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内地赴美生子热潮 10万“美国宝宝”值不值?--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

图/ CFP Diagram/CFP
  给我10万,还你一个价值980万的美国宝宝”; Give me 100000,Are you a value 9.8 million American baby";


"Low threshold/Low tuition to enter the United States famous university or institute";


"The future enjoy more than 180 global diplomatic Allies entry visa and the most preferential entry and exit convenience"……


With a son to visit Hong Kong policy tightening,Gave birth to many"bullish"Attracted more and more mainland pregnant women vying for"American parents".


Media reports said,2011 years have to has reached 5000."The United States local Chinese old immigration said,This year to the mainland to thousands of children."More than children in the near future to the parents say,The American west Los Angeles Chinese community is to mainland children"region",Pregnant women can be seen everywhere in knots.


Beijing/Shanghai/guangzhou/Shenzhen and other cities,Many children to intermediary in wantonly soliciting business."Los Angeles confinement center,The original is mainly do Taiwanese business,Now the main attack the mainland market."


人数要以万计,三大原因导致 With thousands of number,Three main causes


In April this year,Live in Beijing's Jeremy mother's 8 months to stomach births.Her husband is put down business going with herself from smooth delivery.June 15,,Her son Jeremy born in the United States,Became an American citizen.


In 1868,,The United States constitution amendment to article 14 through,The provision:"All persons born or naturalized in the United States,For the United States of America and all their citizens of the state."Jeremy mother told reporters,This is her first child,She was already know the rules,So a pregnancy is planning to the United States was born,"Want to let the child a choice".


earlier,Hong Kong announced the implementation of the next year"Double not"Pregnant women zero quota measures,The mainland pregnant women across the LuoHuQiao port to a son"Door close".so,The mainland has strength expectant mothers to ocean the other shore,Children in this year to blowout.

  “听当地华人老移民说,去年内地赴美生子才5000人,今年则得以万计,翻了几番。” 家住上海的李彬(化名)是一名IT从业者,今年7月15日陪妻子赴美生子。他说,美国洛杉矶是内地赴美生子的主要集聚区,经常看到大腹便便的孕妇。

"Listen to the local Chinese old immigration said,Last year the mainland have to only 5000 people,This year it to thousands of,Turned over several and." Live in Shanghai li3 bin(alias)Is a IT practitioners,In July 15, to accompany his wife gave birth.He said,Los Angeles is the mainland children to the main concentration area,Often see potbellied pregnant women.


Jeremy mother live in confinement center,Course with her baby of the pregnant women have more than ten,Is the mainland go."I live in that villa have four mother,One is from Beijing/A comes from Shanghai/A from xiamen,A from Taiwan."


July,LinHao in hangzhou(alias)Down business,Accompany pregnant 8 months wife to Los Angeles,September in us joy and a woman."She is my first child,At first I want to let wife born in Hong Kong,Later road is broken,Simply born to the United States."


According to LinHao observation,A son to nothing more than three kind of circumstance:Family planning policy,Go to the United States have a second child;immigrants,According to the laws of the United States,The child has reached the age of 21,Parents can be dealt with in accordance with the close immigration;Give children get a American,A choice.


From fuzhou Ming Chen(alias),In October this year accompany a wife to go to America,"There is only a child,Think he is too lonely,Just want to regeneration a.But I know,Born two foetuses to deliver social support than to go to America to have a baby more cost."Li3 bin said,Over half of the people is to have a second child.


Li3 bin and LinHao formed on the Internet to a son consulting group,Has free help hundreds of children to parents understand the situation.They told reporters,Gave birth to the group,Most people with them is middle,Money is not too much but also get by,"All over,In Beijing/Shanghai is in the majority".


"Pregnant women usually advance two months awaiting delivery,So most of Mrs. There is no work,And the husband in business."In LinHao seems,Private entrepreneurs is one of the main force to a son.LiBinZe revealed,He observed,Public servants relatives may also play a part.


中介除了扒层皮,帮不到什么忙 Intermediary besides steak skin,Can't help


Children behind to boom,One for the service industry chain is rapidly expand.Reporter in the baidu search in the input"Gave birth to",In the pop up on the first page of the article 20 information,Article 16 is a son to advertising.The same advertising,In micro bo/BBS also can be found everywhere.


Reporter survey found,Now Beijing/Shanghai/guangzhou/Shenzhen city rise to a group of children intermediary company.They in high-grade office building rent in the office,Through the network to attract wealthy family of pregnant women have to.


LinHao is through the intermediary of going to the United States.He began to don't believe that,Especially ran to the intermediary in the Shanghai headquarters,See intermediary office decoration luxurious,He put down the wariness,The results found that he was a cheat."In simple terms,Is false propaganda,Money does not work."When signing a contract,LinHao surrender $5000,In the United States found that intermediary original commitment are almost can't cash.

  起初,中介向林皓推荐住处时,用的是single house(国内俗称别墅)图片,“很漂亮”;签约时,中介说房子紧,要林皓换成标准酒店服务型房间;上飞机前,中介又说房间没了,要他们到分馆。抵达美国后,林皓夫妇被安排住在一个比中国经济型酒店还差的地方,拿笔记本在房间桌子上网,抬起手腕时竟沾上桌子掉下来的油漆。

At first,Intermediary to LinHao recommend residence,With single house(Domestic commonly known as villa)pictures,"Very beautiful";When signing,Intermediary said house tight,To LinHao into standard hotel room service;Before on the plane,Intermediary and said the room didn't,To them to the branch libraries.Arrived in the United States after,LinHao couples are arranged to live in a better than China economy hotel also bad place,Take the notebook in the room table on the Internet,Raise the wrist that when with the table drop down of paint.


"Intermediary charged me $6000 / month,Reduced RMB 37000 yuan,But live in a minimum class hotel."Let LinHao is more angry,The contract package is six vegetables a soup,To the United States is three vegetables a soup or four vegetables a soup."No nutrition don't say,Even eat satisfied is expect."later,A couple in confinement center won't stay down,He himself out and find a home stay facility live.


The same thing happens in Ming Chen body.His book the United States through domestic intermediary confinement center,Intermediary commitment live very comfortable,To eat is private chef cooking,The contract $6000 usd a month,To the United States,He and a lover but is scheduled to live in a motel,To eat is take out.


Li3 bin originally agreed with intermediary,Lie in $2200 / month,Lying in $2900 / month;But the United States confinement center present contract turned into labor $2900 / month,After having is $4900 / month.


Ming Chen/Li3 bin/LinHao and intermediary when signing,Intermediary says the United States is the center of the confinement of retail,In the United States found that they are agency relationship."The vast majority of children to domestic intermediary company,And America's confinement center is just pure agency relationship.""Pregnant women in confinement center what's the problem,Domestic intermediary even if cored is weak."


Jeremy mother didn't pass intermediary,But his fix everything."To intermediary I don't trust."Facts have proved,Not through the intermediary,She saved nearly half of the money."The whole cost down 130000 yuan RMB,A through the intermediary/And I live the same confinement center/The same doctor/The same hospital's mother,Three months is 250000 yuan RMB."


Li3 bin told reporters,Intermediary company in addition to at least from each customer earn thousands of dollars,Even thousands, of dollars outside consulting fee,The agency also participate in the confinement center all sorts of charge into,Income considerable."The vast majority of the company never give the customer development ticket,Even some even receipt are not open to the customer.""Intermediary besides steak skin,In fact can't help."


门槛高难注册,月子中心良莠不齐 Threshold difficult registration,Confinement center the good and bad are intermingled


"Media reports said before,A son of the pregnant women to enter to camouflage/To hide."Jeremy mother told reporters,This is the misrepresentation,No necessary,As long as the legitimate visa,Customs will not because it is pregnant women and refused to customs clearance,The United States law did not stipulate refused entry to pregnant women.


In LinHao seems,A lot of intermediary/Confinement center operators punches,Let women to produce thieving psychological,In fact is to let pregnant women after found that the problem can't complain,Submit to humiliation.

  美国驻华大使馆此前答复中国媒体采访时也曾说,“目前没有任何法律反对外国孕妇以B1/B2(商务、旅游签证)或其他形式的签证赴美。” 据了解,从上世纪90年代开始,美国华人专门为台湾去美生子人士提供月子服务的产业就已产生。

The United States embassy reply after Chinese media interview also said,"There are no laws against foreign pregnant women to B1 / B2(business/Tourist visa)Or other forms of a visa to." It is understood,Since the 1990 s,The Chinese specifically for Taiwan to beauty son personage to provide the confinement service industry has been produced.


In June 2008,The United States to China to open individual tourist visa application.In the United States in various visas,The validity term of tourist visa,But there are six months.The mainland pregnant women to create the conditions,The United States confinement center business rapidly to the mainland market transfer.


Li3 bin found,The mainland have to focus on the United States east of the city of Los Angeles a few small city even up long and narrow area,Covers monterey park/Hui tyre/Ha xian da duty/Roland duty, etc,One of the largest number two confined center."The local children to complete industrial chain,From confinement center,To the hospital/The doctor,To check"cattle",From soup to nuts."


LinHao says,Los Angeles confinement center many,But the service is good not much."Confinement center almost no registration,Not can't register,But threshold is very high."According to the American law,Registered confinement center,Need to meet:Since the house purchase,The corresponding number of licensed nurses."Los Angeles confinement center is the house rent,And because the salary is too high,Confinement center can't afford the nurse,Many please some HeiGong."


Li3 bin/Jeremy mother also told reporters,Los Angeles confinement center most not registered,Completely by confinement center boss conscience to do business."Confinement center is not legal institutions,But mothers almost 3 months time to eat in that/Lived in the,Children in the care.A son to the whole link risk the biggest one is selected confinement center."


"Confinement center the good and bad are intermingled,And one need not worry about the guest,The service is poor."Li3 bin said,Most live in confinement center of the pregnant women are complain,Do not have enough to eat/Sleep well,Some even no water to drink,Have to stand big to buy water to drink,"Especially in alone/No relatives in the care of pregnant women more miserable,Tears can only live in the confinement center after the baby was born."


Jeremy mother said,Live in confinement center,Most worried about is the baby have an accident,It happened in Los Angeles two or three cause confinement center care baby infant death cause of improper things.


流程 process


1/Apply for a visa(Be pregnant two months)


2/Reserve the United States confinement center(Self-help or through the intermediary)


3/to(Be pregnant commonly 8 months)


4/In the United States confinement center awaiting delivery


5/Hospital production


6/In the United States after having confinement center


7/For the children apply for United States passport and China travel permit certificate, etc




值?不值?难说! value?Isn't worth?It's hard to say!


The United States social services,Is to attract quasi mother gave birth to an important reason.Some intermediary advertisement and its quantification,Say spend 100000 yuan can get value 9.8 million yuan ($)"The baby":Dispense with ZeJiaoFei/District room,Easily into the Chinese famous university,The United States reading cheap,Parents can immigrants,The high income……Really there are so value?In fact, to enjoy the high quality of community service,Is conditional,Is a distant,But the reality instead of problem.


In September,LinHao daughter was born,He found a local"cattle",Help daughter dealt with a birth certificate/The United States passport/The United States social security number.His wife sit out after confinement,LinHao XieQi female home.And according to the regulation,Children born in the in the United States,If both parents are Chinese citizens and all did not get the American green card,The children went to China should bid for China's travel permit.Before you go back,LinHao for her daughter to deal with the Chinese travel permit,Is it valid for the two years can be multiple entry and exit.Two years prior to the maturity of,LinHao should press the corresponding laws and regulations the update.


Reporter found that data access,Will China travel permit replacement provisions,Relevant Chinese policy I have fine.This kind of the change of policy risk,Often do not have a son to parents into consideration.


LinHao plan daughter to go to school after age,Let her international school,Accept bilingual education,Prevent children to read out after language.Because international school is usually better than ordinary school your many,This means that LinHao education investment to her than general family more.Jeremy mom is going to the future let the son read private schools.


For the children more easily into American society in the future,LiBinZe considering immigrating to the United States,Let the child accept American education."In fact,To be certain people,And not holding a passport so simple.He had to accept the local culture/education/Society, and the benefit of the influence of the system,Otherwise will still against the grain.""Although both Chinese law or the laws of the United States,Have no a law said,It is illegal to have the behavior.But not illegal things is not necessarily a good thing."


Some children to parents with LinHao exchange,Do not say to consider future let children study abroad."This is a blind flounder,There is no meaning.An empty American nationality,When the child is 18 years old later,Need to exit visa once a year,trouble!"


"This choice is good or bad,I feel bad to say.One is related with people,One is the situation with a relationship.Although the future you don't know what is the better better or the United States.But in the child,,Have a choice."This is the idea of Jeremy mother.


"Parents must think clearly again."Li3 bin emphasize,Parents don't because such to follow suit,In the child, this may not be a good thing.
