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京广高铁年底将全线贯通 北京至广州最快8小时--亲稳网络舆情监测室
新京报讯 (记者刘春瑞)记者从铁道部获悉,昨天起,京广高铁北京至郑州段转入按运行图模拟运行试验阶段。一个月后,京广高铁将全线打通。
The Beijing news - (Reporter LiuChunRui)Reporters learned from the ministry of railways,Yesterday on,Jingguang high iron Beijing to zhengzhou into according to run chart simulation run test stage.After a month,Jingguang high iron will all get through.
初期速度300公里/小时 Initial speed is 300 km/hour
Jingguang high iron total length of about 2200 km,Through the north and the south China is fast passenger vomitorium.In December of 2009,Beijing-guangzhou GaoTieWu wide operational period;In September of 2012,Jingguang high iron ZhengWu opening period.So far,Jingguang high iron only Beijing to zhengzhou section has not yet been opened.After all to get through,Beijing to guangzhou whole reduced to 8 hours.
Jingguang high iron Beijing to zhengzhou construction mileage 681 km,Design speed of 350 km/h,Initial operation speed is 300 km/hour.To Beijing west station for the airport of departure,By zhu state east along the way/Gaobeidian east/Baoding east/On east/Shijiazhuang airport station/shijiazhuang/Zhonghan west/Xingtai east/Handan east/Anyang east/Hebi east/Xinxiang east Tsim Sha Tsui,In zhengzhou east station and has opened to traffic operation of jingguang high iron zhengzhou to wuhan section connected.
年底前正式开通运营 Before the end of the official opening operation
The ministry says,From this year on July 30, start,Jingguang high iron Beijing to shijiazhuang to zhengzhou start section for joint-test alignment.Alignment joint-test results show that,High iron each system and the overall system performance/Function to meet the design requirements.In the alignment league after the try for operation test,Is mainly to the high iron whole system in normal and abnormal operating conditions of the train operation organization and emergency disposal of the comprehensive practice ability,To operating personnel for practical training,Use of equipment test.
It is understood,Jingguang high iron Beijing to shijiazhuang to zhengzhou has on November 11, began to run test,November 25th into according to run chart simulation run test stage,Before the end of the year for the official opening operation to make the final.
The ministry says,Jingguang high iron Beijing to shijiazhuang to zhengzhou plan put into operation by the end of 2012.the,Beijing to guangzhou to shenzhen high speed rail will all through,And along the way and shijiazhuang to taiyuan/Zhengzhou to xian/Wuhan to hefei/Hankou to yichang contour iron connected,To alleviate the beijing-guangzhou railway channel transportation pressure/Shorten the distance between the cities along the time and space/Convenient travel along the people/Along the promote economic and social development has the extremely vital significance.
运行试验 Operation test
北京至郑州仅需2小时55分 Beijing to zhengzhou only 2 hours and 55 minutes
据新华社电 25日清晨7时50分,一辆CRH380A动车组驶离北京西站。京广高铁北京至郑州段转入按运行图模拟运行试验阶段。一个月后,京广高铁将全线打通。上午10点45分,列车到达郑州东站,历时2小时55分。
According to xinhua 25, 50 points early in the morning at 7,A car CRH380A motor train unit from the Beijing west railway station.Jingguang high iron Beijing to zhengzhou into according to run chart simulation run test stage.After a month,Jingguang high iron will all get through.45 points at 10 a.m.,The train to zhengzhou station,Lasted two hours and 55 minutes.
Since this year,A number of important high iron trunk and high iron connecting line successively to traffic operation,China's planning"Four lengthwise and four cross"High iron network has begun to take shape:National Day long vacation this year ZhengWuGao iron in front to traffic,Through the beijing-guangzhou and zheng west high iron;Close mussel high iron in October after opening,The jingguang/beijing-shanghai/Shanghai han rong three high iron trunk main closely link up.On December 1,,China across the three provinces in the northeast of the first cold high iron - ha high iron will also open operation.
Passenger is most concerned about high iron fare,The railway departments are usually high in iron will be opening all will be published fare.But it is not difficult to get through evaluating the estimation to the fare.
Jingguang high iron one of the DuanWu wide high iron total length of 1069 km,Top speed of 300 kilometers.According to the first seat ticket price 740 yuan calculation,Ticket price 0.692 yuan per kilometer;According to the second class seat ticket price 465 yuan calculation,Ticket price 0.435 yuan per kilometer.
If according to now wuhan-guangzhou high iron fare standard calculation,The whole jingguang high iron about 2200 km,First seat ticket prices will reach 1522 yuan,Even if is the second class seat ticket prices also wants 957 yuan,Than now guangzhou to Beijing PuSu soft berth ticket is your 200 yuan.[detailed](Beijing news network)
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