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布里斯本被称为阳光之城,是昆士兰州最大城市,也是澳洲第三大城市,人口100多万。布里斯本全年气候温暖,景色如春,是旅游观光的最佳城市。 Brisbane is called the city of sunshine,Is the largest city of Queensland,Is Australia's third largest city,More than 100 population.Brisbane climate warm all the year round,Spring scenery,Tourism is the best city.

  在郊区的海洋世界公园-Sea World,可欣赏活泼精彩的海豚和鲸鱼表演,可领略惊险刺激的专业滑水表演,而特技演员表演的警匪枪战又令人乐而忘返。还有定时的科幻电影在小影厅放映。有一条乘水而下的云梯堪为一绝,坐在10几米高的长梯顶端,沿着近乎90度角的水滑梯顺水滑下,瞬间被水流一冲到底。虽逢此运动机会难得,但因其惊险程度也常使众多男士望而却步。这一罕见的水云梯可谓是测试勇者的最好见证。通常只有少数旅游者才敢登高一试。 位于市区的昆士兰博物馆-Queensland Museum是一座大型的自然博物馆。内有澳洲所独有的动物,植物标本和化石,实物展品斑斓丰富,令参观者倍开眼界。如果逢周末去参观,既清静人少,又可免费入馆。

In the suburbs Sea World park - Sea World,Can appreciate the lively wonderful dolphin and whale show,Can enjoy adventure professional water skiing performance,And stunt performers police bandit gunplay and most comfortable.And timing of the science fiction film in the small YingTing screening.There is a by water down the ladder rates with a special skill,Sit 10 a few meters high long ladder top,Along the nearly 90 degree Angle of slide down the downstream water slide,Instant by water a blunt exactly.Although at the exercise opportunity is rare,But because of its breathtaking degree also often makes many men flinch.This rare water ladder it may be said is to test the best witness of the brave.Usually only a few tourists will dare to ascend a try. Located in downtown Queensland Museum - Queensland Museum is a large natural Museum.Australia has unique animal,Plant samples and fossil,Physical exhibits rich hues,Make visitors times open horizon.If every weekend to visit,Is quiet people less,And free into the library.

  在诱人的梦的世界公园-Dream World,你会发现一些新奇的游览项目,如坐天然独木船漂流,单人小卡车驾驶,悬空小火车环行等有趣活动,使你恍若在梦中畅游,惬意而浪漫。

In inviting Dream World park - Dream World,You will find some new attractions,As if sitting in natural DuMuChuan drift,Single small truck driving,Impending small train circuit and interesting activities,Make you seem swim in a dream,Comfortable and romantic.

  最著名的景点胜地当属位于市区东南的黄金海岸-Gold Coast. 全年平均气温25 度,保证了三百多个晴天可供游客来度假游玩。绵延30多公里的海岸沙滩吸引着接连不断的海内外游客。从岸边下入水中,随着有规律的水的波浪起伏而跳浪遨游,确是一种特殊的娱乐和享受。到昆士兰去玩,不可不去黄金海岸,不入海不过瘾,不戏水不尽兴。

The most famous attractions resort is located in the southeast of the city when the Gold Coast - Gold Coast. The annual mean temperature 25 degrees,Ensure the more than three hundred sunny for tourists to visit on holiday.Stretching more than 30 kilometers of coastal beach attracts a succession of tourists from home and abroad.From the shore down into the water,As a regular water waves of ups and downs and jump sea roam,It is a special kind of entertainment and enjoy.To Queensland to play,Must gold coast,Don't get high not into the sea,Not paddle not to one's heart's content.




  离黄金海岸不远还有一个摩顿海湾-Moreton Bay,它有3个令人嘱目的沙岛,因为全世界通共也仅有 15个沙岛。 另外阳光海岸公园-Sunshine Coast 也是一个极有特色的游览景点,度假颇为理想。

Not far from the gold coast and the gulf - a meal Moreton Bay,It has three main purpose is sand island,Because the world altogether only 15 sand island. In addition the Sunshine Coast park - Sunshine Coast is also a very distinctive scenic spots,Holiday rather ideal.

  在黄金海岸边的一座电影城-Movie World,游人可以与从大银幕上走下来的著名人物互相交谈。还可以享受刺激的各式山车。

Gold coast in a DianYingCheng - Movie World,Visitors can walk on the big screen from down of the famous people who talk to each other.Can also enjoy exciting a mountain car.


In Brisbane tour,You can experience the breath of modern city and attractive tropical amorous feelings.At the same time can also taste the best varieties of mango,litchi,Affectionate fruit, tropical fruit.It may be said is beauty and fruit,Aftertaste also unforgettable.
