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英驻华使馆公布签证改进措施 未来半年逐步实施--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网12月17日电 据欧洲《星岛日报》报道,英国中国大使馆就英国内政部承诺改善在华签证服务以满足高价值的中国客户需要的承诺,详列相关最新改进措施。相关措施将在未来6个月内逐渐实施,这些措施还进一步完善了过去18个月中已经实施的改进措施,诸如快速签证服务、在线申请以及部分签证申请中心的扩大和翻新。 December 17 According to the European[Sing tao daily]reports,British embassy is the home office promised improvements in China visa services to meet the high value of the Chinese customers need commitment,Give details of the latest relevant improvement measures.Relevant measures in the coming 6 months implementation gradually,These measures will further improve the past eighteen months has been carried out improvement measures,Such as rapid visa service/Online application and part of the visa application centre expansion and renovation.


  新措施是在英国边境管理局首席执行官怀特曼(Rob Whiteman)上周访华后提出。怀特曼在北京和上海分别会见了众多来自企业和旅行社的人士,与其讨论签证服务。 The new measures are in the UK border administration chief executive Whitman(Rob Whiteman)After last week's visit is put forward.Whitman in Beijing and Shanghai respectively met with many people from the enterprise and travel agency,And discuss visa service.

    英国驻华使馆强调,英国签证服务在其服务标准范围内一直表现优异,50%签证在5日内处理完毕,97%在15日内处理完毕。 British embassy emphasized,UK visa service in the service standard range has been outstanding,50% visa within 5 days after treatment,97% is in 15 days after treatment.

    而且,与通常认为的情况正相反,前往英国的访客签证申请并不困难,95%申请人成功获签。 and,And usually think the opposite circumstances,Visitors to the UK visa application is not difficult,The sign was 95% success.

    英国驻华使馆称,对签证的持续强劲需求,表明英国在中国访客心中作为旅游和经商之地的受欢迎程度。自2009年以来,访问者签证需求上涨约80%,且随着后奥运时代的效果显现,没有任何迹象表明该增长放缓。 British embassy said,To the visa continued strong demand,Show that Britain in China as a tourist and business visitors in the heart of popularity.Since 2009,Visitor visa demand increase of about 80%,And after the Olympic Games with the effect of time appeared,Don't have any evidence that the growth.

    面对该增长及中国客户的反馈,在未来6个月内将推出一系列特别订制的更完善措施来改进签证服务,包括: In the face of the growth and China's customer feedback,In the next six months will launch a series of special ordering more perfect measures to improve visa service,including:

    快速签证服务资格范围扩大,将包括第4级(Tier 4)学生签证,而在符合快速签证服务要求的各类申请中,曾获神根签证的申请现也可使用该项服务。 Rapid visa service qualification expanded,Will include the fourth level(Tier 4)Student visa,And in accordance with the rapid visa service requirements of all kinds of application,Was awarded the god root visa application we can use this service.

    为商务旅行人士和指定目的地旅游计划(ADS,即随团赴英国旅游观光)人士提供护照返还服务,即允许客户在签证处理过程中,保留自己的护照。这意味着,如有需要,他们可去他地旅行或申请其它签证,减少申请两个签证所花时间。 For business travellers and designated destination travel plan(Ads,Along with the group is to British tourism)Provide a return to service passport,That is to allow customers in the visa processing,Keep your passport.This means that,If there is a need to,They can go to the travel or apply for other visa,Reduce two visa application time.

    简化ADS过程,包括缩短在线申请表格、简化要求。 Simplify the process of Ads,Including shorten the online application form/Simplified requirements.

    针对商务访客和ADS授权旅行社及其客户提供两份新的中文版本签证指南,介绍签证步骤。 According to business visitors and Ads authorized travel agency and its customers with two new Chinese version visa guidelines,Introduce the visa procedure.

    在中国成立一个商务网络,使馆设专门工作人员协助商务人士处理他们的赴英签证需求,并与商界更加密切合作,以保证提供的服务满足需求。 In China to set up a business network,A special embassy staff to assist business people deal with their travel to the UK visa requirements,And with business more close cooperation,To ensure that provide services to meet demand.

    为在华的“英国旅游专家在线培训网站”(Brit Agent network),提供一个新的在线培训项目,从而使他们能更好地帮助想要前往英国旅行的中国客户。 In China"British tourism experts online training website"(Brit Agent network),Provide a new online training program,So they can better help want to take a trip to England Chinese customers.

    上门采集生物信息服务,使申请者在对自己更便捷的地点采集生物识别信息,而毋须再前往签证申请中心。 The door acquisition biological information service,That the applicant to oneself more convenient location acquisition biological identifying information,And no longer need to go to the visa application centre.

    改进在线申请程序,包括提供可选式在线支付及中文翻译过的申请表格。 To improve the online application,Including optional type online payment and Chinese translation of application form.
