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住建部严查景区“违建风” 五台山建六层僧舍被批--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  近日,住建部对山西五台山、辽宁大连金石滩等景区违建行为提出批评通报并责令整改。业内人士认为,部分地方政府“金钱至上”的景区开发观念推起了违规建设之风,“张家界就曾因武陵源景区严重违规建筑问题而影响了‘世界自然遗产’这个金字招牌,而后耗资3.45亿元拆迁建筑物,损失的金额相当于1990年至2011年武陵源景区所有门票收入总和。 ”…[我来说两句] recently,Live JianBu wutai mountain in shanxi/Liaoning dalian and other scenic areas homelands behavior criticized bulletin and shall be ordered to make rectification.The personage inside course of study thinks,Some local governments"Money first"The development of the scenic area of the concept of the push the construction of wind,"Zhangjiajie had for wulingyuan scenic spot serious illegal buildings and affected‘The world natural heritage’The gold-lettered signboard,And then the building cost of $345 million,The amount of loss is equivalent to 1990 to 2011 wulingyuan scenic spot all tickets income summation. "…[me 2]

  “存在大量违法违规采矿行为,对风景名胜资源和环境造成严重影响和破坏;黛螺顶寺院内超高新建6层僧舍未履行报批程序,存在违法违规建设项目……”、“风景名胜区内旅游度假区面积超出国务院批准面积约6平方公里,存在违法违规建设项目。 ”住建部在12月4日最新公布的《中国风景名胜区事业发展公报》中分别对山西五台山风景名胜区、辽宁大连金石滩风景名胜区做出了上述批评通报并责令整改。

"There are many illegal mining behavior,To of scenic resources and environment caused by serious influence and damage;D screw top temples ultra-high new 6 layer SengShe fails to perform approval program,Illegal construction projects there……"/"Within the scenic tourist resort area beyond the approval of the state council area of about 6 square kilometers,Illegal construction projects there. "Live JianBu on December 4, the latest[Chinese scenic area development bulletin]Respectively in shanxi wutai mountain scenic area/Liaoning dalian scenic spots to make the notification shall be ordered to criticism and rectification.


In fact,Existing illegal construction projects scenic area is far more than the two.


From may to October this year,Live JianBu unified deployment,And organized a national scenic area, protection and management law enforcement inspection,By eight inspection team to a scenic spot and the check.

  “目前风景名胜区虽然取得了一定成绩,但存在的问题也‘触目惊心’,尤其是景区违规建设方面。 ”参与调查的住建部官员如是评价调查结果。

"At present scenic spot although certain achievements have been made,But problems also‘deceived’,Especially the illegal construction. "Participants in the survey to live JianBu officials so evaluation results.


Xi 'an qujiang wild goose pagoda scenic area management service co., LTD. Business planning department manager XieXiang think,This is mainly with China's tourism management mechanism behind/Segmentation results in the.In addition,Some local governments"Money first"The concept of the development of the scenic area also push up the construction of the wind.


违规建设:5A级景区亦沦陷 Compasses construction:5 a grade scenic spot also fall


The JianBu live survey published results,In addition to the west lake in hangzhou/Anhui huangshan scenic area, such as 16 comprehensive score 90 points or more,To the best level,Beijing badaling/The Ming tombs scenic areas such as in 27 overall rating in the - 90 points,For standard or good level,the,Hebei qinhuangdao beidaihe in 15 scenic area are outstanding problems,Rectification shall be ordered to;In addition,Wutai mountain in shanxi/Sichuan XiLing snow mountain scenic area 5 place comprehensive score lower than sixty points,Protection management is not standard,Rectification shall be ordered to.


Our reporter through the analysis of the results of the survey found,The hebei qinhuangdao beidaihe and 15 check basic standard but there are major problems in the scenic spots,There are six families national aaaaa scenic spot;This 15 in the scenic spot,There are 11 illegal construction projects,Including henan songshan/The number/Shaanxi lintong seismostation LiShan - qin Terra Cotta Warriors/Guizhou huangguoshu and liaoning dalian and five national 5 a scenic area.


In the spot check substandard 5 of the scenic spot,Wutai mountain in shanxi/Henan wangwu mountain/Sanya in hainan tropical seashore scenic spot and chongqing three gorges of the Yangtze river scenic spots and scenic place being illegal construction,And one of the shanxi wutai mountain and chongqing three gorges of the Yangtze river scenic area of national aaaaa scenic spot.

  《公告》显示,山西五台山风景名胜区存在的问题为“管理体制不顺,管理机构无法实施统一有效管理;存在大量违法违规采矿行为,对风景名胜资源和环境造成严重影响和破坏;黛螺顶寺院内超高新建6层僧舍未履行报批程序;存在违法违规建设项目,未能及时有效制止和查处;部分景点存在不规范经营现象。 ”重庆长江三峡风景名胜区存在的问题为 “违规将经营权、管理权和门票收取权整体转让给企业行使;管理机构无法实施统一有效管理;建设电动扶梯不依法履行报批核准程序,收到整改通知后拒不改正;毁坏文物古迹,情节严重。 ”

[announcement]display,Shanxi wutai mountain scenic area are problems"Management system were,Management mechanism can not be implemented unified effective management;There are many illegal mining behavior,To of scenic resources and environment caused by serious influence and damage;D screw top temples ultra-high new 6 layer SengShe fails to perform approval program;Illegal construction projects there,Failed to timely and effectively stop and investigate;Part of the scenic spots in regulating the business phenomenon. "Chongqing three gorges of the Yangtze river scenic area existing problems "Violation is right/Power and ticket collection of the right to the enterprise exercise;Management mechanism can not be implemented unified effective management;Construction escalator not to perform their approval approval procedures,Received rectification notice refuses to correct;Destroy cultural relics,If the circumstances are serious. "

  欲了解详情,在遭到上述名单中景区管理部门的一一回绝后,江西新余市仙女湖风景名胜区管理委员会一位不愿具名的工作人员接受了本报记者的采访。他告诉本报记者,这次受到通报批评和责令整改,按照住建部的说法,是因为景区内林场职工安置房内存有别墅建设,以及凤凰公园高尔夫球场建设与规划不符。 “景区内确实存在这一问题,目前管委会正在按照有关规定对相关项目进行整顿处理。 ”

For more information,After the above list scenic area management department a one time,Jiangxi xinyu fairy lake scenic area management committee an anonymous staff accepted our reporter's interview.He told our reporter,This is criticized and shall be ordered to make rectification,According to live JianBu said,Because scenic forest room for workers being villa construction,And phoenix park golf course construction and planning discrepancy. "Scenic exists the problem,At present the ac is in accordance with the relevant regulations related to the project process. "


Jiangxi xinyu fairy lake scenic area belongs to the above survey results of 15 check basic standard but there are major problems in the scenic spot.


 违建之风何来? The wind no illegal rooftop structures?


Since the lushan scenic area built high sale villa since events,Domestic tourism scenic area of the construction of the wind will blow the cheng,The destructive and severity also increasingly prominent.


Beijing Beijing trip ChengHong investment management co., LTD. ZhengYan managing director to our reporter analysis,The illegal construction risheng is the direct cause of the some local governments will be traveling scenic area development as stimulating local economic lever,Give tourism scenic spots"Local economic pillar"Mistake positioning.

  “旅游景区的开发潜力被无限挖掘,但景区的保护却被搁置一旁。政府一味看重和强调景区开发带来的巨大利润,甚至不惜牺牲旅游景区品牌和口碑去换取经济效益,但实际结果往往是得不偿失。 ”他举例道,“张家界就曾因武陵源景区严重违规建筑问题而影响了‘世界自然遗产’这个金字招牌,而后耗资3.45亿元拆迁建筑物,损失的金额相当于1990年至2011年武陵源景区所有门票收入总和。 ”

"Tourism scenic area development potential is infinite mining,But the protection of the scenic spot has been aside.The government blindly value and emphasize the development of the scenic area brings huge profits,Even at the sacrifice of tourism brand and reputation for economic benefits,But the actual result is often the loss outweights the gain. "His word for,"Zhangjiajie had for wulingyuan scenic spot serious illegal buildings and affected‘The world natural heritage’The gold-lettered signboard,And then the building cost of $345 million,The amount of loss is equivalent to 1990 to 2011 wulingyuan scenic spot all tickets income summation. "

  “黄山门票十年来上涨三次,旺季价格由以前的80元上涨到230元;山东曲阜的孔庙、孔府和孔林,平均每年接待游客量已经高达100万人次,每年的门票收入都稳定在1.5亿元左右。这些收入全部上缴了地方财政,而后景区的保护和维护所需资金却要经过重重关卡,打报告申请,这也颇为不合理。 ”

"Huangshan tickets ten years up three times,Season the price before the 80 yuan up to 230 yuan;Shandong qufu's Confucius temple/Confucius and konglin was suggested,An average annual tourist visitors reception has been up to 1 million people,Every ticket income stability in 150 million yuan or so.All the income to the local finance,And then the protection and maintenance of the funds required for the will after many hurdles,A dozen report application,It is not reasonable. "


 多头管理机制需改革 Bull management mechanism need to reform

  “如果从管理层面来分析,我认为这主要与国内旅游管理机制落后、条块分割有关。 ”谢翔在接受本报记者采访时表达了自己的观点。

"If the management level to analysis,I think this is mainly with domestic tourism management mechanism behind/Segmentation results in the. "XieXiang in accepting our newspaper reporter to interview expressed his views.


He pointed out that,China's scenic spots have more superior management department,Such as,Tourism administration under the ministry of tourism,Responsible for the development of the scenic area/Facilities construction/Hotel rating, etc;Bureau of cultural relics belonging to cultural department,Responsible for the business management of cultural relics and museums,Is also responsible for the world cultural heritage protection and management of the supervision work;Scenery administration department under urban construction,Responsible for overall planning of tourism scenic spots/Investment plan/Attract/bid for/invite investments;The local government is responsible for the security/Village management/Ticket management.

  “如此多的管理部门,独立看职责明确、分工合作,但事实上其管理对象都是同一个景区,实际操作中经常出现管理职责相互重叠、管理效率缺失,甚至管理部门之间相互推诿的现象。景区管理的条块分割也导致政府机关的官僚作风显现。在经营推销景区时,不主动打响旅游宣传;在经济收支上,实行事业单位经营,不对景区进行经济扶持,要求景区自负盈亏,却要其承担地方经济支柱的职责。 ”

"So many management department,Independent see responsibilities/Division of labor cooperation,But in fact the management object is the same scenic spot,In practical operation often appear management duties overlap each other/Management efficiency loss,Even management responsibilities between the phenomenon.Results in the management of the division also lead to government bureaucracy revealed.In business selling when scenic spot,Do not take the initiative to tourist publicity began;In the economic balance of payments,The business unit management,The right to economic support,Request the responsible for their own profits and losses,But the bear the responsibilities of the local economic pillar. "


 止住违建风:景区分类管理 Homelands wind stopped:Scenic area classification management

  “遏制住景区违规建设现象,除需科学规划景区并严格相关法律管理外,最有效的对策就是建立起旅游景区分类管理的模式。 ”江苏某旅游股份有限公司企划部副总监何建告诉本报记者,我国旅游景区可分为三种管理模式:公益型、中间型、竞争型。

"Checking the illegal construction phenomenon,In addition to scientific planning and strictly to the laws related to the management,The most effective countermeasure is to set up tourism scenic area classification management mode. "Jiangsu a tourism co., LTD., planning department, deputy director of HeJian told our reporter,Our country traveling scenic area can be divided into three kinds of management modes:Public welfare/Intermediate type/Due to.


According to his statement,Public welfare model refers to sustainable type development as the core,Suitable for the world heritage/National nature reserve/National scenic spot,This kind of tourism scenic spots for protection is given priority to,In the strict control over built,And by government funds to attractions for maintenance/Strict management;Intermediate mode suitable for science and nature but has both functions of leisure tourism scenic spot,The scenic area can use enterprise management,At the same time introduce other capital to participate in development,Make the play to its public welfare at the same time economic development;Competitive mode suitable for artificial landscape/Competitive scenic spot.The scenic area management should be to meet the tourists travel demand as the goal,Strive to in the fierce competition in the market to create high profit.

  “事实上不同的景区应该采用不同的管理模式,以期达到最好的管理效果。首先应对景区资源的性质分类:公益性质、非公益性质,然后建立相应的管理机制,如资金机制、管理机制、经营机制、监督机制等等,最后使管理手段和管理目标相匹配。例如,针对县级以下的旅游景区,可放权让企业经营,但针对省级以上的景区,尤其是世界遗产或国家级风景名胜区,应成立国家公园管理局,对景区专门管理。 ”

"In fact different scenic spots should adopt different management model,In order to achieve the best management effect.First deal with the nature of the scenic resources classification:Public welfare nature/Non-public nature,And then to establish the corresponding management mechanism,Such as capital mechanism/Management mechanism/Management mechanism/Supervision mechanism, etc.,Finally make management means and management objectives phase matching.Such as,At or above the county level according to the tourist scenic spot,But decentralization make enterprise management,But for the scenic spot at or above the provincial level,Especially the world heritage or national scenic spot,Should be established the national park service,For the special management. "
