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  由香港旅游发展局(旅发局)连续第11年举办的“香港缤纷冬日节” 将于11月23日温情献演,这将是香港一年中最具浓浓爱意的季节,跨越圣诞和新年的冬日盛会将以“爱圣诞•爱香港”为主题,欢迎内地游客前往体验弥漫全城的浓厚圣诞新年气氛,以爱之名享受一个温暖人心的浪漫冬季。据悉,今年的“香港缤纷冬日节”期间,中环皇后像广场将再次化身成充满浪漫情怀的乐园,并会有约6层楼高的大型圣诞树及旋转木马等设施,让游客在此将全城璀璨的华丽灯饰尽收眼底。

By the Hong Kong tourism board(HKTB)11 years of continuous held"Hong Kong profusion winter day" On November 23, XianYan warmth,It will be a year of Hong Kong's most thick love season,Christmas and New Year across the wintry day event will be"Love Christmas•Love Hong Kong"As the theme,Welcome the mainland visitors to experience the diffuse thick New Year Christmas atmosphere,In the name of love to enjoy a warm the heart of the romantic winter.It is reported,This year's"Hong Kong profusion winter day"period,Central statue square will again incarnation into is full of romantic feelings paradise,And, about six storeys high large Christmas tree and merry-go-round and other facilities,Let visitors in this will the city bright lighting gorgeous panoramic view.


Hong Kong HKTB greater China regional director YeZhenDe said:"‘Hong Kong profusion winter day’For Christmas and New Year's day New Year across,More Hong Kong beauty of Chinese and western,And therefore more mainland passengers by love.In this season to Hong Kong,Has become a lot of mainland passengers will choose arrangement,Can feel strong Christmas atmosphere,And can participate in the world famous New Year countdown activity,Can enjoy winter to answer the shopping fun warm heart food,Is one.We have to welcome from all over the world the passengers are prepared adequately."


As this year"Hong Kong profusion winter day"One of the highlight of,Set YuZhongHuan queen like square"Tiffany blazing Christmas",Will be in 18 meters high(About six storeys high)Large Christmas tree and merry-go-round makes all of the city's Christmas landmark,And the whole statue square will come to is full of romantic feelings winter park,Christmas house/True love bridge/Candy store/Creative museum and full of Christmas decoration,Will people create unforgettable surprise,People here can purchase wish card and elegant candy,Can even in Christmas workshop personally make unique Christmas small decorations.

  “2012香港缤纷冬日节”期间,一向人气畅旺的传统景点,都将特别推出别具新意的冬日主题活动:香港迪士尼乐园“美国小镇大街—圣诞小镇”将洋溢着浓厚的节日气氛,在皑皑飘雪下与挚爱亲朋于圣诞树前欣赏梦幻璀璨的大街闪雪亮灯;香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆将布置得金光闪闪,邀请旅客参与盛大的星光派对;香港海洋公园以圣诞老人为主题的“缤纷嘉年华”,让旅客在海洋公园过一个新奇好玩又温馨的圣诞;天际100 香港观景台则拥有全港独有的天际闪烁圣诞派对,可以居高临下欣赏维港夜景,欢度前所未有的闪烁圣诞;登上以“山顶?爱?圣诞”为主题点缀的山顶凌霄阁,可与挚爱亲朋在香港岛最高点欢度圣诞节,鸟瞰维多利亚港灯光璀璨的海洋。

"2012 Hong Kong profusion winter day"period,Has always been popular buoyant traditional attractions,Will be launched special creative winter theme activities:Hong Kong Disneyland"The United States town street - Christmas town"Will overflow with thick festal atmosphere,Stone with loved ones and friends under the snow in the Christmas tree enjoy dream before bright street these flash light;Hong Kong madame tussauds wax museum will decorate glittering,Invite passengers participating in big star party;Hong Kong Ocean Park to Santa Claus for the subject"Profusion carnival",Let the passengers in the Ocean Park a novel fun and warm Christmas;The sky 100 Hong Kong observatory have Hong Kong unique sky flicker Christmas party,Can occupy a commanding position night view of the Victoria habour,To celebrate the unprecedented scintillation Christmas;On to"The top of the mountain?love?Christmas"As the theme of the ornament the revitalization of the peak tower pavilion,But with loved ones and friends celebrate Christmas in Hong Kong island peak,A bird's eye view of the Victoria harbour lights shining sea.


In addition,Visitors known as the famous scenic area and department stores,Will be in"2012 Hong Kong profusion winter day"During Christmas theme activities launched New Year,Hong Kong wetland park/Ngong ping 360/Hong Kong Noah's ark/1881/Harbour city/The international financial centre mall/Sha tin new town square/Hong Kong times square, etc,There are more than 30 other elaborate different types of wonderful programs and special activities,With romantic and warm holiday atmosphere to meet the guests from around the world.
