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Reporters and"The four-day tour zhangjiajie",Find that tourism time less than add on shopping,Guide disguised compression scenic spot content……


Reduce attractions to"voluntary"Don't want to shopping is"No way"


编者按 Editor's note


As a big province of guangdong tourism,Tourists output/Domestic tourists acceptance quantity are listed in the first.But in the huge market,Travel agency industry competition is intense,Price war in.Council of guangdong province every year received a lot of consumer complaints,Some small and medium-sized travel agency reflect the use of false propaganda/Low LanKe/Coercion shopping/swapping/Sale of fake or substandard commodities means such as the rights and interests of the enroach on consumer.

  为加大对旅游服务消费领域的社会监督和消费评议力度,11月至12月, 广东省消委会联合羊城晚报、南方电视台,对省外多条旅游线路进行暗访体验。我们以普通消费者的名义报团,随团记录旅行社、导游的不规范行为,并曝光一些行业“潜规则”。本栏目从今日起连续推出,敬请关注。

To strengthen the tourism service consumption areas of social supervision and evaluation efforts consumption,November to December,, Guangdong cc joint the yangcheng evening news/Southern TV,For more than domestic tourism lines and experience.We by the name of the average consumer newspaper group,Along with the group travel records/The guide is not standard behavior,Some industries and exposure"Latent rules".This section starting from today continuous launch,Please pay close attention to.

  一到火车站就被卖了“猪仔”, 所有散客团都被旅行社转包;“四星酒店”地毯有污渍,下水道堵塞;表面上建议游客不要随便掏钱买门票,实际上却是大大压缩旅游时间,来保证足够的时间逗留购物点,这就是羊城晚报记者报团参加的凤凰张家界四日游。与数年前消费者普遍反映的旅游业存在强买强卖、乱宰客等混乱现象相比, 旅行社提供的服务与态度有了很明显的好转,但是一路走下来, 游客会发现大部分时间其实是在坐车和购物,用来游览观光、感受自然与人文之美的时间却非常有限。

A to the railway station was sold"pigs", All individual traveler group are travel service subcontract;"Four-star hotel"Carpet has besmirch,Sewer blocked;Suggestions on the surface of visitors don't buy tickets,In fact it is greatly compressed travel time,To ensure enough time to stay 购物点,This is the yangcheng evening news reporter for part of a group of the phoenix four-day tour zhangjiajie.And a few years ago consumers generally reflects the existing tourism the zhichang purchase/Rip off about such as compared to confusion, Travel agency to provide services and attitude have obviously improved,But all the way walk down, Visitors will find most of the time it is in the car and shopping,Used for sightseeing/Feel the natural and humanistic beauty but time is very limited.


未出广州即被“卖猪仔” Guangzhou is not out"Sell pigs"

  出发前5天,羊城晚报记者来到位于广州市滨江路上的中洋国旅,报名参加了凤凰张家界单动单高双座四日游的散客团。在报名前的咨询中,接待的市场部人员一再承诺, 将由全陪加地陪的方式,全程提供优质的服务。散客团享受的服务和其他旅游团没有区别, 导游会全程陪同,不会扔下游客不管。记者当时签订的合同, 是广东省旅游局规定使用的标准合同,合同中表明如果不能出团,旅行社负责退钱并赔偿。

5 days before departure,The yangcheng evening news reporters came to located in the city of guangzhou in the binjiang road in CST,Sign up for the phoenix zhangjiajie single acting single high two-seater four day tour of the individual traveler group.Before signing up in the consultation,The reception of marketing personnel promise again and again, Will be full with add local guide way,To provide the high quality service.Individual traveler group enjoy service and other tourist group no difference, The tour guide will be accompanied,Don't throw down visitors no matter.Reporters at the time of signing the contract, Is guangdong province tourism administration regulations use standard contract,The contract shows that if not out of the group,Travel agency responsible for refund and compensation.

  然后在交了钱之后,一直到出发前一天晚上9 点,记者都没有收到来自旅行社的任何发团与准备消息。在一度认为这一散客团无法成行时,终于接到了导游的出团通知,而此时离出门时间不到10小时

Then after hand over the money,Until the day before starting 9 o 'clock at night,Journalists have not received any hair from travel group and preparing the news.In once thought that the individual traveler group when doesn't go,Finally received a notice of the tour guide team,From the time less than ten hours to go out.


The real problem in the start finally appeared.When all the visitors to come to guangzhou south station about good time for the tour guide,But found that only one of the travel agency staff distributed train ticket,He is not report said group all accompany,But the local joint group of travel agencies - the Chinese CITS in guangzhou staff,His task is only distributed train ticket."All the individual traveler group are not all thine,You came to changsha out of the railway station,The local joint group tour guide will escort."In the face of the reporter's question,He said.

  记者发现,全广东的散客都集中在此,被打包转让给湖南当地的旅行社。以记者参加的散客团为例,共有37人,来自全省8家旅行社,并且这些旅行社报团价格不一, 比如来自清远青旅的12人报团费为1400元, 清远国旅的2人费用为1450元,惠州中国国旅的7人散客每人费用为1700元, 而记者在广州中洋国旅的报名费用为1726元(含发票)。

Reporter discovery,The whole of guangdong individual traveler are concentrated in this,Be packing transfer to hunan local travel agency.To reporters in individual traveler group as an example,37 people were,From the province and travel agencies,And the travel agency for group price differ, Such as come from qingyuan QingLv 12 people to membership fee is 1400 yuan, Qingyuan CITS 2 cost is 1450 yuan,Huizhou CITS seven people each individual cost is 1700 yuan, And the reporter in guangzhou zhongyang CITS enrolment fee is 1726 yuan(Contain invoice).

  正因为如此, 散客团无法派出全陪。至于在广州出现的其他问题,华夏国旅的工作人员一概不管,让游客找回自己报名的旅行社。派发完最后一张火车票,他就自顾走了,留下游客自行坐高铁到湖南长

Because of this, Individual traveler group can't send all accompany.As for the presence of other problems in guangzhou,Huaxia CITS staff entirely no matter,Let visitors find themselves the travel agent.After the last distributed a train ticket,He self-care away,Leave visitors to sit high iron to hunan long


凤凰游览时间不及购物时间 Phoenix visit time less than shopping time

  到达了长沙,当地地陪导游接到全部散客组成一个旅行团。在此后的整个行程中, 导游与司机的服务态度热诚专业,游客提出的要求都会尽量满足。比如换丰盛一点的饭菜,有些景点和自费项目不愿掏钱参观也不强迫。但是,四天的旅程被赶路与购物占去大量时间,很多景点不得不走马观花一笔带过。

Arrived in changsha,The local guide should receive all individual traveler form a tour group.After the whole trip, Tour guide and driver of professional service attitude,The demands of tourists will try to meet.Such as in a big meal,Some scenic spots and chargeable don't want to pay visit or force.but,Four days journey was on shopping and take up a lot of time,Many places have to skim the surface skate over.

  以下是记者所在的旅行团的行程:第一天全程赶路, 晚上8点到凤凰入住;第二天上午在凤凰游览3个小时就匆匆离开,下午全程赶路加购物约5小时,晚上6点赶到张家界, 用1 小时参观土司城;第三天参观自然风景,但到下午3点就匆匆结束游程, 将所有游客送往两个购物点,逗留了将近3个小时。最后一天上午11点就结束行程, 剩下时间又进了一个购物点,才乘车回广州。据记者统计,四天中赶路共花费26小时,购物约5个小时,真正花在游玩观赏上的时间约13小时。

The following is a reporter in the road trip:The first day on the whole, 8 PM in the phoenix;The second day morning in phoenix tour 3 hours left in a hurry,On the whole afternoon with shopping about 5 hours,6 PM to zhangjiajie, 1 hours to visit the city of toast;On the third day to visit the natural scenery,But until 3 PM to in a hurry run over, All visitors to two 购物点,For nearly three hours.The last day at 11 am ends stroke, The rest of time and into a 购物点,To ride back to guangzhou.According to the reporter statistics,In four days on 26 hours total cost,Shopping for about 5 hours,Really spend time on watch for about 13 hours.


In the zhangjiajie landmark landscape YuBi peak and fairy in flowers,Only ten minutes.

  在一个推销竹炭制品的购物点,按合同规定是不超过45分钟, 导游表示只呆20分钟。但下车后,导游要求游客先上厕所,在推销产品时不得离开房间。在一个勉强挤下37人的小房间, 购物点的导购员用高音喇叭以飞快的语速推销了整整1 个小时的产品,中途有游客实在受不了想要逃出房间。推销完后,游客要通过像迷宫一样来回曲折的产品区,最后有两名游客被绕晕了,在产品区迷路很久才找到出口。

In a selling bamboo charcoal products 购物点,According to the contract is not more than 45 minutes, Tour guide said only for twenty minutes.But get off,Guide for visitors to go to the toilet,In marketing products shall not be allowed to leave the room.In a barely squeeze 37 people under the small room, The 导购员 购物点 with high horn with rapid speed sell for 1 hours of products,Midway have visitors can't want to escape from the room.After selling,Visitors to through the maze like twists and turns back and forth product area,The last two tourists have been around dizzy,In the product area lost for a long time to find export.


要求旅客填“弃游自愿书” Asked passengers fill"Abandon swim voluntary book"

  旅游之前愿景很丰满, 但一路遇到的现实却很骨感。比如旅行方案上标明的凤都酒店是待升级四星标准, 但走廊上的地毯有些地方已经发白, 有些则有黑乎乎的污渍。房间里洗手间提供的毛巾又干又硬,还隐隐发黑。记者住的其中一间屋子淋浴间下水道堵塞,整整一个晚上都泡着水。而在张家界, 号称四星级的星辰酒店却没有电梯,很多60岁左右的游客在长途跋涉之后,不得不自己扛着行李爬上三楼。

Before tourism vision are very plentiful, But all the way with reality is bone.Such as travel plan specified in the chicken all hotel is a four-star standard to upgrade, But the corridor carpet some places have hair white, Some have dark stain.The bathroom in the room provide towel and dry and hard,Still faint dark.Reporters live in one room shower drain blockage,A whole evening bubble water.And in zhangjiajie, As the stars of four-star hotel but no elevator,A lot of sixty years old in the visitors after the long walk,Have to carry the luggage climbed up the third floor.


And in tourism projects,If visitors want to play well at the end,Time does not.To the order of the phoenix as an example,The hotel at 8 PM,The second day only stay for three hours left,Tourists want to see TianGu courtyard/The former residence of his visit,By working under the swim,To buy some souvenirs,Time does not.in"No need to buy package tour for everybody to save money"Under the name of the,Tourists haven't enough time to carefully taste the phoenix,It is pulled to zhangjiajie.

  再以张家界的黄石寨为例,黄石寨有着“不上黄石寨,枉到张家界”的美誉,按照旅游方案上的行程,全程走下来至少需要四五个小时,但导游一个劲地强调:“我们现在是从下往上看,到了峰顶就是从上往下,怎么看都差不多,花钱坐缆车上去是浪费钱,完全不必要。”在又一次“替大家省钱”的游说下,没有一个游客登顶黄石寨, 只在金鞭溪旁象征性地走了走,整个行程被压缩到了3 小时以内。

Then the zhangjiajie huangshi village as an example,Huangshi village has"In huangshi village,Waste to zhangjiajie"reputation,According to the tourism plan on schedule,Walk down the need at least four or five hours,But tour guide 1 vigorously stressed:"We are now from down to up to see,The summit is from up to down,How to see the same,Pay for a cable car up is a waste of money,Completely unnecessary."In another"For everybody to save money"Of lobbying by the,Not a tourist govinda huangshi village, Only in golden side symbolically walk the walk,The whole trip was compressed to within three hours.

  如果以后有游客为此投诉而产生纠纷怎么办? 在回途中,导游拿出一份打印好的格式合同,内容是“放弃游览黄石寨自愿书”, 要求每个游客签字。在被“省钱”和一路还算热情的服务态度下,没有游客好意思和导游吵架,最后所有人都签了名。

If later will have the tourists for this complaint and produce dispute? On my way back,Guide took out a printed form contract,Content is"Give up visit huangshi village voluntary book", For every tourist signature.in"Save money"And all the way will be warm service manner,No tourists not bashful and guides quarrel,Finally everyone signed up.


点击进入旅游社区旅游投诉版查看更多投诉案例 Click into the tourism community tourism complaints edition to more complaints

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