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  2012年1月2日上午8点40分,已有9个月身孕的女性乘客冯玉在家人的陪伴下乘坐MU2652航班回老家待产。不想突然空中临产,机上乘务人员紧急处置:4名空姐为其接生,机长紧急呼叫地面,飞机紧急降落武汉天河国际机场。最后婴儿顺利降生,母子平安。(详见民航资源网1月3日报道:《孕妇新年空中产女婴 东航机组力保母女平安》)

On January 2, 2012 at 8 a.m. and 40 points,For nine months pregnant women FengYu passengers in the company of family MU2652 next take flight back to lie in.Don't want to suddenly in the air,The crew emergency disposal:Four stewardess for its birth,The captain emergency call ground,The plane emergency landing wuhan tianhe international airport.The baby was born last smoothly,The safety of the mother and.(As shown in the civil aviation resources network January 3 reported:[Pregnant women produce New Year the Air China eastern airlines baby seal unit and peace])


In the daily air transport,Similar case really many:On February 7, 2009,,From nanjing to return to changsha flights on a 29-year-old pregnant woman suddenly air lying-in births,The plane emergency alternate.Because of rescue in time,Mother and child are against peace.February 18, 2010,A pregnant 38 weeks pregnant women on travel by plane,To avoid fetus appears to be accidental,ChengWuChang patience remonstration,The expectant mothers in the airline company staff had to give up the boarding,As a result the flight delay half an hour.On November 17, 2010 2 am,Pregnant nearly eight months pregnant women in South Korea the United States aircraft launch 8 hours after 30 points,For abdominal pain to the stewardess for help,Four attendants temporary formed"Obstetric group"Help deliver.


Although things end would be satisfactory,But we can't ignore one of the important problems -- -- passengers conceal pregnancy time enplane against civil aviation safety regulations!


Because do not often on a plane,Or airline publicity is not enough,Lead to many passengers do not know some detailed provisions of flight.During the Spring Festival is coming,A lot of"Quasi mother"May have to travel,The civil aviation resource web editor will introduce the airlines why pregnant women by plane"limit",And pregnant women to fly in an airplane some practical Suggestions,Let every level mother are safe travel!


Airlines why limit"Quasi mother"By plane?


The doctor suggested that during the early pregnancy and 7 months after don't flying


High in the sky,The air oxygen composition relative reduce/Gas pressure drop,And during pregnancy, the body's immune system is a relatively weak state,Anti interference ability is poor,While flying because of taking off and landing is great inertia,Applied for altitude rapid changes caused by the atmospheric pressure difference,More likely to cause human body unwell.


Medicine thinks,During early pregnancy(1 months to 3 months)Placenta not fully mature,Relatively easy abortion,The air travel aircraft take-off and landing gravity change/pressure/Airflow turbulence/Motion sickness sickness and so on are likely to make abortion increased risk.Airport security when the X-ray irradiation/High altitude is ground strong 10 times more cosmic radiation,And the nuclear accident leak air radiation suspended matter,There are may affect early embryos and cause fetal malformation.


After 7 months of pregnancy is prone to premature birth/Placental abruption/hypertension/phlebitis,And he fell down or collision,These will be increased maternal and fetal accident chance.therefore,During the early pregnancy and 7 months above shoulds not be flying in an airplane.


Airlines to pregnant women enplane restrictions or regulations,Both for pregnant women and fetal safety(Pregnant women in flight and trip prone to premature birth/abortion/Fetal intrauterine hypoxia and accident,On the plane and the lack of corresponding medical equipment,Once appear unexpected happens,Consequence is unimaginable),But also for maintaining the other passengers and airlines interests.Pregnant women on a plane,If in the flight process hemorrhage occurs/In labor, etc,For security reasons,The plane must alternate to the nearest airport sent to medical treatment,This can cause when the time of flight delays,Even affect the subsequent a series of flight,Affect many passenger travel,At the same time also can give airlines cause huge economic losses.


Pregnant women enplane restrictions or regulations


Domestic airlines flight to pregnant women have set some transportation regulations,[China's civil aviation passenger/Baggage international transportation rules]Provisions in pregnant women,Shall be subject to the consent of the carrier,And make arrangements in advance.Only conform to the provisions of the transportation of pregnant women,Airlines can accept its flight.Specific provisions roughly as follows:


(1)Insufficient eight months pregnant(32 weeks)Healthy pregnant women,Can press general passenger transport.Need to take perinatal proof,Prove himself in pregnancy within 32 weeks.A lot of expectant mothers could seize the opportunity,But because there is no perinatal proof,Workers can't judge pregnancy,Also can only be refuse to take passengers.


(2)Insufficient eight months pregnant/The doctor diagnosed not suitable for the flight,Airlines generally will not be accepted.


(3)More than 8 months pregnant insufficient nine months(36 weeks)Health in pregnant women,Should provide include the following contents of the doctor[Certificate of diagnosis].Specific content is,The passenger's name/age/Pregnant period(If already more than 36 weeks or more of the pregnant women is a short trip,Also indicate the expected date of childbirth)/Expected date of childbirth/Voyage and date/Whether it is appropriate to cash in on the/On board whether to need to provide other special care, etc.[Certificate of diagnosis]Should be in airline passenger within 72 hours before fill open(Two copies of),At or above the county level and the(contain)Above hospital affix one's seal and hospital doctor signature can take effect.Otherwise, the carrier shall have the right to will not be accepted for carriage.


(4)More than nine months pregnant(36 weeks),Due in within 4 weeks,Or expected date of childbirth not sure but is known birth or is expected to have the birth complications,Airlines do not accept transport.

  据笔者了解,香港国泰航空有限公司(Cathay Pacific Airways Limited,简称“国泰航空”)也明确规定,所有怀孕的乘客随身携带注明预产期的证明文件。满28周的孕妇必须携带在出发前10天内签发的医生证明,医生证明的内容须包括:孕妇是怀有单胎或多胎、预产期、孕妇的健康状况是否良好和胎儿生长情况是否正常及没有特别的状况、主诊医生或助产士没有提出任何不适宜孕妇飞行的理由、孕妇适合乘坐客机。同时规定在适当情况下有权拒绝不能出示医生证明的孕妇登机,情况包括:怀有单胎的孕妇可在怀孕期满36周前搭乘航班;怀有多胎的孕妇在满32周后则不能上机。如胎儿生长情况较为特别,孕妇于飞行前须先得到国泰航空医学小组允许方可飞行,孕妇及其主诊妇科医生须填妥《乘客健康证明书》,并须于航班离开前最少48小时递交申请,取得国泰航空医疗部的批准后方可启程。

According to the author to understand,Hong Kong cathay Pacific co., LTD(Cathay Pacific Airways Limited,Referred to as"Cathay Pacific airways")Also clearly stipulates,All pregnant passengers carry indicate the expected date of childbirth documents.Full of 28 weeks pregnant women must carry in 10 days before departure issued by the doctor's certificate,The content of the doctor's certificate shall include:Pregnant women have single fetal or multiplets/Expected date of childbirth/Pregnant women health are in good condition and fetal growth situation is normal and no special status/The attending doctor or midwife did not put forward any not suitable for pregnant women flying reason/Suitable for pregnant women in aircraft.At the same time provisions in appropriate circumstances shall have the right to refuse to can't produce medical proof of the pregnant women boarding,include:With single fetal pregnant women can be in pregnant 36 weeks ago expiry of a flight;Have multiplets of pregnant women in full 32 weeks will not be computer.Such as fetal growth situation more special,Pregnant women form anterior must first get cathay Pacific medical team allow may fly,Pregnant women and the attending gynecologist must fill in[The passenger health certificate],And shall be in flight leave at least 48 hours before submitting this application,Cathay Pacific airways has medical department's approval to set out on a journey.

  以服务著称的德国汉莎航空公司(Deutsche Lufthansa AG)对于孕妇乘机规定则相对宽松一些:妊娠无复杂并发情形的“准妈妈”们,在怀孕满36周前或距预产期4周前,无须提供妇产科医师出具的医疗证明;如在怀孕36周后乘坐航班,旅客或仍可向汉莎航空的医疗工作中心索取允许乘坐航班的证明,此规定同样适用于复杂妊娠情形,如多胎妊娠、提前阵痛等。乘坐汉莎航班往返加拿大的孕妇,乘机规定要相对严格些:怀孕满28周以上的准妈妈们应随身携带妇产科医生证明,证明文件上须声明该孕妇无孕期并发症并确认预产期的,医生应明确表示孕妇的身体状况不会妨碍其进行航空旅行;怀孕36周以上的孕妇乘客必须出示医生证明,该证明签署日期不得超过航班起飞前72小时,其必须明确声明:医生已对孕妇旅客进行过体检,认为其身体状况适合搭乘航班旅行;此外还必须写明预产期。

To serve for Lufthansa(Deutsche Lufthansa AG)For pregnant women to cash in on the regulation is relatively loose some:No complicated pregnancy complicated situation"Quasi mother"are,In pregnant full 36 weeks ago or distance expected date of childbirth 4 weeks ago,Do not need to provide doctors medical proof issued by the;As in pregnant 36 weeks after take flight,Passengers can still be or to Lufthansa's aviation medical work center for permission to board a flight proof,The rules also apply to pregnancy complicated situation,If multiple pregnancy/Early pain, etc.Take Lufthansa flight return Canada of pregnant women,Seize the opportunity to relative regulations strictly some:With more than 28 weeks pregnant expectant mothers should carry proof in the department of obstetrics and gynecology doctors,The documents must declare the pregnant women without pregnancy complications and confirm the expected date of childbirth,The doctor should be made it clear that pregnant women health will not hinder the air travel;Pregnant women for over 36 weeks passengers must show proof of the doctor,This proof signing date shall not be more than 72 hours before departure,It must be clear about the statement:The doctor has to pregnant women passenger a physical examination,Think that the condition for a flight trip;In addition must also indicate expected date of childbirth.


Pregnant women to cash in on the tip


(1)Before the flight in,"Quasi mother"Should assure enough sleep,Stable mood,With good mental state for air travel.Should eat less easy to cause the gastric bowel to bilge gas food,Avoid high pressure change is prone to abdominal distension or even vomiting.


(2)Choose an aisle seat,Convenient pregnant women and activities.


(3)On a plane every 1 hour walk around,Let the lower limb blood circulation clear.Also can timing do some simple movements,Such as activity battened/Around the ankle.


(4)Pregnant women easy hunger,Prior to more than a little food.

  (5)穿宽松、柔软的衣服,注意保暖。在背后放个小枕头,以缓冲颠簸。安全带不要系在腹部, 系在腹部以下大腿根以上即可。

(5)Wear loose/Soft clothes,Keep warm.Put a small pillow behind,To buffer turbulence.Seat belts don't system in the abdomen, System in the abdomen the following thigh root can be above.


(6)Pregnant women with a special flight safety line method.Pregnant women to wear a seat belt in the plane of the way,It must be different and ordinary people,Generally speaking,Pregnant women in the wear of the safety belt,Must not be hasty,First of all to adjust the waist belt,Place it on the uplift the abdomen below,Never in the upper,This can reduce aircraft turbulence hit chance of abdomen,If there are words of shoulder belt,At the same time to wear good shoulder belt.Abdominal slightly loose,Shoulder slightly tight can.


Civil aviation resource network to remind you"Quasi mother",Airlines in the provisions have differences,If it want to take the plane trip,Suggest you"Quasi mother"Purchase tickets before the qing dynasty the airline's relevant regulations.
