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欧元贬值、圣诞促销岁末扬城赴欧美扫货游升温   “十一”过后,旅游市场就进入了传统的淡季,然而扬城市民的出游热情却丝毫未减。由于旅游机构岁末大力度减价,不少市民赶在这个时候抄底出游,其中不少出游者瞄准的是境外购物。业内人士指出,欧美传统的感恩节、圣诞节即将来临,加上欧元、美元的贬值,“扫货”一族出境将迎来绝佳的血拼良机。记者金鑫陆瑶 "eleven"after,The tourist market came into the traditional off-season,But Yang city people's enthusiasm to travel but remained intact.Because of travel agencies year-end big strength reduction,Many people catch at this time copy the bottom go on a journey,Many of the ChuYouZhe aim is overseas shopping.The personage inside course of study points out that,Europe and the United States the traditional Thanksgiving/Christmas is coming,Plus the euro/Depreciation of the dollar,"Sweep goods"Gens exit will have excellent shopping opportunities.Reporter LiuYao xinhui

  【跳水】 [diving]

  旅游“真空期”报价狂跌国内游卖出白菜价 tourism"Vacuum period"Offer to sell cabbage price fell domestic tourism


The reporter understands,At present domestic tour price appeared to drop considerably,"Wrong peak swim"Become the first choice of many citizens.


China youth travel service four hope pavilion flagship store of domestic tourism is responsible for the manhole d Dan told reporters,Due to traffic/accommodation/Ticket price,In the golden week has obvious drop,Domestic swim each line tourism product prices have all been declined obviously,The quotation is almost annual lows.The reporter understands,Part of the line and even sold cabbage price.According to KongWeiDan introduced,Because of the ticket price fall,As for yunnan travel 25, 50 years old of tourists,Now even the lowest 1000 yuan can fix,The normal summer season to 3000 yuan.


Many have flexible time citizens,More willing to choose after wrong peak tourism,Enjoy low line at the same time,With better tourism experience.Citizens joba chamberlain said:"Just have more than ten days of wedding leave,In the middle of November to go to yunnan/Dali a trip,Not many people now,Also, the price is very cheap."KongWeiDan also said.

  【热门】 [hot]

  欧美成“扫货游”聚集地 热推出境游 Europe and the United States into"Sweep goods swim"Gathering place thermal push outbound tourism


Reporter in the interview found,In the"Golden week"Tourism market,Many people start planning a over time to overseas copy the bottom shopping.And Yang city many travel agencies have seized the opportunity,Thermal push outbound tourism.Citizens ms. Huang told reporters,She and her husband prepare for their honeymoon"kill"Go to Europe


Or the United States"shopping","I want to buy a name brand bag,To my friends take some perfumes and cosmetics,To buy a watch my husband,It is said that a foreign preferential."


Yangzhou universal international tourism co., LTD., general manager Lin hangzhou told reporters,They will be in November highlights tour of Europe/The United States swam,"A lot of people tour of Europe are blunt shopping go,Now rate low,Shopping deal,Sex price high."


China youth travel service four hope a station shop outbound tourism SunZhiQing person in charge told reporters,Thanksgiving in late November and December Christmas,Is foreign traditional coarse,In these two festivals around,Many of the promotion will achieve the lowest discount,Some never broken line of a big,Will have 30% discount."A package in China to 10000,To Europe may be as long as 6/7000 yuan."


euro/dollar,Shopping is equivalent to off


At present the euro and the dollar,Also gives consumers a lot of operating bottom opportunity."euro,Now is about 1:8,The highest "is.That is,100 euros worth of goods,Now go to buy,Equivalent to direct off.Add Christmas before and after the big promotion,The price is really low."SunZhiQing told reporters.It is understood,At present the euro 8.1389 yuan,Yesterday in the inter bank foreign exchange market the exchange rate for the renminbi middle rate display,One dollar to 6.2992 yuan,On May 11, is the record high since.


Yangzhou overseas staff miss printing told reporters,At present the European tour application consultation is very hot,The price also has certain advantage,"The United States swam about 20000 yuan left


right,Europe's line is different,Quotation in the 12000-14000 yuan,Than season down hundreds of yuan."The renminbi from rising,In addition to let in overseas shopping consumer outside benefit,For the credit card company is also a business deal.At the end of the year because people concentrated exit shopping,Bank card also have beaching overseas shopping market.

  【由此一问】 [Ask the]

  海南游离岛免税额升至8000元会不会拉动海南游? The free allowance for hainan island to 8000 yuan will not pull hainan swim?


24,The ministry of finance announced hainan islands tax policy adjustment,Will the islands passenger, and each person duty-free shopping quota from 5000 yuan raised to 8000 yuan.Whether this will push thermal yangzhou to hainan tourism market?


Reporter yesterday from Yang city many travel agencies to know,Hainan tour has been Yang city people favor is a southern long term.Several travel agencies working staff said,Especially in the summer and vacation time is long golden week,Hainan tour application general over more than a month earlier places full up,Tax exemption policy to relax will certainly help stimulate hainan tourism consumption."Hainan with its charming tropical island scenery,Attracted a lot of citizens to leisure vacation,Can say, the sea/Admire the view is the biggest selling point of hainan tourism."KongWeiDan said.
