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导游发微博骂游客吝啬 引发网友一片声讨(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室


"枞阳人实在是恶心到我了!买不起东西、舍不得花钱,有能耐就×××去旅游投诉我、乡下人永远都是乡下人 CongYang people is really disgusting to me!Can't afford to buy things/'t spend money,Have ability is XXX to tourism administration complaints I/Villagers are always redneck”近日,一条微博引起了众多枞阳网友的声讨。

"recently,A micro bo caused many CongYang users to condemn.

  11月5日上午,枞阳千亿网刊登了一篇题为“一旅行社导游痛骂枞阳团不购物”的帖子。网帖发出后,立即引起了众多枞阳网友的愤怒。记者看到这条微博的博主名为“傲慢luc”。 11月5日上午10时许,记者在安庆市青年旅行社见到了正坐在电脑前的博主傲慢luc。得知记者来意后,傲慢luc吃惊地表示,自己并没有发这条微博,并打开个人微博给记者看。那条一个多小时前还在的微博已经不见了。

On November 5, morning,CongYang and escape the published an article entitled"A travel Courier rant CongYang group not shopping"post.Net post after the issue,Immediately caused many CongYang net friend anger.The reporter sees a micro bo bo called Lord"Arrogant luc". On November 5, 10 in the morning when xu,Reporter in anqing city youth travel service met is sitting in front of a computer blogger luc arrogance.Reporters learned that after the queen,Pride luc surprised to say,I didn't send this article micro bo,And opened personal micro bo to reporters to see.The more than an hour ago in micro bo has gone.


Bo main arrogance luc told reporters,He is anqing city youth travel service guide,Has been engaged in this line for two years,October 27,,He took a CongYang Tours to xiamen tourism,"Double kick 4 swim,But the trip,Both sides did not happen any dispute".


In the afternoon,The reporter interviewed the swim in xiamen of a tourist - CongYangXian meteorological bureau deputy director of money.Deputy chief of the money,In a temporary increase DaDengDao route,The tourists some small unpleasant.Anqing tour guide said recommended,Go by ship DaDengDao,100 yuan per person.Results the next day and not go by ship,DaDengDao no tickets,And the inside of the store price also not as tour guide said so cheap.


On November 5,Anqing city tourism bureau of standard management section, a staff told reporters,They will contact the anqing city youth travel service,Look into the matter.yesterday,Anqing city youth travel agency a person in charge told reporters,Travel agencies to attach great importance to this matter,Tour guide says abuse tourists micro bo not him I have hair,They have to the police,But the police temporary not accepted.(Reporter QiaoJian)


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