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  东方网11月9日消息:英国伯明翰伊丽莎白女王医院接受治疗的马拉拉·郁沙夫扎的身体恢复迅速,院方表示几个月之后她的情况就足以返回巴基斯坦DongFangWang November 9 news:Birmingham, UK queen Elizabeth hospital for treatment of Malawi Barbara YuShaFu pierced body recover quickly,The hospital says a few months later her condition is enough to return to Pakistan.


The 14-year-old girl called on Pakistan positive education and women's rights,On October 9, she was Pakistan disgruntled taliban militants shooting,After the international community emergency rescue,She miraculously survive from the break.


"The attack occurred,Pakistan, watt valley,The taliban had retreated,Palestinian military control all the area."Pakistan's democratic personages wheat ham ali said.


女孩的梦想 Girl's dream


On the morning of October 9, after the class,Laimengge la city library ShaEr public school a group of girls sat in a home singing in the school bus,This song is called for the sacrifice life defend hometown, watt valley,Sing praises to the 19th century British resistance war in Afghanistan national hero.


suddenly,Several ride bicycle people stopped the car way,They cover the scarf,Holding a gun.One of them Shouting:"You who is horse pull?Quick say,Or get you all killed!"


A frightened girl pointed to the horse to pull,Newcomers to her dartle two gun,Were shot in the head and shoulders,And next to hurt two girls.Malawi pull and then fall in blood.


Anyone see the horse to pull one eye,Never put the blinking eyes 14-year-old girl and education/Women's rights movement link up,Besides her face opponent is let adults also tremble with fear of the taliban.


Malawi pull can speak fluent English/Urdu and pushtu,Talk about education and women's rights is blatter:"I had the right to education,I have the right to play,I have the right to sing,I have a right to say it,I have to go to the right market,I have the right to speak."In a accept CNN interview Malawi pull breath said.


Malawi pull of living, watt valley beautiful scenery,Magnificent mountains/Meadow and lakes that Britain's queen Elizabeth ii will colonial here called"The British empire in Swiss".Watt river valley, was once the international travel agencies launch of the key tourist resort,This place according to the capital Islamabad only three hours' drive.


As early as in"The September 11,,"Before they have militants in the region, watt activities,In 2007 the taliban gradually began to control the area,In Pakistan's army massive attack before,The local basic in the taliban's actual control,Visitors will no longer dare to this vacation.


Watt region, young population huge,Taleban leaders say these young people is easy to training and equipment become holy war soldiers.The lack of government aid to some parents have to put their children to the operation of the religious school,High unemployment and read books to the children very difficult to refuse the taliban to life and afterlife commitment.


In 2009,,The taliban in northwest Pakistan, occupy the watt area,The British broadcasting company in interview Malawi pull father JiYaDing ask,In his school whether there is a female teacher would like to describe the taliban rule in life.The school does not have teacher willing to write,JiYaDing recommended himself was in seventh grade daughter.


Malawi to pull of growth and her father's influence is inseparable.Her father JiYaDing · optimal SaFu karzai. Is Pakistan's poet/School principals and support education active molecules.In 14 years,He set up schools in Pakistan,Encourage women's education.


so,On January 3, 2009,In the British broadcasting corporation blog,Malawi and published the first diary.For security reasons,She used the pen name"sunflower"."On January 3, 2009,Saturday.I had a nightmare,Dream of the army helicopters and the taliban.Since the army in military action, watt launched after I began to do such a dream.Mother gave me a breakfast,Then I went to school.I'm afraid to go to school,Because the taliban issued banned all the girls to go to school."


Malawi pull yourself at home will stealthily wear school uniforms,Outside again put on a dress,It made her feel or at school,Can happy all day long.


Her diary get more and more attention.At the same time she also changed.Before her dream to become a doctor,And no interest in politics.But in 12 years old birthday,She said"I now have a new dream,I want to be a politician to save the country.(Change the dream,)Because in this country have a lot of crisis,I want to eliminate these crisis,Save my country."


危险的“太阳花” dangerous"sunflower"


In May 2009,Pakistan's government forces and the taliban, watt in the region, the second war,Malawi pull a depart.Her father to peshawar to protest,And she came to the country live in relative's house.In July,Pakistani prime minister ASHLEY Ralph announced,People can return, the watt.But, when back to watt,Home has become deformed,The street was empty.The school also in chaos,Because the government forces away when the taliban,As Arsenal here.


Although schools in August to begin our class,But more than 200 other schools were destroyed,And still closed.Although the government has announced that the victory of the war,But the taliban are still active in the country, watt,From time to time the murder and bombing continues.


Malawi pull will no longer only she,She became a celebrity and Pakistan for woman to accept education representative of the struggle.2009 years later,She increasingly appears on the television,And public support women the right to receive education.And she really well known,Is in October 2011 won the United Nations children's rights foundation"International children's peace"nomination,Since then Pakistan more and more people know her.after"sunflower"Identity is open.


In December of 2011,She got a first in Pakistan"National youth peace prize".


But at the same time,The taliban threat to her was also increasing.


On October 9, before shooting,She and her father often received from the threat of the taliban.Pakistan's interior minister malik said,After the government really want to protect Malawi pull and her father's safety,But they refused to accept any safety measures.


Pakistan's taliban called"Pakistani taliban movement",It is not the taleban in Afghanistan, subordinate organization.In addition to the same for the pushtun family,And as the pursuit of the islamic law,Organization's history/Goals and interests and Afghan taliban otherness.


"On March 12, 2009,I have a sore throat,My father took me to see a doctor.There's a woman tell us a call, nice boy's story.O nice joined the taliban,His friends told him that the taliban,Dreamt that he in heaven was a virgin around.O nice ask their parents could become a suicide bomber go to heaven,His parents don't allow.But he is still in a security checkpoint since burst."Malawi pull in his diary wrote.


Received the Pakistani government support Afghan taliban strongly opposed to attack the government,but"Pakistani taliban movement"The main target is the government,Its purpose is to establish a strict in Pakistan and islamic law country.Even so,O, both countries taliban has always been a countless ties and cooperation.


This time with the horse to pull of after the shooting,"Pakistani taliban movement"Spokesman Iraq sand nuha · issa immediately claimed that the organization responsible for it."She pro-western,Against the taliban,And the Obama called her ideal leader."


Is dedicated to pushtun women's struggle for rights of female director gaza marr · mena pull used to Malawi la filming a documentary,It is also the documentary let horse pull famous.She and Malawi pull family keeps the relationship.But after the shootings,She is under pressure to keep the distance with the matter,Work has also been suspended.After all, she is also the taliban list.


"I to Malawi to pull things beyond could not be reached for comment."Gaza marr · mena pull said.


或成清剿塔利班转折点 Or into clear taliban turning point


1996 years after the establishment of the taliban in Afghanistan,Pakistan is the only admit the taliban is one of the three countries.although"The September 11,,"Under pressure after Pakistan with America's war on terror,But it and the taliban ambiguous relationship between has been the international community have noticed.


Especially the taliban is considered Pakistan's inter-services intelligence"Strategic depth"Policy product.According to this policy,If India and Pakistan war occurs between,Afghanistan will be the geopolitical provide support."The September 11,,"after,Pakistan tolerant of India in Afghanistan increasing influence,But the Pakistani military and the taliban as and the United States bargaining chip,So a lot of people think pa inter-services intelligence and continue to support for the taliban in secret.


The Pakistani government clear refused to this statement,In fact,"Pakistani taliban movement"The object of the attack also includes pa and inter-services intelligence.


"Don't worry,dad.I'll be ok,Victory belongs to our side."In the former Malawi lapse into a coma and said to his father.


After the shootings,All over the world are organized for horse pull prayer rally,Pakistan's domestic anger to government bring a lot of pressure.


Pakistani President zardari/Prime minister ASHLEY Ralph/Army chief of staff, phosphite/Opposition leader/Pakistan all parties senator,As well as the social people from all walks of life for the attacks have condemned.


In 2009,,Pakistan people have seen a video,Content is one of the regions, watt girl was a bunch of militants beating.Video broadcast after the taliban people to produce a strong dislike,The army for the taliban attack got a lot of support.The horse pulled organization protests larger,Even the right the mainstream media have expressed outrage.


"The whole country is shocked by shooting.But unfortunately,There are many people this cruel attacks on defense.Our social division very badly.Some people think the government should not and the taliban negotiations,But at the same time, a lot of people think that the taliban and negotiations,The society will peace."Wheat ham ali said in an interview.


Although Pakistan's government announced to the taliban take measures,But the real is not easy to eliminate the taliban.


"The taliban is not just a group of a gun kill people everywhere,Is also a kind of ideology,It needs to be handled with care and control,Otherwise things will get worse,More chaos.The taliban and their agents are launch a movement,Let the people no longer believe in the media,Then weaken the role of the media."Wheat ham ali said.
