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赴美生子妈妈调查:中介多存欺诈 入境全靠演技--亲稳舆论引导监测室


业内人士:会所照片虚假、孕妇吃不饱、额外收费多 不规范中介服务存猫腻 The personage inside course of:Club photo false/Pregnant women do not have enough to eat/Extra charges not more standard intermediary services save something fishy going on

晚报记者 秦川 滕芙勤 王珝 报道 晚报制图 邬思蓓  

Evening news reporter qinchuan teng fu frequently reported king 珝 evening drawing WuSiBei

  一个多月前的美国时间9月16日21点,陆小姐的手机迎来噼里啪啦的贺信轰炸:“顺利入境,你太牛了! ”

More than a month before the time of the United States on September 16 21 points,LiuXiaoJie cell phone have the villager of bombing:"Smooth entry,You are too cow the! "


Until this moment,She will dare to slightly relax height frayed nerves,Secretly looked at the passport"Permitted stay in six months"Small punch,Long sighs.In half an hour ago,She has just completed in the life most important once again"Acting test",Success in 4 months pregnant situation whereabouts to the United States and peace pass.but,As China's mother gave birth to a member of the army,Her challenge has just begun:People in the foreign,Basic necessities themselves how?How to avoid confinement center"Pit dad"trap?After litters of themselves and the baby and the what course to follow?


【赴美妈妈生子样本】 [Mother to son sample]


LiuXiaoJie,After 80,Once in the domestic well-known Internet company as a public relations high office,Now living in Los Angeles awaiting delivery.to"Small del piero's mother"For net,[A son to history's most by spectrum strategy]Are the author.


入境大考:人生如戏全靠演技 Entry final exam:Life is like a play all by acting


Last month 16,LiuXiaoJie and mother carry bale packet to come to the airport.Since her husband busy with work too busy to member,Mother and daughter both will go alone is called the city of angels of Los Angeles.

  “在机场门口的道别,没有任何的好莱坞电影那样浪漫哀伤的气氛。直到美国航空的空姐让登机的时候,妈妈心里突然一惊:真的要走了,万一地球真的毁灭了,我和你爸爸就剩下最后 40天时间在一起了。 ”在写给未来宝宝的一封信中,陆小姐一字一句记下了当初的感受。

"At the entrance of the gate of the airport say goodbye,No Hollywood movies that romantic sad atmosphere.Until the United States air stewardess let check-in time,Mother heart suddenly a surprised:Really want to go,One thousand the earth really destroyed,Your father and I will leave the last 40 days together. "In a letter to the future of the baby,LiuXiaoJie houses down the original feeling.

  虽然略显伤感,但陆小姐清楚地意识到,接下来的路一步都不能松懈。在无数孕妇入境时被识破遣返的教训提醒下,她做足了准备。“我穿的是孕妇牛仔7分裤、腰部贴身的黑色长袖蝙蝠衫,加上大丝巾和网球鞋,里面穿了一个紧身弹力背心,人看上去小很多。右手拿一个蝙蝠包,左手跨着一件外套,这样前后左右都可以挡住肚子。 ”陆小姐回忆称,果然,上飞机后没有一个人看出来她是大肚皮。

Although slightly sad,But LiuXiaoJie awareness,The next road can't take a step.Many pregnant women in the entry is found repatriation teaching remind next,She done sufficient preparation."I'm wearing a pregnant woman cowboy 7 minutes of pants/The waist skin-tight black long sleeve batwing coat,Add big silk scarves and tennis shoes,It wore a tight elastic vest,People look little many.The right hand take a bat bag,The left hand astride a coat,So to and fro and around can block the belly. "LiuXiaoJie recall says,Indeed as expected,After the plane no one see she is big belly.


The western United States time on September 16, 20:40,LiuXiaoJie and mother flight landing,A baby is the future of the acting term examination began.And other countries,The United States exit inspection points two big teams,One is their citizens,One is the foreign tourists.LiuXiaoJie high abdomen in,Painting with large red-billed/Still brush eyebrow,Looks very spirit.The customs asked:You come here stem what?Ready to stay long?LiuXiaoJie composedly rhetorical question,Whether we're a family as long as fill a declaration form?

  “一方面问了显示自己英文可好了,办个人旅游是很正常的事情;另一方面为了让他看申报单,知道我去过很多国家。 ”陆小姐这招果然奏效,几乎所有人都被要求留下10个手指的指纹,他只问陆小姐要了4个,很爽快地说“Next! ”

"On the one hand asked show their English well,Do individual tourism is a very normal thing;On the other hand in order to let him see declaration,Know that I have been to many countries. "LiuXiaoJie this recruit indeed as expected work,Almost all people were asked to leave 10 fingers fingerprint,He asks only LiuXiaoJie to 4,Very racily said"next! "

  拿了行李车,陆小姐才敢偷偷地看看护照上盖得小戳子:是给的几个月的单次最长逗留期,可以到明年3月14日。 “虽然心里很高兴,妈妈还是表现出一流演员的专业素养,装路人甲。 ”

Took the luggage barrow,LiuXiaoJie will dare to secretly see passport was built small punch:Is for several months of single the longest period of stay,Can go to the March 14,. "Although the in the mind be very happy,Mother or show the first-class actors professional accomplishment,Loading stranger a. "


落户异乡:月子中心良莠不齐 Settled in foreign land:Confinement center the good and bad are intermingled


LiuXiaoJie tension is not without reason,Because a lot of children to the mother on the airport broken dreams.

  “衰一点就会被遣返,坚决不能大意。万一被看出来怀孕,会被带到小黑屋去盘问,这时要坚持说自己是怀孕22周,坚持是来玩的,一般还是会被放入境,只是单次入境时间可能没有6个月,但到了美国可以再申请延长。 ”陆小姐告诉记者,入境之后,千万别到了拿行李的地方就放松警惕,也有孕妇在取行李的时候打哈哈被抓进小黑屋调查后遣返的。

"A failure will be sent,Resolute can't careless.One thousand is see pregnant,Will be brought to the little black house to question,At this time to insisted that she was pregnant 22 weeks,Persistence is to play,General or will be set free entry,Just a single entry time may not be six months,But in the United States can be applied for an extension. "LiuXiaoJie told reporters,After entry,Don't place the luggage will relax vigilance,Also have pregnant women in the baggage claim was taken to crack a joke when the little black house after investigation of repatriation.


In fact,For a son in the states,The airport is the first step.Over the next several months shelter/Daily necessities/Basic necessities,All need to fix them.Especially confinement center,Because am a stranger here,A lot of gate of 1:30 are hard to get.

  陆小姐说,她起码比较过20家月子中心。 “先在网络上找,然后电话咨询,有些月子中心在北京、上海、广州都设有办公室,可以面谈。 ”陆小姐称,有些服务人员通常在“宝宝出生后旅行证件和护照办理”、“宝宝出生回国后的教育和医疗保险”等问题上,给出“很简单啊”这样一笔带过的答案。但懂的人就会知道,这其实很麻烦。

LiuXiaoJie said,She is at least 20 home confinement center. "First on the network to find,Then the phone consulting,Some confinement center in Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou are equipped with the office,Can interview. "LiuXiaoJie says,Some service personnel usually in"The baby was born travel documents and passport"/"The baby was born after the home education and medical insurance"On issues such as,given"Very simple!"This one has brought the answer.But understand people will know,This is actually a trouble.


After the comparison of the in full,LiuXiaoJie last choice"Bao qing work"way,The house/hospital/The doctor is the configuration of the respectively,Count down than to find confinement center save the cost of nearly 100000 yuan.According to reporter understanding,Many confinement center only receive Chinese,Business is very prosperous.If you want to calculate a bill,General confinement center accommodation expenses incurred contains water and electricity coal,But wash his clothes need another calculate,$1(Equal to 6.5 yuan RMB)In the community laundry 1 barrel.But confined center position is very important,Many pregnant women tend to choose nearby dahua 99 supermarkets or Hong Kong supermarket,Not every time go out shopping will pay an extra $30(Equivalence renminbi 200 yuan)Above the car rental.

  “有些月子中心还会每周带你出去玩一次,谈合同时把这个作为免费条件谈进去。也可以选择租车,办好国际驾照,问华人租2005年的日本车基本在700美元1个月。 ”陆小姐说。

"Some confinement center will also take you out to play every week one,Talk about the contract as a free talk in conditions.Can also choose to rent,Do good international driver's license,Ask Chinese rent 2005 years of Japanese cars basic at $700 a month. "LiuXiaoJie said.

  陆小姐再三强调,由于月子中心良莠不齐,一定要问清上述所有问题才签合同,不要被“房间紧张”之类的话所忽悠。签约时,记得要拿到公司的税务登记证、法人名字联系方式、营业执照复印件,谈清楚违约条件。 “这样万一你被海关遣送回国、或因胎儿健康问题需终止分娩,费用是全部退还的。 ”

LiuXiaoJie emphasized over and over again,Due to the confinement center the good and bad are intermingled,Must ask all these questions before you sign the contract,Don't be"Room nervous"The word of and the flicker.When signing,Remember to take to the company's tax registration certificate/Legal person contact name/A photocopy of its business license,Talk about a clear breach of contract conditions. "So one thousand you are customs repatriation/Or because the fetus health problems need to terminate labor,Cost is all returned. "


漫长等待:柴米油盐样样操心 Waiting for the:Daily necessities worry about everything

  从搞定月子中心起,陆小姐开始了漫长的等待。她很快发现,在洛杉矶,月子中心比较集中的ChinoHill、Rowland Heights、Hacienda Heights等东部华人区,生活跟国内几乎大同小异,甚至“比中国还中国”。

Get up from confinement center,LiuXiaoJie began a long wait.She soon found out,In Los Angeles,Confinement center quite centralized ChinoHill/Rowland Heights/Hacienda Heights and the eastern Chinese district,With domestic life almost the same,even"China than China also".

  “其实都一样!顺发、大华等华人超市里什么都有,肉类和海鲜比上海便宜40%—60%,蔬菜和上海进口超市里的价格持平。 ”陆小姐告诉记者,中国妈妈在那里甚至都不需要会英文,如果会点广东话,简直就好像当地人一样。去餐厅点菜,煲仔饭、猪排饭、咖喱牛腩饭等港式主食的量比东北菜都大,她感到非常惊喜。

"In fact all the same!shunfa/Dahua, and other Chinese supermarket anything,Meat and seafood than Shanghai cheap 40% - 60%,Vegetables and Shanghai import supermarket price of the same. "LiuXiaoJie told reporters,China's mother there didn't even need will be English,If will point cantonese,Just as the locals do.Go to restaurant order,BaoZaiFan/Pork chop rice/Curry sirloin rice to wait the hong kong-style dim sum amount of staple food composed than all,She felt very surprise.

  在待产的日子里,陆小姐很容易就在微博和小区里认识了中国同胞,还认识了不少中国妈妈,有空就约好串门、打牌。 “每天逛逛百货商场,华人超市买买菜,看看电视,晚上去游个泳、泡个 Jacuzzi。每周安排两次去 SantaMonica海边或Outlet,或是到LA的短途旅行,一周就很充实了。 ”陆小姐表示,她已经和不止一位同样在那儿待产的中国孕妇交流了育儿经。

In the labor day,LiuXiaoJie easily in micro bo and village know the Chinese compatriots,I also met a lot of China's mother,Free will invite good drop around/CARDS. "Every day around department stores,Chinese supermarket buy food,Watch TV,At night went to swim a stroke/Bubble a Jacuzzi.Arrange two a week by the sea or to SantaMonica Outlet,Or a short trip to LA,A week is enriched the. "LiuXiaoJie said,She has and more than one also in there lie in Chinese pregnant women communicate by motherhood.


Reporters also learned,General confinement center can help introduce hospital/Even fix child's birth certificate.The doctor costs $1500 to $1800 or so,Hospital eutocia is in 2600 dollars to 3500 dollars,Caesarean birth more expensive.

  “但第一胎的话,美国都鼓励顺产。实在不能忍疼的话,花500美元买一针阵痛分娩针。 ”陆小姐称,孕妇要记得带好产检资料,在美国需要补充B型乙肝检查和风疹检查,中国一般不做这个检查。美国产检的设备比不上大陆的私立医院,但医生耐心很好。

"But the first word of tire,The United States encourage eutocia.Really can't endure painful words,Spend $500 to buy a needle throe delivery needle. "LiuXiaoJie says,Pregnant women should remember to bring production test data,In the United States need to supplement type B hepatitis B inspection and rubella inspection,China has generally don't do the check.The United States production inspection equipment than mainland private hospital,But the doctor patient is very good.

  由于中西文化差异,很多赴美妈妈最担心的是“坐月子”问题,陆小姐也非常忐忑。“后来才发现,这里华人中药房里啥都买得到。可以买药包回家做,也可以直接让对方每天送月子餐上门,费用是每天45美元,包给月子中心每个月可能要4500美元。 ”陆小姐还提醒,在美国,月子水跟矿泉水一个价格,所以赴美时不用大包小包带很多。

Due to the differences between Chinese and western culture,Many United States mother worry most about"Lying in"problems,In LiuXiaoJie also very."It was found later that,Here the Chinese traditional Chinese medicine what all available.Can buy medicine bag home do,Can also direct let each other every day to send confinement meal,Charge is $45 every day,The package to give confinement center every month may be $4500. "LiuXiaoJie also remind,In the United States,Confined water and mineral water a price,So when don't suit cases to take a lot of.


【对话】 [dialogue]


给宝宝、也给自己多一条路 baby/Also give yourself more road


late:Go to the United States baby is a complex project,Why this determination?


lu:The future child to go abroad to read university,If not scholarship,In the same conditions,American students tuition is 10% of Chinese students,First I was actually run the purpose of saving money to go.Children under the age of 21 when,Parents can successfully get the green card,More road!.


late:The future after the birth of a new baby,Their original life plan will be adjusted?


lu:Finish confinement will come back for it.The original life plan is to press a year a year do,It doesn't matter is adjusted.Now feel in domestic buy a house to buy early.


Buying a car is,Here in the general revenue of Chinese have to buy 2008 years of Japanese cars,7000 dollars to fix a car in the domestic original cost 200000 yuan ($) a car.


late:You met someone doesn't understand your practice?Especially the elder.


lu:no,I have not prepared to teach children"He is American"concept,Or Chinese ah.But the future in many ways can save money,Where to go is not to get a visa.


【结论】 [conclusion]


“看起来很美”仍有政策限制 "Looks very beautiful"There are still policy limit


Several intermediary description make many pregnant women heartache,however,Carefully survey found,For small white-collar in,"Ten WanYuanSheng American baby"After they can enjoy education/Immigration and so on many preferential is still a"Looks very beautiful"commitment.


According to the intermediary said,Even if the child was born in the United States,To take home to raise also no pressure,The only to worry about each semester is hundreds of yuan student status management fee,And medical insurance/Vaccine cost.Engaged in the immigration service years of Shanghai pride rich investment consulting co., LTD., general manager SunZhiWei but has revealed,Shanghai some primary schools/Junior high school of international students and the Chinese students are cost,For some intermediary claimed"Free to enjoy the local medical benefits,"SunZhiWei also pointed out,Although the United States developed local medical conditions,But the doctor cost but impossibly high,Not to buy expensive medical insurance people fundamental cannot afford the expenses.


According to the reporter investigation,Even if the family has to immigrants,Through the baby to"bonus"It is not easy.According to the relevant provisions of the United States,At least 16 one full year of life of American citizens,If there is no work in the United States and pay the tax quota,Can only enjoy the lowest social welfare, etc.In addition,Has the United States nationality children reach after the age of 21,If you want to family immigration words,It must provide economic ability guarantee/Declare dutiable goods proof and other related materials.


Also have parents worry says,Often children 13 years old went to the United States,To enter into the American society relatively easy,After 13 years old is difficult,And minor children,Single parents sent to the United States whether rest assured?In addition,The university is not as long as the United States citizens can enjoy preferential.As California,Children should produce adult in California for at least a year tax proof,Just can enjoy preferential;The minor children to parents in California that pay tax.If parents who live in California,But the source of income in China,Nor enjoy.


【各方声音】 [Parties voice]


旅行社:不允许经营赴美产子业务 Travel agency:Don't allow management to such business


Because of fears that some third party agencies not normal,Some pregnant women may be expected through travel agency to"Zhengda light"Births to.But reporters learned that many travel agencies,The basic impossible.

  “一些‘野鸡’旅行社可能会代理赴美产子这项业务,但正规旅行社肯定不敢做,吃力不讨好也赚不多。 ”旅行社人士告诉记者,由于现行法规政策中旅行社的业务肯定不允许经营赴美生子,且只要是通过旅行社办理旅行社必须承担担保责任。

"some‘pheasant’Travel agency may agent such to the business,But normal travel agency won't do,A thankless task earn much. "Travel agency person told reporters,As a result of the present laws and regulations policy of travel agency business must not allow management to a son,And as long as it is through the travel agency to deal with travel agency must bear the security liability.

  “万一孕妇在美国生产后不准时归国,届时旅行社会很麻烦,严重的将被吊销营业许可,现在很少会有正规旅行社会涉及此项业务。 ”上述人士透露称。

"One thousand pregnant women in the United States is permitted after production when returned,At the appointed time travel social very troublesome,Serious will be may revoke its business license,Now seldom have normal travel involved in this business society. "The sources said.

  如果是光委托旅行社办理赴美签证业务,旅游业内人士坦言,随着赴美产子人数的增多,孕妇在办理签证时如果被签证官看出来有孕,拒签的可能非常大。 “即使是报名旅游产品的孕妇,我们也会给予建议,孕期3-6个月之间非常不适合坐飞机,尤其是长途飞行。 ”

If light is by getting a visa to travel agency business,The personage inside the tourism said,As to the number of births increased,Pregnant women in conduction visa if the visa officer see be pregnant,Denied can be very big. "Even the tourism products of pregnant women,We will also give advice,Pregnancy 3-6 months are not suitable for flying,Especially the long flight. "


律师:眼下“双国籍”违规成本太低 lawyer:the"Dual nationality"Illegal cost is too low


In the United States when it comes to such legal barriers when,The legal profession (ie lawyers) said,Although Chinese law the current regulations don't allow appear dual nationality,But in practice can be realized really,This is also attracted a large number of pregnant women to China one of the reasons.

  “因为户籍制度只是在中国才有,美国不可能把拥有美国国籍的中国人名单提供给中国公安部,也不联网,所以实际上这个空子就是可以钻的。 ”上述律师坦言。

"Because of the household registration system in China are just,The United States can't have the nationality of the Chinese list, and provides Chinese ministry of public security,Also not connected to the,So in fact this hole is can drill. "The lawyer said.

  至于花钱买中国户籍的问题,即使是日后被发现,最多造成的损失是户籍被注销,但由于法律规定的缺失,购买户籍者没有犯法成本,不会受到司法程序的指控。 “最多是经济上的损失,被取消中国户籍不会影响孩子被承认拥有美国国籍。 ”

As to buy China's household registration problem,Even in the future was found,Most of the losses are caused by cancellation of household registration,But due to the lack of laws and regulations,Buy household is not illegal cost,Will not be judicial process charges. "Most is economic loss,Be cancelled Chinese household register will not affect the child is admitted have American citizenship. "


【调查】 [survey]


“十万元人民币生个美籍宝宝”不靠谱 "One hundred thousand yuan RMB to give birth to a baby American"By spectrum


In 1868 the United States constitution article 14 amendment:All born in the United States or in the United States naturalized,And by the United States justice under the jurisdiction of the people,Are American citizens and the state's residents,Any state can make or perform any weakening American civil rights or immunities law.

  据不完全统计,2007年时中国大陆赴美生子人数在600人左右,到了2010年,这个数字达到5000人。据一家洛杉矶月子中心负责人估计,2012年上半年的人数已经超过 5000人。

According to incomplete statistics,In 2007 China gave birth to the number at about 600,By 2010,The number up to 5000 people.According to a Los Angeles confinement center director estimation,In the first half of 2012 the number of more than 5000 people.


In the part of China for mother to the moment of births,Domestic play attractive slogan various third party intermediary whether by spectrum?Attractive advertising behind whether there is risk?A variety of name objective cost and how many water?a,Reporter investigate openly and secretly several intermediary organizations,Trying to find the answer.


中介:几万元人民币对家长不算什么 intermediary:Tens of thousands of yuan for parents don't


Reporter through the baidu search"Gave birth to"keywords,In several competitive ranking intermediary web site,The reporter sees,A son to minimum just spend 100000 yuan RMB,Such a low price is surprising,and"Give birth to a baby americans not only $9.8 million"Slogans such as is also attract eyeball.


According to the intermediary given standard,The fee includes visa and ticket/Confinement center cost/Delivery and medical treatment charge three aspects,The American consulate visa fee is 825 yuan/A round trip ticket is about 8750 yuan/Confinement center expenses including 9357 yuan to 17500 yuan/month standard unequal awaiting delivery room and board/21875 to 30000 yuan/month standard unequal during lying in board and lodging expenses/2500 yuan joint machine send machine production inspection and transfers from the delivery cost and 1875 yuan baby all the documents DaiBanFei.

  在上述套餐中,还包括6875元至8750元不等的自然生产费,或是11250至13125元不等的剖腹产费用。三部分总费用大约在15000至20000美元,折合93750元至125000元人民币。该中介宣称:“根据目前投资移民美国的投资额50万到100万美元比较,有25到50倍的差异,优势是不言而喻的。 ”

In the above in the package,Also includes ranging from 6875 yuan to 8750 yuan of natural production costs,Between 11250 to 13125 yuan RMB or the caesarean birth cost.In the third part of the total cost about $15000 to $20000,Over 93750 yuan to 125000 yuan RMB.The agency claims:"According to the current investment immigration to the United States investment of $500000 to $1 million comparison,25 to 50 times the difference,Advantage is self-evident. "


In another intermediary advisers to Jessica is to reporter propaganda way,Despite spending 100000 yuan RMB can give birth to a baby the United States,But many parents all can choose"The price is higher package".


"usually,Intermediary provide American confinement club accommodation and baby care conditions are will have difference,Such as 75000 yuan of labor and confinement package,Living in the Chinese community,2 a nurse to take care of six baby/120000 yuan package is live white community and 2 a nurse to take care of the four babies/180000 is 2 a nanny to take care of three babies/300000 can provide 1 on 1 nurse care service,Accommodation is also better."Jessica suggest reporter,Usually a son to the parents"Do not care about the difference of tens of thousands of yuan".


暗访:不少家庭赴美生二胎 investigations:Many families are born to two foetuses


A son to now why so hot?Reporter pose potential customers,Investigations a intermediaries.The miss jiang said,A few years ago to intermediary include/To port/To add a son three piece of business,But Hong Kong this year ban double non pregnant women production,Canada is pregnant women have to enter banned,So from the beginning of the year,The intermediary business to specialize in children.

  姜小姐透露,去年该中介全国各地分公司每月总共送100多名孕妇赴美生子,至今天已增至每个月300多个。 “美国的生活成本低,我有个北京客户,已经在美国拿到绿卡,一家四口人开销只要300美元一个月,孩子享受的教育质量也更高,等到读大学付的学费也比国际学生少很多;第三点,客户中还有许多想生二胎的。 ”姜小姐称。

Ginger miss revealed,Last year, the agency all over the country a total of more than 100 a month branch send children to pregnant women,To every month today has increased to more than 300. "Life in the United States with low cost,I have a Beijing customers,Already in the United States to get a green card,A four mouth people spending as long as 300 dollars a month,Children enjoy higher education quality,Wait until college pay tuition fees than international students a lot less;The third point,Clients have many want to have two births. "Ginger young lady say.

  为了鼓动记者赴美生子,姜小姐进一步指出,美国的分娩技术也较国内更为先进,“你就说剖腹产,中国的疤痕你肯定看到过的,但我有客户在美国生产,留下的疤痕仅头发丝那么细,还有无痛分娩,国内的这项技术还刚起步,孕妇在此过程中完全毫无知觉,但在这里你能知道什么时候宫缩、什么时候分娩、什么时候剖腹。 ”

In order to agitate for reporters gave birth to,Ginger miss further points out,American delivery technology is also a domestic more advanced,"You said caesarean section,China's scar you must be seen,But I have customer manufactured in the United States,The scar left only hair so fine,And eape,Domestic this technology is just starting,Pregnant women in the process completely unconscious,But here you can know when the contractions/When delivery/When paunch. "


揭秘:吃不饱额外收费廉价中介存猫腻 revelation:Do not have enough to eat extra charge cheap intermediary save something fishy going on


Reporter through the micro bo contact in children more than to business people,Most people said,The industry in a gray area,Inconvenience interview,Only one from Taiwan employees said,The group in Taiwan is engaged in the nearly 20 years related services,Already in the United States to open retail confinement club,Willing to share some experience.


Los Angeles beauty xin confinement center China marketing personnel ms li told reporters,One hundred thousand yuan RMB to a son is almost Arabian nights,"The nurse cost/Cost of living almost is China's two to three times,Spend one hundred thousand yuan covers three months living expenses/Service charge/Medical treatment,Think about are not real."Ms li said,Part of the non-standard intermediary often through the cheap price set way to attract customers,Pregnant women after such as in the United States began to extra charge,Such as technician open milk fee/Pay to the hospital and the doctor's medical expenses/Even transport cost,Total cost absolute more than 100000 yuan RMB.

  “还有些中介可能在网站上挂出样板房的照片,等到孕妇到达美国后,才发现根本不是那么回事,10万元住的多人间,每天吃饭都是统一时间,有些孕妇如果在饭点不饿,过后就得挨饿。”厉女士透露,“另有中介宣称月子会所开在白人社区,要知道,美国的住宅区和商业区是分开来的,这些白人住宅区的消防、保安设施均可能都只适合家庭居住,不符合多人使用的商业区标准,加上周围没有健身房、电影院、餐厅、华人超市等商业配套,孕妇会很无聊。 ”

"Some intermediary may on the web site of the pictures hanging out example room,Wait until after the pregnant women in the United States,Found that's not really the case,100000 yuan more than live on earth,Eat every day is unified time,Some pregnant women if in rice point not hungry,Later go hungry."Ms li said,"Another intermediary that confined club open in the white community,Want to know,America's housing and commercial district is parted,These white dormitory fire/Security facilities are may only suitable for family living,Do not conform to the many people use commercial standard,And there is the gym/cinema/restaurant/Chinese supermarkets commercial supporting,Pregnant women will be very boring. "

  厉女士指出,在保证孕妇舒适,一人一间保证私密的前提下,赴美生子至少得花20万元人民币,当然,三四十万元套餐享受的服务会更好,譬如一些当地会所为每位妈妈配备2名拥有护士资格的台籍保姆照顾宝宝、产科及儿科医生到府服务、四位一体的婴儿侦测器等,她提醒道:“如果一些小白领家庭想要咬咬牙省出十几万去美国折腾,那还不如在国内生子。 ”

Ms li pointed out that,Pregnant women in guarantee comfortable,A person a guarantee under the premise of illicit is close,A son to take at least 200000 yuan RMB,Of course,40 ten thousand yuan package enjoy service will be better,For example some local club for each mother equipped with two have rights of nurse qualifications nanny to take care of the baby/Maternity and children's doctors to government service/Quaternity baby detector, etc,She reminded:"If a few small white-collar family want to bullet point out of ten to American flounder,It would be better if children in China. "
