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全市新现196处地质灾害隐患 The whole city is about 196 new geological disaster hidden danger point
   10山区县排查478处隐患点,已纳入全市地质灾害台账,并提出处置建议和防治措施 Aiming at 10 mountainous area 478 hidden danger point,Already included in the geological disaster parameter,And put forward disposal suggestion and prevention and control measures


      7 · 21”After severe storms,The newly found in 196 geological hazard points,Have been incorporated in the geological disaster parameter。


Beijing FangXunBan chief engineer LiuHongWei said,Released XunQing blue after warning,Various departments must, in accordance with the plan to each place geological hazard points corresponding to the execution of the tasks,Including the transfer, etc,Executive does not reach the designated position will strictly investigate the responsibility of the relevant departments。


10山区县地质灾害隐患点完成排查 10 geological hazard points finish mountainous area regularly


yesterday,Municipal bureau of land and resources geology environment is long、FangXunBan ZhangJianGuo director in Beijing city services management radio《City zero distance》Program has revealed,“7 · 21”After heavy rainfall,After the disaster emergency survey,And put forward disposal suggestion and prevention and control measures。


Within 24,City land bureau organization 15 investigation team,A mountainous area of 10 major hidden danger point、The hidden trouble of the new increase point and hedge places in the LaWangShi emergency testing。“One is the hidden trouble of the original point to the side,Another is the new increase point of the hidden trouble of the survey and testing。”ZhangJianGuo said。


At 28, when 24,Complete all of 10 mountainous area hazard geology regularly point。The testing of the hidden danger point in the 478 survey,There are 196 place for the new increase point of hidden trouble。In 478 place hidden trouble to do first,Collapse in 321、Debris flows in 81、Unstable slopes in 34、Landslide in 20、The ground collapse in 22。


设警示牌发明白卡 A sign prohibiting hair


The problems found in for testing,Especially the hidden trouble of the new point,Already inform local government and the disaster of the threat,And immediately start delimit the danger zone、Set up warning marks、Prohibiting replacement,Will the residents into the group of hidden danger point for control system。The present market to choose ten thousand copies printed geological disaster prevention and 1100 pieces of prohibiting them,In each area county has been sent to land bureau。


ZhangJianGuo said,The city of geological hazard point has a clear statistical and detailed parameter,At present is to new obtained data were detailed statistics,Will make it TuJian and report,Together by geological disasters of the threat to 10 of the mountainous area government and related departments。


追访 Follow the


部分避险点或有崩塌滑坡隐患 Part of the hedge point or are collapsing landslide hazard


Beijing FangXunBan chief engineer LiuHongWei said,XunQing blue warning after release,When the rainfall of up to a certain level,Debris flow in areas mined-out area and threatened the masses,According to the plan of prohibiting must be transferred to the corresponding hedging points,According to the plan of good security lines determine the transfer。Hedge point will have emergency supplies,To guarantee the basic conditions for transfer。


LiuHongWei said,Warning issued,The implementation of the plan must be strictly followed,Various departments of the executive must be in position,If the execution is not in place will strictly investigate the responsibility of the relevant departments。


ZhangJianGuo says,The original hedge points,Already have recently started from the investigation,To determine whether or not a risk。Such as past out,To avoid flash floods,On high Settings hedge points,But to high after,There may be some hedge point collapse or the hidden trouble of the landslide,City land bureau will promptly to the local government gives some Suggestions and improvement measures。


According to understand,At present room is being placed in construction。The local government for houses after the site selection,The city also need to choose and site selection for feasibility investigation。


名词解释 Nouns explain


明白卡 prohibiting


Beijing FangXunBan chief engineer LiuHongWei said,Mountains every threat by debris flows of the villagers have a prohibiting transfer,This will indicate the names of his prohibiting、Who will inform you transfer、Transferred to where、In what route to transfer。Before the flood season will be sent to the hands of the villagers。


提醒 remind


汛期不要到山区景点游玩 Don't play to the mountains flood season scenic spots


yesterday,Beijing geological institute chief engineer in Beijing city wei Beijing Ephraim service management radio《City zero distance》Program said,Many of the scenic area in Beijing mountainous area is prone to mudslides,For instance in miyun、Huairou area of yunmeng mount,History has ever happened serious geological disasters。In Beijing,Often scenery good valleys、Mountain peaks of the debris flow is also occurred,Collapse is more also。


Wei Beijing Ephraim said,“In the beautiful mountain valleys,For tourism development is more common。Because Beijing's overall frequency debris flow happened some relatively low,Especially the ten years rain,So geological disaster have less。So many tourists in tourism scenic spot,Including of tourism development, people don't understand the situation。Advise people in ZhuXunQi,Is late July、Early August the stage,Especially with the rain,Had better not to go and play in the mountains。”
