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  晚报讯 昨天,韩国驻沪总领事馆在沪宣布,从即日起至2013年1月29日将试运营 “转机换乘外国观光客免签入境制度”,推出多项针对中国籍团体观光客的免签入境制度。转机前往济州岛的中国籍团体观光客到达仁川国际机场后,在首都圈旅游不超过12小时,然后乘坐国内航线到济州岛的,可以无需签证入境,不过中国团体观光客仅限于中韩两国协议中认定的中国和韩国的全责旅行社游客

Yesterday evening -,South Korean consulate general in Shanghai in Shanghai announced,From now onwards to January 29, 2013 will try operation "Transit transfer foreign tourists dropped entry system",Put forward a number of Chinese tourists to group the 27-member entry system.Transfer to jeju Chinese group tourists arrive at inchon international airport,In the capital circle tourism not more than 12 hours,Then take the domestic routes to jeju's,Can without visas,But the Chinese group tourists is limited to the two countries' agreement that China and South Korea's full travel tourists.


The object of the system including the incheon airport to another country of foreigners and access jeju China team tourists.To a third country tourists must attend designated by the ministry of culture of the transfer tourism programs,To enter the,While going to the jeju China team visitors must in the capital area retention.According to the previous policy,Chinese tourists can use 27-member direct flights to South Korea jeju,But if you want to go to other parts of South Korea is still need to deal with South Korea visa;The South Korea dropped 12 hours after the implementation of regulation,Team visitors in Seoul incheon airport transfer,Can also be dropped into Seoul area tourism the longest time up to 12 hours,It can solve the problem of less direct jeju flights,And can visit Seoul dropped.


Ministry of culture and the incheon airport commune/South Korean tourist commune/Ministry of law after consultation to make the decision,The move is intended to appeal to more foreign tourists,Enliven the domestic demand.Ministry of culture and tourism are looking forward to the implementation of the system will attract monthly 8000 foreign tourists visit to South Korea.Legal department will arrange the staff to help visitors to deal with entry and exit formalities.


Reports say,The south Korean government will crack down on the travel company forced tourists shopping and sales low tourist commodities.The ministry of culture of a relevant person in charge pointed out,Chinese tourists are expected to increase.At present Chinese tourists can be dropped to jeju,But because of the lack of flight,In incheon airport transfer,Visa formalities shall be separately.


The south Korean government expect through this measures can promote the development of tourism industry,Revitalization of the domestic demand,And further strengthen the incheon airport hub function.The south Korean government plan until January 29, pilot run the system decide after formal implementation.(LuoXu)


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