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昆明警察调解市场纠纷无效 向商贩喷催泪瓦斯--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  昨天下午与商贩发生的矛盾,让来昆明旅游的山东小伙郑先生和女友小谢郁闷不已。而商贩昨天也很愤怒,因为民警前来处理矛盾时朝她们喷射了催泪瓦斯。 Yesterday afternoon and vendors occurs contradiction,Let to kunming tourism shandong guy zheng xiaoxie's girlfriend and depressed unceasingly.And vendors yesterday also very angry,Because the police to deal with the contradiction in their jet the tear gas.


这究竟是怎么一回事? What's the matter?


商贩:顾客抽烟没给钱 vendors:Customer smoking didn't give money


"I want to other media and inspectors continue to complain it."7 PM last night,,In JingXing street business ms dong mention what happened in the afternoon is still angry.She said 5 o 'clock yesterday afternoon,There are a pair of men and women come to her on the shop to buy things.The man asked her how smoke city sell,She said to $50 a.


Man see next to a pack of already apart of smoke,Not after she allowed,Point a to smoke.See the man smoking,Ms dong thought he want to buy,Use plastic bags an,Waiting for the other party to pay.When the woman but stop man purchase,So she and two people dispute up.


A quarrel man to play 110 called the police,A few minutes later,Protecting the police station to a policeman and a association p,Start mediation.Ms dong put forward,Let the man compensation has smoked a cigarette,But man is suggested that ms dong to his girlfriend apology.In the police in the mediation,Both sides and had an argument,Nearby vendors are out.


At this time,Police fired tear gas out to her and other several vendors will spray,"Face irritable,Tears and nose were out."Ms dong said,After the police used tear gas,Scene confusion of,The two shopping of men and women was gone.She thought police this mediation unsuitable way.


游客:商贩强买强卖 visitors:Vendors in the zhichang purchase


At half past eight last night,Police in protecting the guards' room,Reporters saw doing record man and zheng xiaoxie's girlfriend.Speaking of the scene when the incident,This comes from shandong tourists feel special injustice.


"We have been hiding behind the police,No injuries,But the police they caught the neck."Zheng said,He and his girlfriend yesterday afternoon to see ms dong booth on cigarettes,Think the past has a friend bought this,See a booth and open a packet of cigarettes,He smoked a.


"Friends buy only 2 yuan a pack of,She wants to $50 a."Zheng said,Girlfriend feel that your,Let him not to buy.He was a counter-offer 30 yuan,Vendors can be very vocal,Also scold her girlfriend,Have the meaning of the zhichang purchase,So happened dispute.


After the police to start mediation,But didn't succeed.Zheng said,He is willing to compensate the vendors,But no registration is willing to apologize,Continue to scold his girlfriend,The flank still out three women together help to scold,Still want to rush over hit,Frighten he and his girlfriend hurriedly hid in the next to police.


Attendance at the policeman standing in between both parties,Continued to shout to calm,Can the other side still in skelter,Try to catch him and his girlfriend,Be the police blocked.Zheng says he and his girlfriend two people were not hurt,But stop in front of the police caught the neck,Also leave mark.


then,They surrounded the outside 30 individuals,Scene become very confusion,Attendance of the police fired tear gas out toward the direction of the vendors a spray."Just spray after they call"The policeman vendors"the."Zheng said,This is originally he and the contradiction between the vendors,Results the vendors such a call,Contradictions directly to the police that went.


五华公安:已介入调查 Five China public security:Already investigating


"Don't start mediation,I urged both sides to police station,No registration is willing to come."Last night,The ChuJing wei officer an interview,Are next to the mediation and running a few female vendors to alarm people abuse,Also try to play alarm people,And alarm people xiao zheng xiaoxie's and his girlfriend again in request protection,He had to use his body will be separated from both sides,Again and again urged both sides to calm.


"I say, a few times you need to calm down,Otherwise take further measures,But at that time no one to listen to."Wei said the police officer,When a woman catch to his neck,And the crowd of onlookers more and more,Cause the whole street is congestion,Worry about things expand,He hurriedly used tear gas.

  魏警官说按照《人民警察使用警械和武器条例 》第七条规定,他可以使用催泪瓦斯。

Wei said that according to the police officer[The people's police use police instruments and weapons regulations ]The provisions of article 7,He can use tear gas.


It is understood,Because vendors to wei police used tear gas dissatisfaction were complaints,At present the public security sub-bureau discipline inspection commission five China has been involved in the investigation of the matter.
