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2012旅游地产全年投资额破万亿 多个项目空置--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  “希腊500亿欧元国有资产私有化投资项目正式进入中国。 ”希腊外交部代部长古尔古拉斯(DimitrisKourkoulas)于近日在上海召开的推介会上表示。记者在其公布的“代表性项目”列表中,看到了“罗得岛高尔夫地产”。

"Greece's 50 billion euros privatisation of state-owned assets investment project formally entering the China. "The Greek foreign ministry acting minister gul ancient las(DimitrisKourkoulas)In the recently held in Shanghai to promote the meeting said.Reporter in the published"Representative projects"list,See the"Rhode Island golf real estate".

  国际旅游投资协会会长车书剑认为,这对于中国的旅游地产投资商来说,是个向国际拓展的好机会。 “但是要保证高质量和有序的开发。 ”

International tourism investment association car book that sword,This for China's tourism real estate for investors,Is a good opportunity to the international development. "But to ensure the high quality and orderly development. "


"YiHongErShang/Low enclosure/Ecological damage/Serious arrears of……",For the last few days,The industry and the media for domestic tourism real estate development scene confusion concerns have not cut half points.

  联想到多年前的房地产泡沫经济,环球嘉年华(北京)投资有限公司常务副董事长许家勋提醒,“国内旅游地产的投资开发必须及时回归理性。 ”

Lenovo to years ago of real estate bubble economy,Universal carnival(Beijing)Investment co., LTD., vice chairman of the board of directors XuGu sunghun remind,"Domestic tourism real estate investment development must return to rational. "


旅游地产的“虚假繁荣” Tourism real estate"False prosperity"

  根据古尔古拉斯的说法,希腊希望借此机会逐渐摆脱国内的经济颓势。而在其推出的投资项目中,旅游地产也是其中重要一项。 “伴随着希腊对投资者政策的进一步放宽,中国企业可利用这一跳板进入欧洲、中东和北非市场。 ”

According to the gul ancient las said,Greece would like to take the opportunity to gradually get rid of the domestic economy around.And in the launch of the investment project,Tourism real estate is the important one. "With Greece to investors policy further relax,Chinese enterprises can use this a springboard into Europe/The Middle East and north Africa market. "


This seems to and gave the already in"Great leap forward"Chinese tourism real estate added a strength.

  “我国旅游投资行业出现了一些混乱和问题:项目质量良莠不齐;旅游与文化创意、科技、金融等正能量结合得还不是很理想;以旅游开发为名、实为房地产开发,以及在开发过程中破坏原有生态和历史文化等现象不断发生。 ”车书剑坦言。

"Our country tourism investment industry there have been some confusion and problems:Project quality the good and bad are intermingled;Tourism and cultural creation/technology/Finance and other positive energy with also is not very ideal;As to tourism development/As real estate development,In the development process and destroy the original ecological and historical culture phenomenon happens continuously. "Car book jian said.


In fact,China's tourism real estate development is in"Have no mass quantity"lost.Related data show,In 2012, China tourism real estate projects more than 3000,The total investment of one trillion yuan broken;The overall strength of the top 100 of China's real estate enterprise,For including wanda/vanke/Evergrande, etc more than a third number of businesses in the tourism real estate,In addition,Hna group/Lenovo holding/Huayi brothers large and travel this have no the concept related enterprises have also set foot in.

  然而,看似繁荣的背后却是无国际知名度、严重滞销的现实。 “目前广州、山东、云南等地的旅游地产项目已涌现出 ‘空置潮’。 ”山东烟台某旅游度假区开发部工作人员这样告诉本报记者。

however,Seemingly prosperity is behind WuGuoJi awareness/Serious arrears of reality. "Currently guangzhou/shandong/Yunnan tourism real estate project has sprung up ‘Vacancy tide’. "Shandong yantai a tourist resort development department staff told our reporter.


旅游地产:还没成熟的孩子 Tourism real estate:The child is not mature

  “对比国外,我国旅游地产出现问题的症结在于开发经营模式上的单一和老旧。 ”许家勋认为,我国旅游地产的开发无论从产品形式还是产品内容上来看都比较简单,缺少创意性的服务和特点,而且旅游房地产在经营操作上多依靠旅游景点,没有形成独有的稳定消费群,营销不到位。

"Contrast foreign,Our country tourism real estate problems lies in the development and management mode of the single and old. "XuGu sunghun think,Our country tourism real estate development no matter from the product form and the product content point of view are more simple,The lack of creative services and features,And tourism real estate in the business operation more depend on tourist attractions,Not form a unique stable consumer group,Marketing does not reach the designated position.

  在北京京旅盛宏投资管理有限公司董事总经理郑岩看来,现在国内的旅游地产还是个缺乏规范和秩序的行业,像个还没成熟的孩子。 “由于旅游地产利润丰厚,进入门槛相对较低,众多企业的一拥而入一方面导致了企业之间恶性竞争,另一方面,服务标准的不尽相同也使得消费者对旅游地产的误会颇多,拖垮了行业信誉和口碑。 ”

The trip in Beijing ChengHong investment management co., LTD. ZhengYan seems to managing director,Now the domestic tourism real estate is still a lack of standard and the order of the industry,Like a child is not mature. "Due to the tourism real estate profits,The entry threshold is relatively low,Many enterprises swarm in hand led to the vicious competition between enterprises,On the other hand,The standard of service is not the same also makes consumers of tourism real estate misunderstanding quite a lot,Drag the industry credibility and reputation. "

  他对本报记者说:“当然,也存在部分企业主导欺诈性消费,通过虚假宣传误导消费者,以此牟取暴利;更有甚者以旅游地产的名义进行非法集资。 ”

He said to our reporter:"Of course,There are also part of the enterprise leading fraudulent consumption,Through the false propaganda misdirect consumer,To profiteer;What's more to tourism real estate in the name of the illegal funds. "

  “目前我国旅游地产主要以产权酒店的形式出现。酒店的价位比较高,使其在一定程度上受到多数普通消费者支付能力的制约。这也是一个潜在因素。”车书剑指出,“但是我国旅游地产存在的最主要问题在于开发缺乏合理规划。宏观上表现为房地产开发没有从更大的旅游地域空间考虑问题,各自为政;微观上表现为景区内房地产开发缺少可行性研究,项目开发主观随意性强,选址和规模的确定缺少依据,建设呈无序状态,房地产开发和景区景观不协调。一些开发商在修建房地产项目时,缺乏科学规划和论证,导致景区内生态破坏问题严重。 ”

"At present our country tourism real estate mainly property in the form of the hotel.The price is higher,In the certain degree is most common consumers restricted ability to pay.This is also a potential factors."Car book sword pointed out that,"But our country tourism real estate are the main problem is the lack of reasonable development planning.The macro performance for real estate development from no more tourism regional space considering problems,Each does things in his own way;The microscopic performance in real estate development for the lack of feasibility study,Project development subjective optional the gender is strong,To determine the location and scale of basis,Construction is disordered state,Real estate development and scenic landscape not harmonious.Some developers are building real estate project,Lack of scientific planning and reasoning,Lead to the serious problems in ecological damage. "


理性开发 Rational development

  说起旅游地产的未来成长路径,许家勋与车书剑都表示,必须与互联网技术结合,创新营销手段。 “与传统房地产不同,旅游地产的所有权不一定发生转移,它出卖的是功能、服务等软性消费品。所以在营销手段上,必须进行技术创新,向国际潮流靠拢,不能停留在房地产业固有的销售模式上。 ”许家勋建议,可以推行贵宾会员卡、异业联名卡,甚至进行跨行业结盟、跨国度联动,实现对消费资源的最大限度挖掘。在很多国家,国际化交换机会是分时度假系列产品的主要卖点之一。因此,要借助于网络信息技术,搞规模化经营,创造良好的旅游休闲房产交易平台,通过网络实现安全的网上预购、支付和交换功能。

Speaking of tourism real estate future growth path,XuGu sunghun car book and jian said,Must be combined with Internet technology,Innovation marketing means. "Different with the traditional real estate,Tourism real estate ownership transfer do not necessarily occur,It sells is function/Service and so on soft consumer goods.So in the marketing measures,Must for technical innovation,Close to the international trend,Can't stay in the real estate industry inherent sales mode. "XuGu sunghun Suggestions,Can implement VIP membership card/Different card industry,Even on cross-industry alliances/Multinational degree linkage,Realize the consumption of resources to the maximum mining.In many countries,International exchange opportunity is time-sharing series product is one of the selling point.so,To with the aid of network information technology,Make scale management,To create a good tourism leisure real estate transaction platform,Through the network to realize safe online booking/Payment and exchange function.

  “旅游的本质是文化,所以我认为旅游地产在内容上需要准确定位,强调文化内涵。 ”郑岩表示,要找准旅游地产在整个房地产项目体系中担当的时代性角色,避免同一地区在产业与项目结构上的雷同,努力发挥旅游性这一自身的独特优势,将土地、人口、农副特产、民俗、文化、人文、环境等因素,围绕所扮角色与功能目标,整合到开发项目中去。通过项目的创意、承载的内容、历史的传承以及建筑的形态语言等方式展现其意蕴与魅力。

"Tourism is the essence of culture,So I think that tourism real estate in the content need accurate positioning,Emphasis on cultural connotation. "ZhengYan said,To find a tourism real estate in the real estate project in the system as The Times role,To avoid the same region in the industry and the project structure closeness,Try to give play to the LvYouXing this its unique advantage,Will land/population/Agricultural and sideline products/folk/culture/humanistic/Environmental factors,Stay around the role and function of target,Integrated into the development project.Through the project ideas/Bearing content/Historical heritage and architecture form language, etc to show its meaning and charm.

  “房地产开发必须注意旅游与房地产资源的整合,做出科学的事前规划。绝不能以牺牲旅游地区的生态环境为代价。 ”车书剑对此表示颇为担忧。

"Real estate development must pay attention to the integration of tourism and real estate resources,Make scientific advance planning.Never to sacrifice tourism region ecological environment for the price. "Car book sword is expressed concerns.
