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  中新网11月30日电 近年来,赴台自由行的大陆游客越来越多,但是屡次传出台湾旅游质量较低,台湾商贩大宰大陆游客的事情。对此台湾《旺报》发表社论指出,解决这种乱象,迫切需要两地旅游行业携手解决。 Beijing, nov. 30 In recent years,To the table free done more and more mainland tourists,But often efferent Taiwan tourism quality is low,Taiwan and mainland tourists vendors big things.This Taiwan[Flourishing newspaper]Published editorials,To solve this kind of mess,Urgent need to solve the two tourism industry.


This paper provided as follows:


Since Taiwan open land objective since the light,Promote the tourism economic benefits,But derivative mess also many,Along with the land guest group tour market competition,Sightseeing quality to polarization,The quality of the travel agents/Management and integrity problem,But the consequences for tourists,this,The solution should be hand in hand.


Lu guest group tour of the most common problem is shopping,The mainland companies vicious competition cost down,Companies in Taiwan was forced to shopping commission covering spread,Mainland tourists to be big, and slaughter,Taiwan tour zone group also very painful,In good faith crisis.

  台湾当局试图以“每人每天最低60美金团费”将旅游团导入正轨,但旅游市场自由竞争,当局无法完全掌控。事实上,就连“观光局”要求 “购物佣金不得超过30%”早已形同具文,业者嗤之以鼻,当局也无法查处。

The Taiwan authorities trying to"The lowest paid $60 per person a day"Will tour import on track,But the tourist market free competition,Authorities were unable to completely control.In fact,even"Tourism bureau of the"requirements "Shopping commission shall not be more than 30%"Already was mere formality,Industry sniff,Authorities also is unable to investigate.


Taiwan's travel agents why launch low cost or zero cost stroke,This has a lot to do with tourists.Mainland travel agency responsible for the group,Desperately heavy buckle cost,This to pay the cost of Taiwan DeJieShe can drag the drag,Make Taiwan DeJieShe pain in the neck,Have to to obtain cash in Taiwan the shopping commission to make up a deficiency.


In the past Taiwan's largest sightseeing tourists is Japan,Japan travel agency practice different,For decades the Japanese group were senior hotel,Scheduling appropriate cutting,Taiwan DeJieShe have reasonable profit,Shopping trip dispensable,All take the quality as the priority,Avoid the guest feels disgusted.Until now,Designed to do the Japanese group's several travel agencies joint group number not much,But it can hold waxing the tai long operation.

  旅行应该是一种异地体验,购物只是附属行程,陆客赴台旅游却本末倒置 ,让很多陆客对台湾留下坏印象。一旦台湾旅游品牌被打坏,陆客裹足不来,旅游经济恐将万劫不复。

Travel should be a kind of different experience,Shopping just subsidiary stroke,Lu guest to Taiwan tourism but put the cart before the horse ,Let a lot of land guest left a bad impression of Taiwan.Once the Taiwan tourism brand was broken out,Lu guest bound feet don't come,Tourism economy fear will be everlasting perdition.

  要挽救这个现像,至少有几点应该马上处理,第一,大陆业者团费要在一定时间内支付台湾业者,让台湾地接社有充裕的流动资金。当然,出团社对于住宿条件、旅游车辆,可以提出更严格的条件标准,例如强制使用出场5年内游览车、用餐要拍照存证等 。

To save the we like,At least some should be handled immediately,The first,The mainland companies paid to in a certain time payment companies in Taiwan,Let Taiwan DeJieShe have ample liquidity.Of course,The regiment club for accommodation/Tour vehicles,Can put forward more strict conditions standard,For example, forced to use played five years touring car/Dinner will take pictures deposit, etc .


The second,Taiwan DeJieShe will schedule stroke send"Tourism bureau of the"respectively,Passengers return before the satisfaction survey shall be made"Tourism bureau of the"Charge at the airport,Not by travel agents their investigation.Various counties city disappear is protected officer should be active survey land guest shopping attractions,The establishment of fixed investigation mechanism,To public power intervention price evaluation,Especially serious clamp down on the real thing/Low price high sell behavior.


The third,Cross-strait tourism management unit consultation freedom ride open number or when direct flights,Should establish"Real-time customer complaint mechanism",And to the media published case,To suspend payment shall be punished the regiment club,Or to forced shopping DeJieShe fines,Let passengers to market forces ruled out a black sheep in every flock.


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