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红花湖景区骑行摔伤事故频发 几乎每周一次--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


recently,Readers are attempting,Said they because in red lake riding on the road accident hospitalized for more than half a month,This is just the hospital,And accident experience let her now like to still fear,She hope that through our newspaper called for the social from all walks of life have been paying attention to red lake riding security issues.


Red lake ride safety problems from safflower HuLu way since opening up has been existing in the criticism,Before such as broadly by the ride for a friend's"streaking"Green way now install all kinds of safety facilities,meanwhile,Solve the safety problem means are also exploring continuously correction,Such as originally according to public feedback in the downhill road set four reduction zone,In less than 10 days after installation,And by citizens complain that the deceleration zone make more bumpy ride,Are more likely to fall,And he removed,Still can see the decline in four reduction zone demolition left after nail eyes.


But whether remedy or correction,Red lake ride safety to the solution of the problem has been in the country and the direction of convenience,This comes from the power of the attention.As recently injured ms wong told reporters,She hopes to sustain the society attention red lake riding security,"As a huizhou people,Have red lake in such a beautiful place I'm proud,I would like to have friends and relatives came to huizhou's time,Can I bring them to feel my good life environment,So I hope everyone to pay attention to the existing problems,So that it can solve the problem,Constantly improve".


In recent years,Huizhou has been emphasized the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry,This one of the big points is to improve the ability of tourism products together.but,Tourism products of the ability of accumulation is not only reflected in the expansion of scale/concentration,More should be in the local service on the perfect and powerful,In order to improve the internal energy gathered,Giving full play to its overall scale effect.


There is a message well said:Happiness never abstract.As happiness generated industrial tourism,To develop,From common people's actual feeling will start,Makes considerations.And specific to red lake green road construction,Is to make every corner there are full of sweet taste clues,Every road has security personnel let a person feel irritated hello,Every visitors in the heart of the idea of being safety consciousness,Of course the more to every citizen to pay attention to our side drop,Altogether builds the happiness.

  事故回顾 Accident review


Ms wong in shenzhen a training institutions to work,National Day the Mid-Autumn festival holiday,She returned to huizhou vacation home.On October 4,,Because the relatives and friends to visit from abroad in huizhou,Ms wong will lead the relatives and friends a line 9 people came to visit red lake."Red lake scenery especially good,Especially the two years of greenway construction let everybody can ride bicycles good environment,I as a huizhou people is especially proud of,So bring friends and family together to feel it",Ms wong said.


Ms wong and relatives and friends made 1000 yuan deposit in the red lake a car rental shops rent 5 car,Part four double car,A single car,Ms wong alone on a single car.however,In the green way close to 5 kilometers a continuous corners on steep slope,Accident happened."When the slope is very steep,So my car downward subduction,Speed is very fast,And a few corners connecting together,I'm not familiar with the traffic,Reaction don't come,Results the car is out of control to rush into the lake,I hurriedly jumped down".Ms wong told reporters,Now think of at the time of the accident scene still fear unceasingly,If not timely to jump off,He will even divided people rushed into the lake.But she jumped in an emergency escape also let herself (to be) badly injured,Promptly can't move,In the relatives and friends and red lake management accident rescue workers under the help of the sent to hospital for treatment.After admission,Ms wong diagnosed knee comminuted fracture,Patella collapse,And in October 9th two operations,Again, after more than half a month in hospital to go home and rest,Already take medical treatment cost nearly 30000 yuan,After the hospital still need to follow the doctor's advice fixed knee ability of 3 months above walk normally,The future rehabilitation expenses and mistake delays loss also unknown.

  摔伤事故每周都有发生 Hurt accident happen every week


"I want to call for attention red lake ride safety problems because I realized,This happened in my body riding accident is not accidental individual situation".Ms wong told reporters,Just before she jumped in the fall when waiting for rescue,And next two bicycle on a bend down,"One car cycling people just scratch,So he helped the bike go,But there is a car falling children leg card into the wheel,Then all the help is broken into the car frame just saved,This is really dangerous."


Reporter thumb through red lake accident record found,Red HuLu way since June 2010 since the opening,Bicycle rider on the way down/Hurt accidents happen every week,There is no lack of among them there were casualties serious.


August 31, 2010 9 am xu 30 points,A 16-year-old longfeng twin sister riding on a car rental double bicycle in the red lake when you play,From the green path without warning signs a 90 ° sharp turn place fall into the lake,Both drowned dead.


2011 December 25th morning 10 made 20 points,40 years old on her bike in the mansion for slope steep bending steep fall,Lead to forehead skull fractures.In the afternoon 3 when 30 points make,And have a 58 years old man fall in the same place.

  路段本身确属险峻 It is steep sections itself


In fact,The red lake ride safety problems early on in a discussion between trigger,West BBS from a net adjustment display,Participants in the survey in the net friend,40.15% of the netizens think the green way design and management exists serious defect and deficiency,58.36% of the net friend is think coming on the traffic safety consciousness difference,Only 1.49% of netizens think that is other reason.Red lake ride safety problem where on earth?Reporters visited the field investigation.


Red HuLu way the 34 km,The lake-ring 18 km long,According to international standards of the construction of the bicycle track.however,Because of the 18 km circuit is built around the lake,So the whole period of more than 200 mountain corners,Some large slope,Curves is straight,Is steep.the,Green way 5 kilometers slope maximum,And there is continuous S type turn the corner,Is riding high safety accident section,Also on the friends of the mind"Terrorist sections",Ms wong is also in this section of the fall.When people ride to 5 km away,Already appeared tired condition,Reaction ability can be reduced,Therefore increased the risk of the road.

  缺少安全提示牌 The lack of safety DiShiPai


According to the safety risk,Red lake management is being perfected riding green way series of safety facilities.The reporter sees,At present HuLu red flowers along the way turn a nasty place,The lake side roadside set both the mesh fence,In case of bicycle into the lake,In addition along the road also set the security DiShiPai/Corner mirror even surveillance cameras,At the same time,In the inside of the downhill road,Also is equipped with the old tires do prevent knock at the door,In order to reduce force of percussion,Protection rider.


But there are also rider said,At present the safety DiShiPai is still not enough,Especially the warning DiShiPai is not enough,Tourists said Mr. Zhang,"For those of us who don't often come to red lake of people,Section really strange,So dangerous sections to hint as soon as possible,Multiple hint,This can give us enough time to response".Cycling enthusiasts Mr. Tzeng, said,DiShiPai enough eye-catching,"Some of the words on the DiShiPai until I ride to and DiShiPai parallel position after that see,This for us who ride a bike,Lost reminding role."


In addition,From October 1,,Red lake management office has established a professional rescue team is responsible for the safety and rescue work of scenic spot,Equipped with two a new special battery car and professional security personnel and medical workers a total of six people,Responsible for the routine work of the rescue team.If there are visitors in the scenic riding occurs when the accident,The rescue team arrived on the scene to rescue the first time,Tourists lease is which merchant's bicycle,By which is responsible for the business.If you need hospital treatment,The rescue team will use battery car will be sent to the visitors yongfu in front of the temple square,Ambulance will in this connection.In addition,Since this year June,City bureau of parks and woods to consider red HuLu way take corner straight approach to reduce risk track,At present the plan is still in the argumentation of.


 车况保障有待加强 The condition of the car security should be strengthened


In addition to the track safety,Bicycle itself safety requirements also nots allow to ignore.Interview medium yellow lady said,He was riding a bike that overall feeling slants light,"The car is very light was gone with the wind,When the car in the downhill when almost float out,soon,Brake not."Reporter in the red lake several nearby rental archives mouths view,Storefronts for rent bicycles are usually divided into several levels,In addition to single and double the parking places other than different,Also points ordinary/Variable type,The most high-end mountain bike and disc brake,The lease price per hour from $5 to 20 dollars.For different models can guarantee all riding safety,Car rental business says no problem.As for whether the timing of the bicycle rental maintenance and maintenance,Red lake management office director XuQiong to said,Scenic only a rental shops by the administration management,The car has field unattended area,The vehicle will repair every day to ensure security.As for the other car rental shops of vehicle safety,Scenic area management can't guarantee.

  游客应有安全意识 Visitors should have safety awareness


Strengthen hardware equipped with,Perfect software service,Red lake ride safety whether rest easy now?Actually otherwise,Strengthen the rider's safety consciousness also nots allow to ignore.In dangerous top 5 kilometers reporter sees,Many tourists very not easy to ride here,See the decline,Will bright downward gallop,And forget and curved and steep decline the danger.In the duty security also told reporters,Meet here swift tourists,They before the meeting to persuade their cart downhill,But some juyou not only does not listen to discourage,And some will export call names,Some instead faster,They also"Take them have no way".


Red lake management office director XuQiong to pointed out,Previously appeared hurt events also and rider I safety consciousness about."We often see,Some citizens in the pursuit of stimulation deliberately driving,Some people riding on the car is GouJianDaBei,boisterous,Total disregard safety risk."therefore,He appealed to the riding their lovers to strengthen safety awareness,Especially do not driving.

  南方日报见习记者 卢慧

Southern daily trainee reporter LuHui
