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韩重金造超级城市 取名“第八城”讨好中国游客--亲稳网络舆情监控室

[提要]: [abstract]:韩国计划斥资2750亿美元打造一座"超级城市"。新城将建成总长14公里的8字形建筑,占地80平方公里,相当于3个澳门大小,设施包括豪华酒店、购物中心、赌场、F1赛车场、疗养中心等。新城特别融入了代表中国好运的元素数字"8"。[ South Korea plans to build a $275 billion"Super city".New town will be built into 14 km total figure 8 building,Covers an area of 80 square kilometers,To 3 a Macao size,Facilities including luxury hotel/Shopping center/casino/F1 autodrome/Health center, etc.The new town special into on behalf of the Chinese good luck element number"8".[我来说两句 Me two sentences]  >> ]  >>更多旅游资讯 More tourist information 韩重金造超级城市 取名“第八城”讨好中国游客 仁川首尔韩国第八城将坐落于仁川港 Incheon Seoul, South Korea will be located in the city of 8 RenChuanGang 韩重金造超级城市 取名“第八城”讨好中国游客 8字形城市布局,占地80平方公里,韩方希望能吸引更多的中国游客 Figure 8 city layout,Covers an area of 80 square kilometers,South Korea hope to attract more Chinese tourists. 韩重金造超级城市 取名“第八城”讨好中国游客 耗资2750亿美元,“第八城”的预算已超过新加坡一年的国内生产总值。 Cost $275 billion,"The eighth city"Budget has been more than Singapore a year of gross domestic product. 韩重金造超级城市 取名“第八城”讨好中国游客

"第八城"将成为迪拜"世界岛","棕榈岛"的劲敌。 "The eighth city"Will become dubai"World island","ZongLvDao"rivals.


According to CNN reported on November 7,,South Korea plans to build a $275 billion"Super city".


This just like Star Wars of the new town was named"The eighth city(8 city)",Will is located in RenChuanGang(28 km west of Seoul)Longyou dance clothes island,Close to the inchon international airport.


According to the planning,New town will be built into 14 km total figure 8 building,Covers an area of 80 square kilometers,To 3 a Macao size,Facilities including luxury hotel/Shopping center/casino/F1 autodrome/Health center and a accommodate 50000 audiences large hall, etc.Australian news said,Among them is 200 meters high/Width of 880 meters/Covers an area of 4.85 square kilometers of landmark"Megastrip",At the appointed time will become the world's largest independent construction.


"The eighth city"Vice chairman PiaoChengXuan said:"It will be the world's most top city,Fusion the dubai/Las Vegas/macau/Singapore, and many other elements."


RenChuanShi government said,"The eighth city"After the completion of 2030,Years tourists will reach to 134 million people,Can create 930000 jobs.


CNN said.The purpose of this project is mainly in order to attract Chinese tourists,In the city named aspects,The new town special into on behalf of the Chinese good luck element number"8".


"The eighth city"Project cost about $275 billion,According to the world bank to provide the data,The project budget already more than Singapore GDP.


Due to the large scale project,South Korean media generally produce questioned,Especially in project financing and land compensation problems."The eighth city"A spokesman for the company said,In the next year land compensation after work,With the developers financing to discuss also will start.At present this project have got $3.8 billion funding for both at home and abroad.(This comprehensive report)



团体观光客在韩国转机 可免签入境12小时 Group tourists in South Korea transfer can be dropped entry 12 hours

    韩国驻沪总领事馆在沪宣布,从即日起至2013年1月29日将试运营 "转机换乘外国观光客免签入境制度",推出多项针对中国籍团体观光客的免签入境制度。转机前往济州岛的中国籍团体观光客到达仁川国际机场后,在首都圈旅游不超过12小时,然后乘坐国内航线到济州岛的,可以无需签证入境,不过中国团体观光客仅限于中韩两国协议中认定的中国和韩国的全责旅行社游客。[详细](新闻晨报)

    South Korean consulate general in Shanghai in Shanghai announced,From now onwards to January 29, 2013 will try operation "Transit transfer foreign tourists dropped entry system",Put forward a number of Chinese tourists to group the 27-member entry system.Transfer to jeju Chinese group tourists arrive at inchon international airport,In the capital circle tourism not more than 12 hours,Then take the domestic routes to jeju's,Can without visas,But the Chinese group tourists is limited to the two countries' agreement that China and South Korea's full travel tourists.[detailed](Morning news)

韩国"幽灵机场"新生 中国游客功不可没 South Korea"Ghost airport"Responsible for the new Chinese tourists

    中新网11月2日电 据韩国朝鲜日报中文网报道,韩国襄阳国际机场2009年因没有乘客被称为"幽灵机场",但如今该机场焕然一新,具备了全新的面貌。10月30日晚7时,在韩国江原道襄阳郡巽阳面襄阳国际机场面积达2.613万平方米的旅客大厅内,聚集了乘坐中国南方航空公司大连至襄阳CZ6079航班而来的中国游客。[详细](苏州新闻网)

    Beijing, nov. 2 According to South Korea daily reported online,South Korea xiangyang international airport 2009 years because no passengers called"Ghost airport",But now the airport to look brand-new,Has the brand-new appearance.October 30, at seven,In South Korea JiangYuanDao xiangyang county xun adret xiangyang international airport area of 26130 square meters of passengers in the hall,Gathered by China southern airlines dalian to xiangyang CZ6079 flight of Chinese tourists.[detailed](Suzhou news network)

韩国地方政府建"地瓜共和国"吸引游客 South Korea local government building"Sweet potato republic"Attract tourists


According to South Korea[The central daily]Reported on September 11,,Seoul taiping road news center on September 10, held a entirely new activities,Nine local government leadership response south yi island launch related creative tourism's call for,To establish"Imagine national league",With local characteristics name gives the government a new name,Will not only make the special words in the region,Will also make money/The national flag and national passport and symbol of the mark.According to the report,"Imagine national league"including"Sweet potato republic"No such name.[detailed](International online)


South Korea tourism practical strategy recommended

跟着韩剧去旅行 寻找韩国"高富帅"

Follow Korean dramas to travel for South Korea"GaoFu handsome"
浪漫济州岛 不可错过的六种体验

Romantic jeju not be missed six kind of experience
去韩国旅游必知的10件事 公共场所不准笑

Go to South Korea tourism will know 10 thing laugh is prohibited in public places
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