新藏线路线 郁斐 制图 Jin ling the XinCangXian route YuFei mapping

  早报记者 李淑平 实习生 陈惜媛

Morning paper reporter intern Chen LiShuPing precious little gentle


Lhasa,Is Shanghai girl jin ling XinCangXian this the end of the tour,She had made an appointment LvYou in this meeting,The next destination to Egypt.But in three days ago,From Lhasa in more than 1000 kilometers in ali's county,She died.


Net friend and LvYou together relay put her escort to Lhasa,And support their parents by plane yesterday to Lhasa and her"meet".Today early in the morning,Two veteran in the funeral home to see her daughter.Jin ling in Lhasa few friends still buy the cake for her to funeral home after 31 years old birthday.


 一行四人穿越新藏线 A group of four people through XinCangXian


In the eyes of friends,Born in 1981 of jin ling kind/optimistic/bold,Like the freedom.You enjoy affectionately call her"fatty".In the jin ling in the micro bo,She introduction oneself is doing nothing/Amuse oneself/Comfort of female youth.Two years ago,Like travel jin ling quit working,Became backpackers.


Last August,Jin ling go ChuanCangXian first went to the plateau,Then went to Nepal and India.August,She once again to start the plateau,And the last know about good friends,Meet in Lhasa,Then by Nepal to go to Egypt.This time they choose is XinCangXian,It is the highest elevation of the highway,Than the other three into hidden lines are high above sea level,And from karakorum to Tibet ali region in an average elevation of 4500 meters,Swing by the dead ditch appalling no man's land,Therefore also became a lot of challenger want to cross the line.


According to jin ling micro bo,This year October 7,,She arrived at xinjiang kashi,Have a happy time,And in a youth hostel to meet another three LvYou,Then four people on the companion,To the XinCangXian to Lhasa.


On October 17 in day and night,Jin ling in micro bo wrote,"Sister I,October 21 birthday oh,That may be in Lhasa."Who knows,This is her micro bo the last message.In the night,Their party to firm when daxian,Jin ling had a feeling unwell,And cough all night,When she thought herself just sore throat.


On October 18,Jin ling a line and hit the road early in the morning,The day's journey at an altitude of basic is in 4500-5400 m between,Pavement jolted in a state of confusion,Jin ling with teammates"LongXiaoHu"Words is"The car on the road to fly,We were in the car inside fly".In the afternoon,Jin ling began to have a fever,The LvYou walked her to the hospital,Match the medicine/Played TuiShaoZhen,The doctor asked her night stay in hospital for observation.But jin ling don't want to,Say they feel better,Or back to the hotel to rest.


On October 19 morning,Jin ling a line of four people was out on the road again.But the state of jin ling is very poor,His teammates have to always give her oxygen.When a car's county a frontier station after two or three kilometers,Jin ling collapses syncope,Soon start mouth foam.His teammates had to ask the driver to head back to the frontier station for help,Frontier station soldiers immediately gave her first aid,But as a result of medical equipment limited,Jin ling finally failed to save lives.


网上发起募捐活动 Launched online donation activities


Jin ling parents has over 60 years,Hear the news of his daughter was very sad,But want to go to see her daughter's,The body can't stand such a long journey.


LvYou want to jin ling remains shipped to Lhasa,In order to complete a jin ling go all XinCangXian desire,First, also can let jin ling parents can see her last one,But it is difficult to find a car,If let Lhasa's funeral home send a car to pick up,Want 30000 multivariate,Spend too much.so,The donkey friends from October 19, launched on the Internet for the activities of the jin ling for help.


LvYou and net friends on the Internet relay contributed their money,All the way men escort jin ling body to Lhasa,The other way Sagittarius scoop out jin ling parents in yesterday by plane to Lhasa,Family in Lhasa"meet".


Jin ling good friend/Chongqing LvYou cadastral LiuWen,Micro bo name"Potato growth record",To open a special account of the donation,And take the lead to jin ling parents donation.As of yesterday when 16,LiuWen accounts posted on the Internet,Remove for parents to buy jin ling from Shanghai to Lhasa ticket 3500 yuan,Residual donated 21805 yuan to scoop out the remains of jin ling in Lhasa LvYou"Broken handle bone porcelain cup didn't cover".LiuWen said,Donation has enough please don't go to play money account.


Jin ling learned that after what,Free Tibet aviation to jin ling parents rise tank,Arrange vehicles and send them to the destination.Flat cuo of a youth hostel is free to let jin ling parents occupation.


Yesterday when 19 about 30 points,The driver small wu and net is"Scorpio man happy journey"The net friend of the relay jin ling remains shipped to Lhasa funeral home.21 at about,Jin ling parents in Shanghai, accompanied by LvYou arrive Lhasa.Because of jin ling mother ill,After the telephone to Lhasa to settle in the hotel to rest,A funeral home early today to see their daughter.


相关链接: Relevant link:


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Plateau tourism matters needing attention


高原反应 Plateau reaction,即高原病,指未经适应训练的人迅速进入3000米以上高原地区,由于大气压中氧分压降低,机体对低氧环境耐受性降低,难以适应而造成缺氧,由此引发一系列的高原不适应症。当然,除了高原缺氧的因素之外,还有恶劣天气如风、雨、雪、寒冷和强烈的紫外线照射等等;都可以加剧高原不适应并引发不同的高原适应不全症。

,Namely plateau sickness,To adapt to the training without quickly into the 3000 meters above plateau area,Due to the atmospheric pressure to reduce oxygen partial pressure,The body of low oxygen environment lower tolerance,Difficult to adapt to hypoxia caused,Which caused a series of plateau not indications.Of course,In addition to plateau anoxic outside factors,Bad weather and wind/The rain/snow/Cold and strong ultraviolet radiation and so on;Can aggravate plateau does not adapt and trigger different plateau is not adapted all disease.


The body adapt to the after period of time can occur a series of adaptive change,Such as ventilation increase,In order to make organization use oxygen at or close to normal level;To speed up the heart rate/The heart pumps more blood ability,In order to make every minute heart stroke increased amount of bleeding,Improve anaerobic condition;Increase red blood cell and hemoglobin quantity to increase capacity to carry oxygen to ensure the supply of oxygen to the body.but,Some people in the air to low oxygen partial pressure is more sensitive,Adaptation ability is poor,Will appear a series of symptoms and functional metabolic changes to adapt to the plateau not all disease,Also known as acute plateau reaction.Foreign will this into acute plateau reaction/High altitude pulmonary edema/Plateau cerebral edema/Plateau retinal hemorrhage and chronic mountain sickness,China into urgent/Chronic plateau sickness.For individuals,Disease is often mixed hard to distinguish,In the process of the disease,At some stage in a more outstanding performance.


症状判断 Symptom judgment部分初次进入高原的人,在海拔3000米的高度,24小时内出现头疼、头晕、眼花、耳鸣、全身乏力、行走困难、难以入睡等症状,严重者出现腹胀、食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、心慌、气短、胸闷、面色及口唇发紫或面部水肿等症状。出现这些症状,应在原高度处停留休息3~5天,或立即下降数百米高度,一般就可恢复正常。 有报道说,3500米以下的发病率占37%~51%,3600米-5000米的发病率达50%。这说明高度越高,高原反应的发病率越高。

The first part of the people into the plateau,At an altitude of 3000 meters high,24 hours appear have a headache/dizziness/giddy/tinnitus/Muscle weakness/Walking difficult/The symptom such as difficulty falling asleep,Closed up the abdominal distension/Loss of appetite/nausea/vomiting/dismayed/Shortness of breath/Bosom is frowsty/Complexion and oral purple or facial edema wait for a symptom.Appear these symptoms,Should be in the original height place for rest 3 ~ 5 days,Or immediate descent hundreds of meters height,General can return to normal. There are reports that,The incidence of 3500 meters below the 37% ~ 51%,3600 m - 5000 meters of incidence rate reaches 50%.This shows that the higher the height,Plateau reaction of incidence of a disease is higher.

  严重的高原反应对人体的伤害是比较严重的,因此,在进入高原后,如果出现了下列症状,应考虑已经发生高原反应: 1. 头部剧烈疼痛、心慌、气短、胸闷、食欲不振、恶心、呕吐、口唇指甲紫绀。 2. 意识恍惚,认知能力骤降。主要表现为计算困难,在未进入高原之前做一道简单的加法题,记录所用时间,在出现症状时,重复做同样的计算题,如果所用时间比原先延长,说明已经发生高原反应。 3. 出现幻觉,感到温暖,常常无目标地跟随在他人后面行走。

Serious plateau reaction to the harm of human body is more serious,therefore,After in the plateau,If there was the following symptoms,Should consider to have happened plateau reaction: 1. Head intense pain/dismayed/Shortness of breath/Bosom is frowsty/Loss of appetite/nausea/vomiting/Oral nail cyanosis. 2. Trance consciousness,Cognitive ability dip.Main show is dyscalculia,In not enter the plateau before a simple addition problem,Record the time,When the symptoms,Repeat the same calculation problem,If the extended time than the original,That has happened plateau reaction. 3. Hallucinate,Feel warm,Often aimlessly follow in others walk behind.


注意事项 note

  一、患下列疾病者不宜进入高原 初次高原之前,一定要进行严格的体格检查,如发现心、肺、脑、肝、肾的病变,严重贫血或高血压病人,请勿盲目进入高原。如果只患有一般疾病,必须预先采取必要的预防措施,如随身携带氧气等。

a/Suffer from the disease will not fit into the plateau before first plateau,Must carry on the strict medical examination,Such as the discovery of heart/lung/brain/liver/Renal lesions,Severe anemia or hypertension patients,Do not blindly enter the plateau.If only with general disease,Must advance to take necessary precautions,Such as carry oxygen, etc.


two/Arrived after plateau should be attention


1/Just to plateau,Everyone will feel different degree of tightness in the chest/Shortness of breath/Difficulty breathing and symptoms of oxygen,Serious will have a headache/Muscles pain/The symptom such as insomnia.But this kind of reaction is very normal,If we can properly to protect themselves,1-3 days after,These symptoms will turn out or disappear.Reaction after relief,Should control their own behavior to ensure safety.


2/People often use oxygen to relieve discomfort.Of course,Oxygen can temporarily remove chest distress/Shortness of breath/Breathing difficulties,But stop after oxygen,Symptoms will appear again.This will delay the time to adapt to the plateau.so,If the above symptoms is not very serious,Especially in the static in a minor,You'd better don't oxygen,This will quickly adapt to the plateau environment.


3/Just enter the plateau,Do not eat and drink too much,In order to avoid aggravating digestive organ burden can't can well adapt to this environment.Had better not drinking and smoking.


4/To want to eat vegetable more,Fruits are rich in vitamin material,To a large number of drinking water,The more the better,As long as can withstand the.


5/First arrived in plateau,Not walk rapidly,Cannot run,More can't do physical labor,The best time to fully rest with half a day to rest,The first night early to rest,More sleep.This one will from one into the plateau begin to do,A lot of people just to plateau no reaction,It thinks,Results the symptoms appear in the evening,Then it will be too late for regrets.


6/Due to a cold to prevent caused by cold,Cold is the main cause of acute pulmonary edema is one of the plateau.Plateau temperature difference particularly big,Very easy to catch a cold and cold,At this time to remember,Better a bit hot,Not a bit cold,Wear more clothes.


7/Into plateau after,You'd better to low the sea dials place,The sea dials again to the high place,So more conducive to adapt to the plateau climate.Try to arrange easy journey,Stroke appropriate loose.


8/Once produce plateau reaction don't panic,Depends on the reaction degree and targeted therapy.If the reaction is lighter,Can take rest way,Water more/Little movement,General after period of time will improve or disappear;If the reaction is heavy,Affect sleep,Can take some drugs help treatment;If the reaction is too heavy,Going to the hospital for treatment,infusion/Take medicine/Oxygen, etc;If it can't stand plateau reaction torture,Had to take the first flight to return to the mainland,Generally can immediately get ease.


9/Often legend someone in Tibet for plateau reaction and lost life,In fact real life lost reasons are generally for plateau reaction caused by the sudden disease.So the general will persuade have a cold,heart/lung/brain/liver/Renal lesions,Severe anemia or high blood pressure patients they don't,Be afraid because of the plateau reaction caused by these diseases.


10/Try to choose condition better hotel check-in,Make oneself have a good living environment,You can get a comfortable rest,So we can from psychological and body principle get relax,To overcome the plateau reaction.In addition,As far as possible when sleep window,Let the air circulation,,And try to sleep near the window.


11/Choose good tour vehicles,Such as high-end sports cars(Now Tibet is one of the best is the most Japanese Toyota desert prince sports cars)Or loose import minivan,The journey was more comfortable.


12/The commonly used drugs to prevent plateau reaction:rhodiola/Muscle liver piece/Glucose and so on,Before into two days started taking,Journey also insist on taking,Can effectively prevent plateau reaction.


13/Prevent bask in measures can reduce the moisture inside body evaporation,To ease the plateau reaction also has indirect effect.


 预防要点 Prevention points

  对于高原旅游者来说,预防高原反应是生命攸关的重要问题。预防要点和简单的急救知识,要事先做到心中有数。 做好体检为预防高原反应,高原旅游前应该去的医院认真做好体检。患有慢性阻塞性肺病、间质性肺病、各种呼吸功能不全、器质性心脏病、脑血管疾病、高血压病、胃肠道疾病、神经与精神性疾病、严重慢性疾病等的病人不适合高原旅游。无法确定安全性时,应该接受低氧试验。

For tourists to plateau,Prevent plateau reaction is an important problem about life.Prevent points and simple knowledge of first aid,Prior to accomplish know fairly well. Do physical examination to prevent plateau reaction,Plateau tourism former should go to the hospital to do physical examination.With chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/Interstitial lung disease/All kinds of respiratory insufficiency/Organic heart disease/Cerebrovascular disease/hypertension/Gastrointestinal disease/Nervous and mental illness/Serious chronic disease, patients do not suitable for plateau tourism.Not sure when the safety,Should accept low oxygen test.


身心准备 Physical and mental preparation


(1) prepared:Eliminate fear,From books and to have experience of tourists know about plateau environment/Characteristics and health care knowledge,Increase the confidence.


 (2) well adaptive exercise.Such as climbing/run/Load such as walking,To increase the vital capacity and enhance adaptability.


(3) understand the local climate characteristics,Bring enough clothes,Pay attention to warm warm,Avoid acute upper respiratory tract infection.


After enter the plateau should be paid attention to:


 (1) maintain good state of mind,To eliminate plateau unnecessary fears,Avoid spirit hypertension,Let the body rest adequately.


(2) avoid catching cold.Plateau climate cold,Temperature difference between day and night,The body have a cold easily after suffer from respiratory infections,And easily induced acute plateau disease.


 (3) the first two days avoid strenuous activity and heavy manual labor,Ascent should be made slow progress,To adapt to the body gradually.


(4) diet should eat more high sugar/High grade protein food,To overcome the low oxygen adverse effects.


Smoking [5],Don't drink alcohol or less,In order to reduce the consumption of oxygen.


 [6] into the plateau best suit after 3-5 days anti plateau reaction health care products.

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