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首趟赴广州高铁高等座票售罄 旅客建议开行动卧--亲稳网络舆情监测室

[提要]: [abstract]:不少旅客提出,京广高铁全程8小时,通常会坐得腰酸背疼,希望开通动卧。"跑10个小时都行,夕发朝至躺一宿不累也不耽误事儿。"[ Put forward many passengers,The jingguang high iron eight hours,Often sit waist sour backache,Hope to open dynamic lie."Run ten hours is ok,Day at night send to lie not tired also don't delay it."[我来说两句 Me two sentences] >> ] >>更多旅游资讯 More tourist information


Report from our correspondent yesterday,Jingguang high iron through the Internet/telephone/The station DaiShouDian window or rail,Selling 26 to 31 ticket.


Yesterday morning,Beijing west railway station 3 special offers/4 window selling jingguang high iron ticket.Although selling time's ten o 'clock,But early someone at the ticket office waiting for.The original,These passengers heard jingguang high iron began to ticket,Go all the way to Beijing west railway station tickets,Going by the first train jingguang high iron train,Experience the speed trip.


Yesterday and point,Reporter login mor booking website inquires the GaoTieYu ticket,System shows that,26 Beijing was first sent to guangzhou high iron G801 times,2727 yuan business base and 1383 yuan first seat tickets have been sold out,Second class seat ticket residual 484 copies.The 9 o 'clock in the morning starting from Beijing west railway station,Lasted 7 hours 59 points arrived in guangzhou south station,Than the fastest train T15 time save 12 hours 32 points.


Reporter noticed,In addition to the first trip to guangzhou hair high iron table by the senior don't chase after hold in both hands,Other date and the trains sent to guangzhou high iron train tickets are more.


现场 field


买到首张票大妈摆POSE Buy the first ticket aunt pendulum POSE


Yesterday morning,ZhangMeiYan lady with husband or wife heard jingguang high iron selling news,Came to the station early,At the window queue.


Just after 10,ZhangMeiYan id card and ticket to the conductor,The conductor in the inquiry after the train,For ZhangDaMa hit a December 27, Beijing to shijiazhuang G603 of train second class seat ticket,Fare is 129 yuan.ZhangDaMa is fortunate to be jingguang high iron after selling tickets,In the Beijing west railway station to buy the tickets first passengers.


ZhangDaMa said,This is to visit to shijiazhuang,A long time before the train by ordinary,Then began to sit moving car,More than three hours to,Now have a high iron,Faster the,The number of times to shijiazhuang visit will also increase,Although your ticket for forty yuan,But also can accept.


Become jingguang high iron out tickets first,ZhangMeiYan has become the focus of media lens.In the face of a piece of"Pike short gun",ZhangDaMa began to some"Stage fright",In her own words,"Before had never been such treatment".Husband or wife looked at ZhangDaMa air-blowing to immediately,A put his arm around the shoulders aunt,Smilingly appeared in the scene.The old couple holding tickets look at the camera lens to satisfiedly smile,With a reporter as saying,This picture just like the couple to marriage in the marriage's place as a souvenir,Really happy.


The reporters,ZhangMeiYan aunt ready to leave the ticket office,Husband or wife is from my pocket and took out the camera,To give her photos as a souvenir.In the face of the lens of the husband or wife,Usually in the community often dance like no ZhangDaMa by reporters"containment"As formal,But take up modern dance moves"High iron style",Mouth read the"start"!


建议 Suggestions


旅客建议开行京广动卧 Passenger suggest operation jingguang dynamic lie


Some of the passengers said,The eight hours of high iron to many don't want to fly/Older or hope on a trip to handle business type tourists or a little competitive.Reporter last night inquires the ticket reservation website found,Currently guangzhou to Beijing flight economy full price about 1600 yuan,Most of the booking ticket price for 7.5 fold and eight fold.Minimum 3.5 fold ticket,Fares for 670 yuan,If plus fifty yuan airport construction fee and fuel surcharge of 130 yuan,Jingguang high iron second class seat ticket price is cheaper than the ticket.


A railway insiders think,During the Spring Festival transportation ticket discount,With guangzhou spring thunder storm season long,Jingguang high iron should be in the two time is dominant,Is expected to be favored by the passengers.


Put forward many passengers,The jingguang high iron eight hours,Often sit waist sour backache,Hope to open dynamic lie."Run ten hours is ok,Day at night send to lie not tired also don't delay it."


影响 influence


同程机票部分降至1.6折 With the process of ticket fell to 1.6 fold


Beijing to guangzhou fastest between high iron the train running on time eight hours,This gives the civil aviation airline brings certain impact,Reporters from a booking web site to see,Beijing to wuhan/Changsha, ticket cut all.


In Beijing/Return ticket between wuhan as an example,The reporter inquires 27 Beijing take off/29 the wuhan return air ticket,The minimum fare is only 349 yuan,A round trip ticket is full price of 1.6 fold,Add fuel oil tax and airport construction fee(130 + fifty yuan),But in 700 yuan.The same date return Beijing ticket is also so,Return the lowest discount is 4.6 fold,Fare is only 1380 yuan,This a series of discount refresh many airline ticket price record.


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