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80后白领不知今为重阳节 专家称多放假不是坏事--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

[提要]: [abstract]:“明天是什么节日?”22 日下午,记者在网上做了一个小调查, 同时向10 名来自广州、深圳、珠海等珠三角地区的80 后白领发问,多数人不知为重阳节。另外,多数网友称若放假会跟父母待在一起…[ "What day is tomorrow?"22 afternoon,Reporters on the Internet to do a little research, At the same time from guangzhou to 10/shenzhen/Zhuhai in the pearl river delta such as the 80 white-collar asking questions,Most people do not know for the double ninth festival.In addition,Most netizens say if off will stay with their parents…[我来说两句 Me two sentences] ]


重阳节:网友你喊放个假 Double ninth festival:Net friend you shout put a false


白领称:若放假会跟父母待在一起;专家说:重阳放假有利于弘扬敬老尊亲 White-collar says:If the holiday will stay with their parents;Experts say:The double ninth festival holiday to spread it elders


The yangcheng evening news reporter WuTongHuang bo pure


 市民:尽孝重在平时 citizens:On hoping at ordinary times

  “为何不趁老人还健在,多陪伴他们,多尽孝心呢?! ”22 日,家住广州天河的张先生跟老婆孩子商量好, 晚上与父母一起吃饭,饭后散步。

"Why not use the old man still alive,Accompany them more,Many exert a filial piety??! "22,Live in guangzhou tianhe Mr Zhang of children with wife company good, In the evening and parents have a meal together,Take a walk after the meal.

  张先生是潮汕人, 家里向来重视祭祀祖先,谈到重阳节,他很尴尬,重阳当天并不是法定假期, 平时父母多住在老家, 过去重阳节很少能够陪伴他们,忙起来甚至连电话都忘记打。

Mr. Zhang is ChaoShanRen, Home always pay attention to sacrifice ancestors,When it comes to the double ninth festival,He is embarrassed,The double ninth festival day is not official holiday, At ordinary times more than parents living in their hometown, In the past the double ninth festival are rarely able to accompany them,Busy even telephone have forgotten to play.

  “觉得对不起爸妈。”张先生坦言,大学毕业以后一个人在广州工作,很忙,自己又年轻,对尽孝没有太多想法,忽视了对老人家的照顾,“逢年过节寄些钱回去就算了, 没想过迫切地尽孝,直到自己当了爸爸,回头一看,发现父母已经两鬓斑白,步履蹒跚了。”

"Feel I'm sorry mom and dad."Mr. Zhang said,After graduation from university a person work in guangzhou,Very busy,Himself and young,Hoping to without much idea,Ignore the elderly care,"Holiday send some money back to calculate, Haven't thought about it desperately hoping,Until they when his father,Turn head a see,Found that parents have liangbinbanbai,Teeter the."

  “离你最近的, 往往最容易被忽略。”如今,张先生把父母接到广州来住一段日子。

"Your nearest, Often the most easy to be ignored."now,Mr. Zhang from guangzhou his parents to live a day.

  “姥姥在我刚考上大学时去世,她再不能坐在门前等我放学了,我心里是多么难过,脑子里全是跟她一起生活的点点滴滴。”90 后的陈同学说。现在,他有时间就会回家看望爷爷,但爷爷远在山东老家,重阳节自己没法回去。

"At the beginning of my grandmother died while college entrance examination,She can't sit my door after school,My heart is so sad,Mind is all together with her the little drops of life."After the 90 ChenTongXue said.now,He have the time you will be home to visit grandpa,But grandpa far hometown in shandong province,The double ninth festival himself can't go back.


"Actually don't have to stand on the holiday,At ordinary times"Go home often"good."ChenTongXue said,Side a lot of students do not know the double ninth festival is a day for the old,Think only autumn ascend day.

  “关键是要看是否为实际意义上的假期, 如果公司重阳放假后又需要补上,还不如不放。”白领小舟道出大部分上班族的心声。

"The key is to see whether it is of practical significance on holiday, If the company after the double ninth festival holiday and need to catch up on,Also do not put."White-collar boat say most office worker heart.

  调查:有80后不知重阳 survey:80 don't know after the double ninth festival

  “明天是什么节日? ”22 日下午,记者在网上做了一个小调查, 同时向10 名来自广州、深圳、珠海等珠三角地区的80 后白领发问。

"What day is tomorrow? "22 afternoon,Reporters on the Internet to do a little research, At the same time from guangzhou to 10/shenzhen/Zhuhai in the pearl river delta such as the 80 white-collar asking questions.

  “不知道,是不是你生日啊?”、“不知道啊,刚过完国庆没多久,还没到圣诞吧?! ”“看了台历才知道明天是重阳节! ”类似答案超过半数。

"Don't know,Is your birthday ah?"/"I don't know,Just after the National Day before long,Haven't to Christmas it?! ""See the calendar just know tomorrow is the double ninth festival! "Similar to more than half the answer.

  “没有想过重阳节也可以放假? ”记者继续追问。

"Did not think of the double ninth festival also can take a vacation? "Reporter continue to cross-examine.

  “如果有放假,可以考虑把爸妈接到工作的城市一起过。”记者统计,10位受调查者中,8 名白领表示, “希望有假放。”

"If there is a holiday,Can consider the parents work together to the city."Reporter statistics,10 the respondents,Eight white-collar said, "False hope put."

  老人:儿女好比啥都强 The old man:Children like what all strong

  近日, 安徽巢湖地区一家拥有数十家超市、商场的连锁百货企业向员工发出通知,称“将于10 月23 日重阳节当天歇业一天,希望3000 多名员工全部回老家看看父母,表达孝心。”据了解, 该企业因此可能一天损失百万元。这一做法引发极大的反响,不少人认为虽然生意亏了, 但给社会传播了正能量,给年轻人提了个醒。

recently, Anhui chaohu area a have dozens of the supermarket/Store chain department stores to enterprise staff notice,says"Will be held on October 23 double ninth festival day go out of business day,Hope that more than 3000 employees all go home to see my parents,Express filial piety."It is understood, This enterprise therefore may one day loss one million yuan.This caused a great deal of repercussions,Many people think that although the business lost, But to the society spread positive energy,To young people carry a wake up.

  但记者22 日在广州街头随意访问了几个老人,得到的答案基本一致:

But reporter 22, in guangzhou the street at random access for the old man,Get the answers are basically the same:


"Have a good children is the greatest comfort,The feast or second."


Grandpa liu told reporters:"The children are busy work,No need to flounder,This morning a few workers about good tea mountain climbing,Amuse oneself."

  李伯伯也表示今年的重阳节没什么安排,“儿女都在国外,不可能回来。每隔一天我们都会通电话, 估计重阳节也是打电话,聊一聊。儿女好比啥都强。”

LiBoBo also said this year's double ninth festival have any plans,"Children are in a foreign country,Is impossible to come back.Every day we will be on the phone, Estimate the double ninth festival is also called,A chat.Children like what all strong."


多放点假不是坏事 Put some more false is not bad

  19 日, 人文学者、中华父亲节促进会会长李汉秋在“ 庆重阳” 活动中呼吁,倡议各单位给员工提供一天带薪假, 陪老人感受阳光, 并将重阳节定为中华父亲节。他希望, 在中华父亲节和母亲节时, 各公园和景点免费接待陪老年父母来游览的一家人。

19, humanist/The father's day promotion association President in li" Celebration of the double ninth festival" Activity called for,Initiative each unit to providing a paid vacation days, With the old man feel the sunshine, And will the double ninth festival as the father's day.He wants to, In the father's day, and mother's day, The parks and scenic spots received free with elderly parents to visit family.


广州社科院高级研究员彭澎表示,多放点假, 并不是一件坏事, 如果社会经济条件各方面允许,重阳放假对大家都是一件好事,有利于弘扬敬老尊亲的传统。 Guangzhou academy of PengPeng senior researcher said,Much put some false, Is not a bad thing, If the social and economic conditions allow all aspects,The double ninth festival holiday would be a good thing for everybody,It is helpful to carry forward the tradition of elders.  


  羊城晚报讯记者郑诚摄影报道: “ 神曲” 《江南style》的确够火爆,不但年轻人爱跳,就是连老人家也要秀一回“骑马舞”。22 日上午, 佛山三水福利中心20多名老人合着《江南style》的音乐,跳起了“骑马舞”,以此庆祝重阳节。

The yangcheng evening news reporter ZhengCheng photojournalism: " Divina commedia" [Jiangnan style]Really hot enough,Not only young people love to jump,Even old man will show time"Riding dance".22 morning, Foshan sanshui welfare center more than 20 matched to the old man[Jiangnan style]Music of,Jump up"Riding dance",To celebrate the double ninth festival.

  志愿者为白云山美白 Volunteer for baiyun mountain whitening

  羊城晚报讯记者从广州城管委获悉,22 日,广州市城管系统组织了近500 名城管志愿者,分成20 多个小分队,彻夜蹲守在白云山各个角落。其中,一些分队负责清理垃圾,另一些分队负责劝导流动商贩。城管系统还出动了10 辆洒水车、1 辆拖车,从22 日晚起将连续3 天蹲守在山顶广场、摩星岭观云阁和明珠楼三地,随时听从调遣,保障山上的环境卫生及消防安全。(梁怿韬 张璐瑶 成广伟)

The yangcheng evening news reporter learned from the guangzhou ChengGuanWei,22,Guangzhou urban management system organized nearly 500 city tube volunteers,Divided into more than 20 teams,All night keep watch in the baiyun mountain each corner.the,Some units responsible for clearing up the rubbish,Some other units responsible for the persuation tranter.Urban management system also sent 10 a sprayer/1 a trailer,From 22 late will continuously for 3 days keep watch on top of the mountain square/The star ridge view YunGe and pearl three floor,Always listen to maneuver,Ensure the mountain environmental health and fire safety.(LiangYiTao ZhangLuYao into wide wei)

延伸阅读:重阳节尽孝 带老爸老妈去旅行

readings:The double ninth festival hoping to travel with how I met your mother


   京城10大重阳节惠民活动 打折购物免费看大戏 10 the double ninth festival city we activities discount shopping free see spectacular


    Double ninth festival,Can give ssi buy some what??What scenic spot for old people provide preferential tourism activities?Sohu tourism comprehensive arrangement,Look at the children,Do exert a filial piety,!.[detailed](Sohu tourism integrated)


   重阳节登高首选 老人心目中最神圣的十大名山 The double ninth festival uphill preferred old man mind the most sacred ten famous mountains


    Double ninth festival,Children with parents uphill mountain climbing is the most should do.The following ten most famous mountains famous great scenery beauty,In the old folks mind status is sacred,The double ninth festival led the old man to a surefooted.[detailed](Sohu tourism integrated)


   一年尽孝正当时 重阳节带爸妈来场养生美食游 Hoping a year just in time the double ninth festival with my parents to a health food to swim


    On the double ninth festival season,Everyone want to eat flower cake,Drink chrysanthemum wine.Sohu tourism belt you dad/The mother to eat food,Filled body.[detailed](Sohu tourism integrated)




With their parents about travel intend to little investigation


1. Have you ever has brought his parents go out to travel?

  • have
  • 没有
  • no


2. If there is bring parents go out of tourism,Your destination is?

  • 国内游
  • Domestic tourism
  • 出境游
  • Outbound tourism
  • 我没带父母出去旅游过
  • I don't have parents go out to travel over


3. Have you ever take their parents to the idea of tourism,But hasn't been realized?

  • 有过,但没实现
  • There have been,But it didn't happen
  • 没有过这种想法
  • Not the idea
  • 我带父母出去旅游过
  • I took the parents go out to travel over


4. If there is a band parents go out the idea of tourism,But there has been no realization,Reason is?

  • 经济实力
  • Economic strength
  • 没有时间
  • Have no time
  • 父母健康问题
  • Parents health problems
  • 其他原因
  • Other reasons
  • 我带父母出去旅游过
  • I took the parents go out to travel over


5. This year the double ninth festival,Will you choose to travel with my parents?

  • will
  • 不会
  • Won't
  • 还没想好
  • Haven't think good
Check results>>
