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“香港4天自由行,3000元出头的价格,包括机票和4星级酒店3晚住宿,也就比平时上涨400元左右。 ”在反复比较了价格和线路后,在杭州一家律师事务所工作的老王决定带着妻儿去香港过圣诞节。 "Hong Kong four days free line,The price of 3000 yuan s,Including airfare and 4 star hotel 3 night accommodation,Also rise than usual 400 yuan. "In the repeated compared the price and routes,In hangzhou, a law firm job Lao wang decided to take a wife and children go to Hong Kong for Christmas.
Christmas/New Year's day New Year in,Many people have begun to planning up their own small long vacation trip.
在人民币升值的利好下,今年购物季赴美的中国游客大幅增长。国内旅游企业还纷纷联合银行信用卡机构,推出出境旅游购物优惠活动,提供最高达数千元的优惠以及境外消费折扣。 In the appreciation of the RMB under the good,Shopping season this year to a sharp increase of Chinese tourists.Domestic tourism enterprise also have joint bank credit card institution,Out of outbound tourism shopping preferential activities,Provide the highest to thousands of yuan preferential and consumption abroad discount.
从感恩节开始至元旦前后,美国各家零售店将推出一年中力度最大的折扣活动。许多零售商四分之一以上的年销售额来自于从感恩节开始的美国销售季节。“目前12月份包括圣诞节的美国旅游团已经售罄,游客量增长了一倍,尤其是去洛杉矶、纽约、夏威夷等地商场和品牌折扣店购物、在市中心住宿的产品最受欢迎,春节去美国过年的旅游团也进入预订高峰。 ”携程旅行网一位负责人告诉记者。据统计,2011年我国赴美团队游客平均停留11天,在美人均消费高达7107美元,总消费77亿美元。 春节出游提前热 Thanksgiving began to New Year's day from before and after,The United States each retail store will launch a years most aggressive discount activity.Many retailers more than a quarter of the annual sales from Thanksgiving in the United States began selling season."At present the December including Christmas American tour has been sold out,Visits doubled,Especially to Los Angeles/New York/Hawaii, market and brand discount store shopping/In the center of the hotel products are the most popular,The Spring Festival to the New Year's day tour also into the reservation peak. "Ctrip a person in charge told reporters.According to the statistics,In 2011, the average team to tourists stay 11 days,In the per capita consumption as much as $7107,The total consumption of $7.7 billion. The Spring Festival travel heat in advance
距离2013年春节不足两个月,最早一批出境游产品已提前“上架”。 From the 2013 Spring Festival, less than two months,The earliest a batch of outbound tourism products have been in advance"shelf".
记者了解到,这些产品大都是中长线路,如欧洲、澳洲、美洲及马尔代夫等海岛线路,东南亚等短线由于机票、酒店价格尚未明确,要最近几天才会陆续推出。 The reporter understands,These products are mostly long line,Such as the European/Australia/America and the maldives island line, etc,Southeast Asia, and other short term due to the ticket/Hotel price is not clear,To the last few days releasing.
业内人士预计,2013年春节出境游产品价格较平时上涨10%至30%,部分东南亚海岛线路春节团期价格翻番。美国方向,以从上海出发的“美国东西海岸夏威夷14日游”为例,春节期间团期报价在23500元左右,涨幅超过20%;欧洲方向,目前春节期间出发的线路正陆续上线,涨幅较为明显的是10天上下的旅游线,以经上海出发的“法瑞意9晚11日游”为例,12月团期在12000元左右,而春节团期报价则涨至15000元左右,涨幅约25%。饶是如此,到目前为止,不少旅行社表示,欧洲、澳大利亚等方向的线路预订量也较平时增长了20%以上。 The personage inside course of study is expected to,The Spring Festival in 2013 outbound tourism product price is usually rise 10% to 30%,Part of the southeast Asia island line Spring Festival group stage double price.The direction of the United States,To start from Shanghai"The United States east coast Hawaii 14 to swim"As an example,During the Spring Festival period offer group in 23500 yuan,Rose more than 20%;European direction,At present during the Spring Festival started in the line is online,Or obvious is ten days LvYouXian up and down,The Shanghai to start"Method red meaning and late 11 to swim"As an example,12 month period of group in 12000 yuan,And the Spring Festival period group offer is up to 15000 yuan,Or about 25%.Rao is so,So far,Many travel agencies said,The European/Australia is in the direction of the line YuDingLiang is usually an increase of more than 20%.
一些旅行社表示,如今消费者长假旅游方式已经不仅仅满足于海南、三亚等传统“反季游”线路,更多的转向出境游。其中,东南亚海岛向来是市民春节出境旅游的热门。值得推荐的是菲律宾度假产品,目前菲律宾长滩岛线路已逐渐恢复,准备在明年春节出境短线旅游市场中分一杯羹,因此在价格方面,长滩岛的报价略低于东南亚其他海岛,如杭州经上海出发的“长滩岛3晚4日游”线路12月出行报价在4000元左右,春节价格预计涨幅在15%左右。 Some travel agents said,Now consumers holiday travel mode is not only meet the hainan/Sanya etc traditional"Reverse season swim"line,More steering outbound tourism.the,Southeast Asia island has always been a citizen of the hot Spring Festival travel abroad.Recommended in the Philippines is holiday products,At present the Philippines boracay line has gradually recovery,In the Spring Festival next year to outbound tourism market in short a slice of this action,So in price,Boracay offer slightly lower than that in the other south east Asia island,Such as hangzhou by Shanghai departure"Boracay 3 late 4 swim"Line 12 month offer travel in 4000 yuan,The Spring Festival is expected to price rise at about 15%.
作为近几年来的另一大热门目的地香港,由于今年港元汇率下跌,吸引了不少消费者在途牛网上预订了圣诞、元旦期间的香港自助游线路,但需要提醒消费者的是,春节期间,当地酒店接待量将渐至饱和状态,有自助出游打算的消费者,还需提前计划,尽早预订酒店。 In recent years as another big popular destination Hong Kong,Due to the Hong Kong currency fell this year,Attract many consumers outstanding cattle Internet booking for Christmas/During the New Year's day Hong Kong self-help line,But need to remind consumers' is,During the Spring Festival,The local hotel room will gradually to the saturated state,A self-help travel plan to consumers,Still need to plan ahead,Hotel reservation as soon as possible.
“长线游尽量提前1个半月策划,短途出境游也至少要提前20天以上。 ”业内人士提醒,春节出境旅游产品往往在最后十几天出现抢订情况,价格也没有优势,消费者应提前规划,尽早预订,避免出现预订紧张行程耽误的情况。 "Long term swim to one and half months in advance planning,Short outbound tourism also ahead of at least twenty days. "The personage inside course of study warns,The Spring Festival outbound tourism products in the last ten days often appear rob order situation,The price also does not have the advantage,Consumers should plan ahead,Reservation as soon as possible,Avoid booking nervous travel delay situation.
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