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老汉蹬三轮车历时7年环游全国 为圆梦想险丧命--亲稳舆论引导监测室

[提要]: [abstract]:为了实现年轻时环游全国的梦想,时年65岁的焦德明从新疆出发,带着锅碗瓢盆,脚蹬三轮"房车",7年里游历了近30个省市自治区。途中差点坠下山崖…[ In order to realize the dream of youth travel the nation,Then 65 - year - old JiaoDeMing starting from xinjiang,With a basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle,Pedal three rounds"Touring car",7 years traveled nearly 30 provinces, cities and autonomous regions.The way almost fall down the steep bank…[我来说两句 Me two sentences 更多旅游资讯 More tourist information


who,Young when no dream,but,And how many people can realize the dream when he was young?In order to realize the dream of youth travel the nation,Then 65 - year - old JiaoDeMing starting from xinjiang,With a basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle,Pedal three rounds"Touring car",7 years traveled nearly 30 provinces, cities and autonomous regions.


recently,He arrived in chongqing.Talking about her behavior,Now at the age of 72, he said with a smile,"Don't finish when young dream,I'll probably at home the end",Originally felt they weren't dry into what's the matter,In this life enough timid,But since on around the national road after,He reaped the love of man,More won the admiration of many people,"Suddenly feel suddenly young,There is a sense of accomplishment,Feel life got a kind of satisfaction".

  梦的召唤 Dream call

  65岁骑三轮车出发 65 years old start by tricycle


recently,In the university city western acoustic,A red human tricycles attract many people's attention.The tricycle backseat part with board and old plastic cloth hold up a shed,In less than 2 square meters of space,Pile up the blanket/Batting and books,One side with a lot of bottle container canister,Under the seat and kettle/Furnace, etc.


"At first thought is collecting the scrap car,It was found later that is a‘Touring car’",The driver of mo zhang teacher said,The day before yesterday afternoon he saw this"Touring car",A thin old man was sitting in the back of a car,Are pens write??????.Walk to come forward to ask,The original old man named JiaoDeMing,This year 72 - year - old,Seven years ago from xinjiang set out alone,Riding on the tricycle already visited nearly 30 provinces, cities and autonomous regions.


Yesterday morning,Reporters saw coke when the big ye,He is sitting in the car back to write diary.Coke big ye was thin and weak,Dark skin,Weather-beaten face is knife cutting of wrinkles,But speaking is strongly,The old man seemed like three score and ten.


Focal big ye said,His ancestral home in Shanghai,1961 to xinjiang and wants to live there,33 in gansu province with a woman get married,But three years later for character not divorce,2 year old daughter and wife left and there is no contact,And their parents have died,His only perennial alone in xinjiang,Life by odd jobs.


"I always have a dream,Is alone through the national",Focal big ye said,As a young man, he read[Robinson Crusoe]after,He can travel around the vision.


On July 14, 2005,The 65 - year - old coke big ye carrying all my savings 3000 yuan,Foot one old three rounds,On the journey of your dreams.And this a walk,Is seven years. 

  梦的代价 Dream price

  途中差点坠下山崖 The way almost fall down the steep bank


Said to 7 years journey,Coke big ye excited."In addition to Shanghai before/xinjiang,Where have been,Now you say any one place,I know that",Coke big ye said with pride,After the start from xinjiang,He has arrived at gansu/shaanxi/Henan, etc,Now has been to nearly 30 provinces, cities and autonomous regions.


After seven years,All the way up hill and down dale,Coke big ye riding on the three rounds in the mountains HeJian shuttle,Although has encountered many hardships,But he never give up.


"Three years ago,In fujian in the 11th level typhoon",Focal big ye said,Violent typhoon came close to his car blew,When he hurried from the roadside moved to SiWuKuai rock into the car,Myself to hide into the car curled up."Half an hour later,The typhoon left,Car will also keep the",Coke big ye said with a smile,They eat every day live in the car,Tricycle has become his"home".


"In 2008,,Through sichuan drag when uriah mountain,In a steep mountain road suddenly the brakes were broken,Nearly fell down the mountain",Coke big ye said with a serious face,"At that time a narrow squeak!,Fortunately I a car twisted back,Otherwise,……"Although pick back to a life,But his left foot is therefore sprain.


"Three points are made in heaven,Seven minutes to fight"Coke is the motto of the big ye."Sometimes lost,To go a day and around back to origin;Sometimes in the mountains there is no water to drink,Will endure to move on……"Focal big ye said,When his young as grinder,Done masons,To take the child,Life has taught his ability to survive.

  梦的收获 Dream harvest

  到哪都有好心人帮助 To which all have good intention to help


"This is zhaotong city driver gave me medicinal liquor,This is zhongshan boss sent my thermos flask,This is yibin girl send my radio……"The old man edge said side show their own"baby".


"With the start of the 3000 yuan in two years,Fortunately, there are so many good intention salvage",Focal big ye said,In his journey by collecting mineral water bottles and sell scrap make a living,And wherever you go,A man will lend a helping hand."Last year in kunming,I had a good year",Coke big ye said excitedly,Local residents gave him bacon and turkeys,"And gave me five chickens,I could eat".


Reporter in the focus of the big ye"Touring car"Found a pile of thick book,All with plastic bag."This is my house,Are more important than life",Focal big ye said,This more than ten book is full of his seven years of diary and message volumes,There are more than 10 zhang yellowing newspaper,Are all the way to his deeds media reports,The first article in March 2007,Recent is in October of 2012.


"Focal grandpa,Also don't know how you eat all this how many bitter,I admire you,Must be to your learning!""See years in her s who had the old man is still a dream to adhere to,I really for your spirit touched pride.""Respect of coke old man,All the way to take care of the body,refueling!"Reporter in 6 this message in the book to see,The above is different handwriting written touched and blessing,With a Japanese and English message,And many had a group photo taken photos.

  声音 voice

  新的梦想: The new dream:

  去黄山定居写回忆录 Go to huang shan to settle down to write memoirs


Twelve o 'clock midday,Reporter in the interview to the old time,A middle-aged woman suddenly holding a bowl of preserved pork rice came to the old man front,"Old man,The day was so cold,To eat some rice,To warm."Send rice women are living in TuanJieCun near the ZhouDaMa,She heard the old man's story,Was deeply moved by.


"After I came to chongqing,Have many people to help me la!"Focal big ye said,October 6, after to arrive at chongqing,A peasant bishan listening to his own experiences,To raise his with a bag of oranges and 2 catties chickens cake."The day before yesterday JiaoXunJing also ask me to eat it!"Focal big ye said,Came to univercity when,JiaoXunJing let him rest,Also bring him to the dining room to eat braise in soy sauce meat.


Focal big ye said,Because of a sprained left foot,He had no way to go to Tibet."Then I'm going BaNa,Went to the east mountain to,Then through the hunan/Jiangxi to huangshan in anhui province,To settle down there,Write a memoir",Focal big ye said,If not the trip for as long as 7 years of travel,He may be in xinjiang was his death,More will not know this along"relatives"."I will put them each person written into memoirs,So perhaps this life the",Focal big ye said,Along the way he eat"party"wear"BaiGuYi","Never felt lonely,All the people to give my love is my this present life of wealth!"


readings:Hale and hearty,Journey read a dream.

八旬翁一人游遍大西南 驴友"拼"出友情 Years old weng one LvYou throughout China"spell"The friendship


Freedom ride/carpooling/AA system/Hot spring fish……Just think a in recent years old man talk throng so fashionable vocabulary,Will you be surprised?In line of the saemaul undong WanDeXin is an ordinary retired workers,Five years ago when the"LvYou",Every spring will go to travel around,Journey can pinch pennies to save money,And good to eat speciality bubble hot spring to enjoy.[detailed](Yangzi evening news network)

日本百岁"驴友"游世界 列入吉尼斯纪录 Japan years"LvYou"Tour the world included in the guinness book of records


Travel around the world believe that is many people's dream,But most people run for a living every day,Travel out often wait until retirement have a chance,Then perhaps is the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.Japan fukuoka university 106 - year - old honorary professor rise to SanLang recently completed a"Around earth week"travel,Was included in the guinness book of world records,Prove centenarians can also set a feat.[detailed](we)

63岁驴友 骑单车从上海去呼和浩特 63 years LvYou biking from Shanghai to huhhot


    QiYou old man called HuangYong,This year 63 - year - old,His wife died,The foreign capital enterprise retirement from Shanghai,The QiYou stroke terminal for Inner Mongolia Hohhot.22 six o 'clock in the morning bell,He went from Shanghai on their hometown,To GaoYou has already entered the third day,Riding a nearly 400 kilometers.Reporter in the huai river highway GaoYou canal bank to see him,He is all the way riding on the bike,Edge ride watching canal landscape.[detailed](Yangzhou times)


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