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别样的雪季奢享 Club Med亚布力冬日假期体验--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  谁说冬季就不是度假的好季节?2012年12月4日,台湾优质人气偶像剧明星贺军翔先生,引领Club Med的新老朋友长驱直入亚布力度假村,加入Club Med亚布力奢华冬日假期体验——作为中国首个国际滑雪度假村,该度假村向众人展示了中国东北部黑龙江省最壮丽的山景。并且,厚实优良的雪质以及专业的滑道,让每一位前来享受中国最棒滑雪体验的客人意犹未尽。

Who said winter holiday is not a good season?On December 4, 2012,Taiwan idol drama star quality popularity Mr Initially,Lead the Club Med new old friend march into YaBuLi resort,Join Club Med YaBuLi costly winter holiday experience - as China's first international ski resort,The resort to all people in heilongjiang in North-East China shows the splendor of the mountain scenery.and,Thick good types and professional way,Let every one to come to enjoy the best Chinese ski experience to the guests.

  作为狂热的运动爱好者,贺军翔无疑是Club Med亚布力度假村最璀璨的客人之一,工作忙碌的他认为运动和度假就是生活中最好的放松方式。而投身于大自然的怀抱,更让他的假期变得刺激与快乐。在Club Med亚布力度假村,宾客所能享受到的不仅仅是一片天然的滑雪场,不管是带朋友还是带家人,这里都是全身心多方位享受的度假天堂。不管你是否是滑雪高手,任何人都能在这里找到最惬意的欢乐:你可以享受全球饕餮美食,私密的SPA护理,露天按摩池,以及各式各样的雪上娱乐项目。如果你对滑雪一窍不通,却又摩拳擦掌、跃跃欲试,,那“法式冰雪假期”将为你推荐来自世界各地Club Med滑雪学校的专业滑雪教练,他们将会帮助所有客人(大于四周岁)尽情享受纷繁雪上运动所带来的刺激与畅快。

As a fanatical sports lovers,He jun xiang is undoubtedly Club Med YaBuLi resort the most spectacular one of the guests,Work busy he think sports and holiday is the life the best way to relax.And to participate in the bosom of nature,More let his holidays become stimulus and joy.In the Club Med YaBuLi resort,Guests can enjoy not only is a natural ski resort,Whether bring friends or with family,Here are all the multi-dimensional enjoy vacation paradise.No matter whether you are skier,Anyone can find in here the most comfortable joy:You can enjoy the global gluttonous food,Private SPA care,Open massage pool,And a wide variety of snow entertainment project.If you know nothing about skiing,Yet anyway/Itch to try,,the"French ice holiday"Will you recommend for from all over the world Club Med ski school professional a ski instructor,They will help all the guests(Is greater than the age of around)Enjoy the numerous snow sport brought about by the stimulus and carefree.

  Club Med地中海俱乐部大中华区首席执行官,Olivier HORPS先生也相当热爱滑雪运动,而中国首家Club Med亚布力滑雪度假村也是他一直身体力行地向周围人力荐的滑雪胜地。他热忱地欢迎每一位前来的贵宾,希望这里“精致一价全包”的服务概念,以及热情好客的度假好伙伴G.O.都会为前来享受冬日度假的大小朋友们,提供独特和最难忘的度假经历。

Club Med Club Med CEO in the greater China region,Olivier HORPS Sir Is love skiing,And China's first Club Med YaBuLi ski resort is he has been physically to people around LiJian ski resort.He warmly welcome every one to come to guest,Hope here"Delicate a price inclusive"Service concept,And hospitality holiday good partner G.O. will come to enjoy the size of the winter vacation friends,Provide unique and unforgettable holiday experience.

  在此次滑雪体验活动中,曾获得2002年高山滑雪奥运会冠军的Carole Montillet女士也前来助阵,并为大家献上了一场雪上激情极限表演。体验过后,她还兴致勃勃地加入到Club Med G.O.教练团队,为到场的滑雪菜鸟们传授滑雪技巧,畅谈如何尽享雪季的度假乐趣。

In the ski experience activities,In 2002 she won the Olympic champion in alpine skiing Carole Montillet woman came to the bids,For everybody and presented a snow passion limit performance.After the experience,She also cheerfully to join the Club Med G.O. coach team,For the ski rookies teach skiing skills,Talk about how to enjoy the snow season holiday fun.

  不仅仅是Club Med滑雪度假村,在这个冬季,坐落于全球风光最为旖旎之处的80家度假村内,每一位宾客都可以体会到“精致一价全包”的天堂般度假体验。首创精致一价全包,欢乐使者G.O.,为带孩童度假的家庭而度身设计的迷你俱乐部等先进度假理念,为全球宾客带来内容丰富且个性化的美好假期。即使寒冷的天气冰冻了你的心,Club Med将义不容辞地融化您身处寒冬的僵硬心情,让你深深地爱上这个季节,和那身处世界每一处的Club Med海神戟标志。

Is not only the Club Med ski resort,In this winter,The world is the most charming scenery in the 80 in the resort,Every guest can be realized"Delicate a price inclusive"As the paradise of the holiday experience.The delicate a price inclusive,Happy angel G.O.,For the children of the family holiday and body design of the mini club and other advanced idea on holiday,For global guests bring rich in content and personalized good holiday.Even if the cold weather freeze your heart,Club Med it will melt in your winter stiff mood,Let you deeply in love with this season,And that in the world each place the Club Med Neptune halberd mark.

  就是这一季,快来体验Club Med奢华冬日假期,敬请登录:www.clubmed.com.cn

Is this one season,Come experience the Club Med costly winter holiday,Please login:www.clubmed.com.cn
